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Beatrix’s ‘Amazing’ Journey of Senior Year

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Bea finds she has a high school boyfriend but things don’t go the right way with an old “friend.” This is her way of trying to get back to her boyfriend, but the danger will always remain. This is her journey to find out who her father really is. But in this book life hits Bea hard...

Chapter 1 - Joking me.

Hi, name's Beatrix but I go by Bea and let's get this story started shall we? How about the first day of senior year at my old high school? Right as I arrived too.

"Ow! What the heck!" I said as someone just bumped into me.

"Oh, sorry, didn't see you there, shorty." The guy who bumped into me told.

"Well yeah, you should watch where you going," I said back with an angry ton and a bit of annoyance in my voice. Then he just walks away. Though he was sort of cute, ugh think straight and get to class.

The bell rings, and I'm late for class, on the first day of senior year... I groan at the fact that I'm tardy.

"Aren't you suppose to be in a class, young lady?" A teacher stops and says to me.

"Yes, my classes are so far away from each other, sorry, ma'am," I said back.

"I don't need an explanation I just need you to get to class, now run along." She said.

I got to my class, of course, it had to be with the jerk that bumped into me. And the only seat left is right next to him. "Hey there shorty," he said, as I took the desk next to him. Who does he think he is calling me that I'm not that short. I'm like just a few inches short, okay maybe he is a foot taller, though he does look like he's six feet and a few inches more.

Why am I thinking this, ugh "You know you can stop calling me shorty." I said to him at the end of class. "Can, but maybe not. My name is Brice. Yours?" He said as I put my notebooks into my bag. "It's Bea."

"Huh, Bea, that's a nice name." He said with a considerable face.

"Thanks," I said as the bell rings.

"Hey, who do you have next hour?" He said as we walk out.

"It's..." I said as I look at my schedule.

"Mrs. Basco," I said, while he looks at his schedule.

"Ha, me too." He said. And of course two classes straight with him.

"Meet you there." He said as we split apart. I wonder if he is taking a faster rout, or he's meeting his friends.

I get to Mrs. Basco's class, no Brice, huh. Then there he is. "Hey." He said as he sits next to me, which just so happens to be the only seat left. "Good morning everyone, how are y'all doing today?" Mrs. Basco said cheerfully, but only gets a few murmurs of good and okay. The class goes by fast, it was just mostly about what we are doing this year. "Hey." A random boy says to me. Wait... no, not a random boy. "Alex?" I said in surprise. "Yep, good to see you again, B, how have you been," he said as he walked over to me in the halls. "Can't believe it's you I haven't seen you since like elementary school. And I'm doing good. How 'bout you?" I said with a happy smile.

"I'm doing good, can't believe my parents moved back here, and just as we start our last year of high school."

"Yep. Hey, who do you have next maybe we'll get lucky and have the next hour together, I have Mr. Fres."

"Nope, I have Mrs. Galor," I said a little bit bumped.

"Well, then see you around." He said, and walks away.

Next class, I see a girl I knew from middle school. "Hey, how are you?" I said to her. She smiles and stands up to give me a hug. "Good, how are you?" She asked. I sit down right next to her and catch up on things we missed over the summer.

This class feels like it's the longest of them all. Surprisingly, when we get out, of course, Brice is waiting outside the door, he must have peered over and looked at my schedule. "Hey," I said.

"Hey. Do you like to run?" He asked.

"Yeah, I do actually," I said in surprise such a random question that was true.

"Well, I hear the track is open during lunch want to run?"

"Sure," I said—just one more class till lunch. Brice is also in my next level, I don't know if it is good or bad karma that he is in most of my classes, but maybe good.

I get to the track, then Brice comes. "Hey, you ready?"


"Alright, come on, let's go." He said, and he takes a good running pace but a little slow for me. He's probably going slow for me because of how short he thinks I am. I run a little faster.

"Pick up the pace slacker," I said, teasing him.

"I was just running slow for your short legs!"

"Haha, very funny, I can run faster. Probably faster than you!" I said,

"Wanna bet?" Then he just takes off running a lot faster than I expected.

I finally catch up to him after a few seconds later. "What took you so long I thought you could keep up." He said, teasing me now.

"No, I just let you get ahead of me," I said, trying to sound convincing.

"Ha, let's slow down," he said and drops the pace to a jog. "Hey, who was you were talking to in the hall with early?" He asked.

"An old friend from elementary school, his name is Alex, he moved away, so it was good to see him. Why do you ask?" I asked. In the back of my mind, I totally think he's jealous.

"No reason, just wondering." He said.

"Hey, let's go grab some lunch," I said

"Okay, did you bring an actual lunch or just have cafeteria food?" I asked.

"Just cafeteria food."

"Oh well, then good, I packed some extra food."

We eat my lunch, and I give him what I usually don't eat. "Thanks for sharing your food you really don't have to."

"Eh, it's better to eat what I have than the cafeteria's food."

After we eat lunch, we part each other ways. I have no other classes with Brice except for the last hour, which always uneventful.

I get on the bus, which the worst girl trips me, but I catch myself before falling to the ground.

"Was that really necessary?" I said with annoyance. "Oops, sorry." The girl who tripped me said with no care.

I finally get home, and mum is already making dinner, while my big sister is watching T.V.,

"Hey, I need you to do something." My sister said, looking at me with an odd smile, ugh not again.

"What is it," I say, already knowing what it is. She throws me a clean old rag.

"Wipe down the motorcycle, I saw some dead bugs on it." She says with a smile.

My sister and I have this little thing going. One time she saw me throwing away mom's dinner that dinner was horrible, and mom is very serious about dinner and eating what she makes. So my sister caught it on camera and is blackmailing me, what she doesn't want to do, I do.

I finish cleaning my sister's motorcycle, she sometimes lets me ride with her. What is so fun is when a friend picks her up, and I can steal; I know how to ride it because she likes to do things mom doesn't like.

"I can't believe you don't mind doing things for Lori," Mom says when I come in. "Well I just love doing things for my big sister, I like to keep myself busy."

"Okay, dinner is ready." My mom says. My sister and mom and I eat dinner while dad is on a business trip. As usual, my Doberman, Caesar, also eats his dinner. The cats are eating their nice diner, but one cat, Floodles, is eating out of Pony's food bowl as usual. We named Pony, Pony, because he's a dwarf cat and he looks like a pony. And poor Johnny, the other cat, has such an odd name for a cat, but my dad named him so.

I go upstairs after dinner to find Pony curled up in my bed. I go brush my hair and look at how blond my hair is, it's darkening a little. I go to bed and move Pony out of the way.

I get up, and Pony is gone, which he'll probably come back later. I brush my blond hair put on a little makeup as usual. I'm ready and eating breakfast, wondering if my sister will give me a ride or I have to ride on the bus. "Come on, I'll give you a ride." My sister says, picking up her keys. "Don't go too fast, you know I don't like it," I say

"That's why I go fast in the first place." My sister says. Of course, as always, she goes faster than I like and the speed limit. We get to school, and I hop off, and she drives away.

I walk up to the school and see Brice with some of his friends, I'm guessing. I walk up to one of my friends instead. "Hey, how's it been?" I say

"Good, what about you?" She says

"Same. Got a boyfriend yet?" I say. We have this little teasing thing about getting one because she had one, anyways.

"No, not yet, what about?" She replies

"No, but did you hear Alex is back?" I ask

"Yeah, he is in my class after lunch. He's really grown."

"Yeah, hey maybe you should take a shot at him, finally get yourself a boyfriend, I wouldn't mind," I say

"Eh, maybe he is sort of cute. What about you have any crushes yet?" She says in an inquisitive voice.

"There is this one boy; surprisingly, he's in most of my classes," I say. I know what you're thinking, but he's cute with such crystal blue eyes not to light or dark, and a nice jaw bone, okay stop fantasizing this isn't fantasy romance or is it.

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"Then you should take a shot at him." She says, pulling me at out the trance nudging me with her elbow.

"So, what's his name?" She asks

"Oh, Erica looks that way," I say, trying to distract her.

"What, where?" She says. As I walk away. I see Brice is alone, so I walk over to him.

"Hey, what's up?" I say

"Nothing, really. You?" He says back

"Nothing really, my sister made me clean her motorcycle, again."

"Why do you clean it in the first place?" He asks

"Blackmail so."

"Then you get better dirt on her, see," he replies.

"That's a good idea, how about we go running we still have a good bit of time until the first hour," I ask.


We walk over to the track, which only has like three other people. We start off at a good pace. Then out of the corner of my eye, I see a man dressed in black I can't see his face, but I know he is staring me.

"Hey, do you see that guy in black over there?" I nod yo where he was

"What man?" He asks, and when I look again, he is gone. Am I going mad

"Um, there was someone right there... weird," I say.

"I believe, so watch you back." He says in a trustingly and concerning voice.

"Thanks," I say

"Hey, it's time to head inside," he says. I look at my watch, "we still have 8 minutes left." I say

"Yeah, but I can't go to school feeling like a sweaty pig I'm going to go hit the showers." He says.

"Okay, sounds like a good idea, see you in the second hour," I say. I go to the girls' locker room and take a shower. I am ready just as the bell rings and I head to my first class.

First-class is so dull today. I get to the second hour and take a seat next to Brice, who is reading a book. Brice surprises me I don't take him as a person who reads in extra time.

"Hey." He says

"Hi," I say

"Anything interesting in the first hour," he asks.

"No, I have a feeling it will be boring all throughout the school year. How 'bout you?" I ask

"I have art, so it isn't all that boring." He says, drawing his pretty crystal blue eyes away from his book.

"Oh, hm, what are you drawing in there?" I ask

"We haven't started yet, but the teacher says we are going to draw a new person we met this year or the person we most admire." He says.

"Maybe I might draw you." He says, and I smile.

"Maybe I can try to draw you but no promises it won't be a stick figure." I joked, and we both laugh

The class begins, and it's annoying. The period goes by fast, and Brice asks me if he can walk with me to our next hour. And I say sure. "Hey, this time I brought my own lunch." He says as we walk

"That's good what did you bring maybe we can trade some food," I said.

"Nothing perfect, mostly veggies." He said.

"Really, that's disgusting, I eat veggies only when my mom makes me."

"Well, my mom made my lunch so."

We enter the class, which flys by pretty fast like the rest me and Brice meet up at lunch and talk.

Then there the guy is again, with the black and the hidden face. "Brice look, it's the guy again!" I said, trying to get him to look before he disappears.