You wake up in a cold sweat to the sight of a dwarven man, he has a beard and he's dressed in a leather cap a red shirt with brown pants with light metal armor covering his upper chest, arms and legs.
"Oh, so yer finally awake" he had a light Scottish accent "Ye were knockin' on death's door fur a while thare, thought ye might not wake up." you try to sit up but feel a sheering pain in your back and arms "I don't think that's eh good idea, ye shattered yer arm 'n' had cuts on yer back unlike anythin' a've ever seen." he explained "Lookin' around, seems like yer th' only lucky one" he concluded.
"Who are you?" you asked, he seemed kind enough maybe a little hard to understand sometimes, but why is he all the way out here? and why now?
"Oh sorry, allow me te introduce maself, I'm Samuel Girthhart, but me friends ca' me Sam, what about you?" he asked
"Im Andrew, thanks for helping me, but why you here, in the back end of nowhere?"
"Ur ye kiddin' me? People could see te smoke comin' from 'ere fur miles around in a' directions, ah cam rushing tae help but ah got 'ere tae late, seems lik' yer te only one left." he says. But what about Isaac? and were the flames really that bad? You manage to hoist yourself up and lean against the wall of the little shack you seemed to be in. "Yer a tough one, from whit ah can tell even most city guards wid have been butchered 'ere, whit th' hell happened?" looking out the window you could tell why, there was nothing left but piles of burned rubble, you decided to tell him the story, though you left the "soul's" and "Forgotten Lord" part out of it.
"Christ almighty, yer even luckier than ah thought tae have survived such an ordeal." he stated, just then you thought after looking outside again
"How long have I been here?"
"I'd say almost two weeks, ah made this wee shelter tae last till ye woke up." Almost two weeks!? I was out that long!?
"I really appreciate it but why would you stay here this long? especially with all the monsters nearby" you wondered
"I don't know, somethin' aboot ye just made me think ah had tae, plus, ah know how tae handle maself in a fight." after he said that you notice a large battle axe with three gems of different color imbeded in the axe head leaning on the wall next to him, he noticed you analyzing it "Aye, this be ma pride 'n' joy forged from a titanium alloy with crystals to represent the three royal prince's of me home land, cost me a wee fortune to git a hold of, bit ye'll never find one better. But enough aboot this we should git ye tae a proper hospital." he says with a certain sense of urgency
"I used to live in the back-end of nowhere, I don't have the money for something like that" you stated
"well while ye were out ah took the courtesy of lookin' around whit ah guessed to be whit's left o' yer house and found a box 'n' a note that ah really think ye should read." he handed me a small metal box with a not attached to it that was labeled "to Andrew and Isaac" you opened it and began to read.