Chereads / OMNI:First Origin / Chapter 41 - Chapter 6

Chapter 41 - Chapter 6

As david and yango are the only ones still in the lobby he ask if they can talk in the mission room for a bit as they close the door making sure they are alone yango ask if there's something on his mind he tell his grandpa that there's something nore than just hunting a bunch of alphas so they can captured them yango tell him that he is right to trust his judgement because he knows what the five alphas are capable of david looks at him asking if he knows the old deity from the story that wilmer told them about he says that the deity is a women who has lived for millions of years as he try to recall what happen to her he explains to david that the woman main goal was to have the entire world in silent without the humans causing a ruckus so she used the sins of the human against them making them into monsters and nightmares of the night so the human have something to fear but ever since the human figure out how to defend themselves they couldn't do nothing to accomplish their master dream.

But before the deity could do something a powerful wizard allied with some hunters trapping the woman with a powerful spell in a place where she couldn't escape or leave called purgatory only a handful of people know about that place and he figures that the info what wilmer leaders want to get from the alphas are the location so they can open the portal and do god knows what so they have to keep an eye in them david thinks for a moment realizing how dangerous the five alphas are alone but with their master along them they could conquer the entire world with ease he tell his grandpa thanks leaving the room heading to the kitchen to grab food so he can be full when training yango watches him leave he looks down at his watch hanging from his pocket showcasing a date 2017 he looks at it talking to himself saying that he wish he had hope for more time with his new family before his time was up leaving him sad for a moment before realizing he has no time to be feeling sad he has to enjoy every moment with his family before the year is over.

David grabs a handful of healing pills from the rest room before heading into the training room so he can a good workout so he be able to use his haki more frequently but before he make it there he gets a phone call as he check his phone he is surprise to find out that his girlfriend is calling him after not texting him back as he answer the call he stop trying to act cool as he answer the phone wats up, steffy stays quiet for a moment before finally talking asking him if he's okay david tell her that he been doing better and is resting at the moment she tell him that she get why he didn't tell her about his night job he was just trying to protect her from any harm as they continue talking she ask if he can go back to school david tell her that by next week he should be in the clear to be able to attend school again as steffy hears the good news she mute her phone and grabs her pillow covering her face and let's out a happy scream after she calm down she tell david that's cool as couple hours pass david tell steffy that he has to go and will text her tomorrow steffy says okay saying goodbye to her boyfriend they hang up getting ready to sleep closing his eyes after working out a bit.

As david falls deep into sleep he starts to a dream of a premonition that gonna happen sooner or later as david wakes up hand raise ready to fired a air blast but stops himself after he calms down an take a breather to realizes that he's awake and not dreaming anymore he stands up heading out to the kitchen so he can grab something to eat while everyone else's are in school as he grab himself a burger to eat he tries to forget about the dream he had and not worry to much about it as he finishes his burger yango comes to the kitchen asking why is he awake so early in the morning david explains to him that he had a nightmare but he feels that it is premonition because to him it felt real so he want to ask him about his premonition he had about the world ending yango takes a seat in front of him telling his story about how the year was 2020 and he was watching from world end from someone point of view as he watch thru the person eyes he remembers something that stood out to him david ask what was it yango explains that the dream he had the other person show him that in the center of the world destruction there was a single man who was standing above everyone else who had a smile in his face saying that the age of the aztlanians race is over raising a bright red sword with his left hand and on his right hand he was holding two dog tags that had his name and his brother david ask what so special about the man yango tell him that in the future he was defeated along with his brother causing the world to end but if they make more aztlanians the future can be save then the man from the future can be defeated an that can prevent the extinction of the human race and their home planet.

David tells him if he remembers anything from the man standing in the center yango replies by saying that he has no clue who it can be and he couldn't get a better view of him because the person eye he was watching thru wasn't close enough to see his face but manage to see what he had each on his hands, yango looks at his grandson asking him if he still remember the dream he had earlier david scratching his head telling him that yeah he does yango ask him if he want to they can talk about it and see what the danger of the future gonna be now since they managed to create more aztlanians and changed the timeline david starts to explain how in the dream he felt like he was in like a older version of his body but not having control over it just watching it happen as he continues explaining more he tell yango that the first thing he remembers was that the older him was traveling alot gathering supplies and taking them to his base so he prepared for the worst to come.