Chereads / The Half-Blood Young Miss / Chapter 15 - Dreams come to a end

Chapter 15 - Dreams come to a end

Her flashbacks didn't end there. Imagine after imagine drove themselves into her brain, making her thoughts scattered and confused. It wouldn't of been so bad if she could remember entirety of these memories, but she only got fragments that were extremely hard to peice together.

It was almost impossible for her to make sense of them given her situation. By the time she almost understood what was going on, another memory bombarded her without warning. There was no time to fully grasp what was going on.

Most of these memories were from her childhood inside the stone prison, or being tortured by her many owners. There wasn't a single good memory that she could recall, other than Killian and her timely escape.

Though there wasn't many, she did have a few memories from after they had left. Unfortunately, Killian wasn't apart of them at all. It was like his existence completely vanished from her life all together.

She still didn't really know who he was, where he had went, or what happened to him. For all she knew he could be dead, she just didn't know how or when. The only thing she did know for sure was that after she left the tower she roamed around alot. She didn't seem to any destination, just endless wondering like she was lost and empty. She could even feel the sadness and emptiness that she felt during that time.

[Get it together, Mariella. These aren't even your emotions anymore! You allready decided not to be that weak girl any longer. You'll be exactly who you WANT to be from now on. Not even the past can stop you now.] She inwardly reprimanded her self.

No mater what she saw or felt, that was all in the past now. The girl back then and the girl she chose to be, were completely different people now. She refused to let her past self hold herself back any longer.

There was no way in hell that she would take for granted the second life she had be so lovingly given. The doctor and Maya didn't save her life just for her to wallow in pain about the past.

Though that didn't necessarily mean she would deny anything had happened to her at all. What good would denial bring her? If she didn't learn from what happened then she was nothing more than an idiot, and that wasn't something she'd willingly accept.

She wanted to be strong. What strong individual would hid from their past and let it haunt them instead of growing from it? Instead, she felt it would be better for her to simply accept and embrace her past. It was hard to not let such graphic images of her suffering not get to her, but she had already decided to never revert to her old self.

There was still alot she couldn't understand, but she was curious now more then ever. Why was she sold off to such cruel people in the first place? Was it because she was an elf and easy to obtain? Did she have parents out there somewhere? What happened to Killian and why didn't she have any memories of him after they escaped?

Her head felt as if someone took a hammer and nail to her scull. Even her body felt as if it was breaking apart. There was an invisible pressure that weighed down so heavily on her body that she could feel her bones began to shatter beneath it.

She couldn't stay here in this state any longer, if she did then she was afraid that death was going to wrap its cold hands around her neck and take her life from her any second. She had to wake up now before it was too late.


When she finally came to, she found the old lady still holding her hand and Colin leaning over her with concern brimming in his eyes.

" A-Are you okay? Did it work?" His voice was a mixture of worry and excitement. There was no hiding the affection from shinning threw his clear and bright eyes. Even his golden hair seemed to be glowing.

She was honestly taken aback from looking at him. After spending what felt like a life time in such a dark and scary dream, seeing such a bright sight felt unnaturally calming. He looked like the embodiment of the sun in the form of a handsome young man.

Her throat felt hot and dry as if she walked three whole days in the desert without a drop of water. There was no masking her voice from sounding alittle hoarse and shakey.

Tears misted over her eyes against her will, threatening to spill at out any moment.

"Yes.. it did."