Chereads / OMNI:First Origin / Chapter 35 - Chapter 25

Chapter 35 - Chapter 25

As david flies of to his home base to delivered the gold coins to his grandpa yango and head to his room to take a quick shower before he has to go to school as he finishes drying off quick and getting ready he tell yango to open a portal above his school so he get there faster before he's late for first period as yango open a portal he grab his backpack telling him bye and jump thru it flying down to his school landing on top of the school roof making sure no one is watching and he jumps down on the ground looking for his friend's who are probably in the cafeteria eating breakfast right now as david enter the cafeteria he sees his brother and his friend's all in the lunch line waiting to get there food he walks toward them getting ready to talk to them erik comes from behind him scaring him asking him why he's so late david turns around shaking his hand asking him why he also getting late erik just tell him that he's been doing chores early in the morning to get a little bit of money so he can move from the boonies level to the middle level.

David and erik walk together to their group of friends shaking each other hands getting on line getting there food sitting down on a table they eat and talk for a bit until the bell rings for 1st period they head into class but david decides to skip class so he can a bit of shut eye as he tell erik to call his name for the class roll call telling him that he will see him in lunch as david walks out he head over to the staircase to go to the school rooftop to rest for a bit as he open the roof door he looks around to make sure he is alone and close the door so no one can sneak up on him as he find a good spot with shade he closes his falling into a deep sleep without realizing it as time passes david wakes up yawning and opening his eyelids he get up checking on his phone to see what time it is making sure he hasn't miss lunch and realizes that the bell for lunch is about to ring in a minute so he down the stairs so he can be the first one in the lunch line as he make it he grabs a stray that has a burger with french fries on the side paying for it he head to a table so him and his friends can sit down as he dig in on the burger eating it in a quickie seeing his friends and brother sit down on his table talking how classes been going david just tell how he went to the roof to sleep and barely woke up they all chat for a hour before they are dismiss by the bell to head to there next class period as david walk to his fourth class he is surprise by a sudden hug from his girlfriend steffy.

As david looks up he sees steffy hugging him tighly he returns the hug they split up for a moment before heading inside sitting down on their chair talking about what happen on friday they both smile realizing that they had an amazing night together talking about how much fun they had together watching cool movies and cuddling as they talk and laugh all class period they leave together walking side by side holding hands as they walk her to her class they kiss and wave goodbye david start to sprint toward gym class so he can do nothing and rest for the whole class period as he wakes up by his classmates telling him to get ready because the bell about to ring he thanks him for waking him up as he get his stuff ready but before they can leave they have to show watch a video that the president sent to everyone in the world it's a urgent to the seven kingdoms as the coach plays the video it shows the president in his chair throne talking about how they been a disturbance in the world order by some amateurs call the worst prodigy who have been causing destruction every where they go so the president ask everyone to call A.S.F if they see something suspicious and help them stop these menace because they already have the best security team to help make world a safe place as the video is over david is piss of what the president call him and his team members so he leaves early hurrying up to the his schoolbus so he can go home.

As everyone get on the bus david is thinking to himself he is happy and mad at the idea of been recognized but being call out as wannabes heroes who are a menace to the society who are just causing trouble for the higher classes but david always knew that if the world was gonna changed for the better he had to stand up to the big man so he's proud to be the main topic in the news right now as he think about everything that been said on the news it couldn't get any worse as david says this he looks at his friend erik phone shocked by what they are playing a video that a civilian recorded in the morning showing his fight with warren in middle class neighborhood as everyone watches the video all eyes are on him now everyone are scared of the idea video of someone being so powerful is a classmate or friend's of theirs as everyone start booing him and telling him to leave the bus as he get off and decides to walk back to school so he can call on yango to open up a portal for him as he walk back to the school he is stop by his girlfriend steffy who's has tears running down nose red and holding her phone that's playing the video from the news as david tries to speak steffy cut him off asking when was he gonna tell her he responds by saying when they knew each other a bit longer as david speaks he hears police sirens and other motor vehicles coming to his location he grabs steffy hands telling her he has to trust her right now and leave this area david scream from the top of his lungs for her to leave now as she leave the area as ton of black suvs come driving thru he surrounded by the vehicles as someone comes out from one of the suv david is left with no words when he sees his uncle.