"Do you really believe you could save them?" you hear a mysterious female voice that seems to echo through your mind
"Hello?! Please help me!" you say choking through the tears, a mans voice began
"Do you want to be strong?"
"Of course I do! Please! Let me save them, please!" you begged for the unknown voices to help
"Would you help them even at the expense of your very humanity" this time it was what seemed to be a child, though you couldn't tell. "Anything! Please!" and then there was silence, "Hello!?" they finally responded.
"Very well, when we deem it worthy you shall wield the unparalleled strength and skill of the Forgotten Lord however beware the beast within you, do not let it take hold" the man said
"Thank y-" you were interrupted
"Show us if you deserve such generosity. Prove if you are worthy of this power!!" they all said in unison and as they finished talking you appeared on the surface no hole in sight and your brother gone. You've been given another chance. You feel invigorated, and as though your body was as light as a feather. You rush to the burning village, running faster than you ever have and as you do a massive spider ran toward you massive black bladed legs with deep red eyes and a purple and black pattern on its back, and as though on instinct as it rushed you, you slid beneath it forcing your dull training sword up into its stomach, it was enough to pierce the beast but not to kill it, it went down to eat you, its mouth big enough to eat you whole, you grabbed hold of its fangs and was able to hold it back to your own surprise, then you remembered what the voices said, is this the power of the "Forgotten Lord"? and what's the "beast within"? while those thoughts crossed your mind you felt something, deep within your subconscious, something feral, and angry you were able to push it back as the spider was about to become to much for you, you managed to break off one of the fangs and you plunged it into its eye, as it backed off from pain you picked up your sword and barely managed to hack the beasts head off, it stood for a moment before collapsing. Your hands were trembling, you had never felt that sense of power before, and you were afraid, afraid of that addicting strength but your worries and fear were broken by a ear shattering scream, that voice sounded familiar, you rushed into the village, and puked immediately at the sight of it, there were flames everywhere, charred remains, and corpses that were cut in two with there guts pouring out, you didn't realize it before but the spiders poison that got on your hands was causing a searing pain, then you noticed, there was fire was coming from the hounds, their paws left a flaming foot print after every step, they came rushing towards you, they came up to about waist height with fur as black as the abyss, three of them rushed you, you made quick work of the first of but the other two came at you one from the front and the other from the back, the second hound you managed to kill without injury, you tried to dodge the last but its claws shredded through your back, before you stuck it down and rushed to your house trying to ignore the pain that was consuming you.