Chereads / The Half-Blood Young Miss / Chapter 8 - Just two

Chapter 8 - Just two

She stealthily poked her head around the door, and evaluated her surroundings.

She was definitely still in the forest, which was good. At least she had an idea where she was, so it'll make her escape slightly easier for her.

There wasn't anyone in her line of sight, which made her even more suspicious. Where were her supposed "saviors" at? Shouldn't they be keeping more of an eye on her?

She squinted her eyes against the strong sun that temporarily blinded her. The trees were still thick with vegetation, but not to the point it blocked out the sun's ray's like before.

There was a small clearing outside the hut with a small herb garden and a place that looked like it was used for chopping wood for the fire place inside. Sadly, she saw no axe next to the cutting block. She sighed. An axe would do alot more damage then a candle stick would.

She made do with what she had. When it came down to it, beggars can't be choosers.

Each step she took across the clearing were lighter than the last. Her mind sharp and focused on any sudden movements or sounds.

[Where are they hiding?] She wondered to herself.

Just as the thought crossed her mind, she felt a presence walk up to her from behind. Her blood ran cold, and panic filled her mind making her body move involuntarily.

"Oh good you're awa.. Ouch ouch ouch stop!"

She turned around and quickly brought down her candle stick onto an unsuspecting man's head. Each strike came down onto his head as hard as she could, and she didn't let up even after hearing him pleading with her.

He had shoulder length blonde hair, deep Carmel colored irises, and a tall lanky body. He had on a white button up shirt with black slacks, boots, and a silver sword strapped to his hip.

Tears stung at his eyes as his head was being bombarded by the candle stick. Luckily for him, she had thin arms and her hits didn't hurt him too bad. Just enough to startle him.

"Miss! ouch! Please, stop hitting me! Ouchh!"

Marella raised one brow, and tilted her beautiful face to the side. Her brilliant bright blue eyes filled with confusion. She gave him one last wack for good measure, then quickly took a few steps back. The candle stick still ready to strike at any moment. Her silvery-white hair was slightly messy, but still fell to frame her face elegantly.

The sight of her made his breath catch up in his throat. She practically glowed like star-light to him. A beauty beyond compare. Elf or not, she was a masterpiece sent straight from the Heavens to bless his eyes.

Suddenly he didn't care in the slightest that she had just beat him to a pulp with a candle stick. In fact, If she wanted to hit him some more he wouldn't mind a bit.

The way she intensely studied his face with her big blue eyes made everything from the neck up a faint shade of pink. He felt his body grow warm, and suddenly felt extremely shy.

Marella couldn't sense any malice coming from him, but that didn't mean she would trust. She knew humans could be good actors. They can act kind and innocent, but to the core are evil and viscous. She wouldn't let his puppy dog eyes fool her.

[What does he want? Was he the one who saved me? WHY did he save me?]

She couldn't hold back her inner thoughts any longer and decided to question him. She was never good at holding in her curiosity. Maybe she needed to work on her impulse control, but right then she didn't care. Manners be damned.

"Who are you, and what do you want from me? Are you planning to sell me? Cut off my ears? Speak, Boy!"

She tried to appear as threatening as she could, but it was hard to see her that way considering her small stature. The candle stick was then pointed at him menacingly, just few inches from his face, as if to say 'if you lie then I'll start beating you again'.

Her clear eyes narrowed, and her face stern. "Speak!" she demanded again.

The man became visibly flustered, like he didn't know what to say that would appease her. He truly didn't mean her any harm, but he doubt that she would believe him. His words came out scattered, and extremely awkward.

"I.. I didn't.. I wouldn't do that.. I just.. Grandma, she.."

Marella cut him off before he could finish. Grandma? Someone else was here? Where was she?

"Your Grandma is here too? Where is she?"

"She.. is.. uh.. in the back garden. She's the one who found you." he was still bent over from before when he was being beaten, with his hands above his head. He looked up at her innocently, and flashed his best smile. Unfortunately for him, it came across more awkward then charming.

She brushed off his feeble attempt at smiling at her, and continued on her investigation. Her voice notably annoyed.

"Who else is here?"

He looked back at her questionably, and maybe even alittle hurt. His big puppy dog eyes blinking innocently at her.

"It's just the two of us.. It's always been just the two of us here."

Marella frowned.

"Take me to her."

A soft chuckle echoed across the clearing, and an older woman in her late seventies made her way from behind the hut. She wasn't far off to start with, so she heard everything from the start.

"There's no need for that, child. I've come to you. Now, could you lower that candle stick? My grandson is stupid, but he's quite harmless." She smiled at her kindly, making the wrinkles next to her eyes scrunch up abit.

Marella didn't lower her weapon, but In stead only took a few more steps back. She was definitely surprised but this Grandma's sudden appearance.

[Had she been listening to me this whole time? ]

"Who are you people?" Marella's voice slightly shook, but she kept her surprise from showing on her face.

The old woman looked at her kindly, and answered with a warm smile.

"You were the one looking for me, Child, and now you ask who I am? Do you not need my magic anymore?"