Chereads / OMNI:First Origin / Chapter 44 - Chapter 9

Chapter 44 - Chapter 9

As david wakes up around midnight from capturing the alpha djinn mission he looks around a bit confused trying to figure out the last thing he remembers from the mission as he gather his thoughts he remember the alpha djinn touching his and john heads messing with their memories making them believe there were both enemies and that cause the two of them to fight each other until wilmer managed to stop them both from causing more damage to one another as he remember more of what happen next his uncle was nice enough to heal him while they drop him off at the home base so he can rest in his bed and congratulate him later when he wakes up for doing a good job on yesterday mission as he regains focus he decides to walks around the base as he goes to the kitchen to grab a bite he sees his grandpa drinking a beer looking at a old pictures as david sit down calling out to his grandpa asking what's that old picture he's looking at yango begins to tell him that the picture is him and his brothers back in the old days as david looks at the picture he sees the yango an the brother next to him look alike yango says that his twin name is yino and the smallest one in the middle is blitz and he's not actually related by blood but they been thru alot together that they become part of each other family even if they haven't spoken in years.

As david look at the picture more clearly he ask what ever happen to them yango tell him that they both left the village together also yino took his wife who was pregnant to explore the whole world an make themselves a name for others to know their accomplishment and to be free from everything that would hold them down so they wanted to find a place to make it their new home, yango explain that the reason blitz join yino was because he somehow knew staying by his brother side he would grow in power and respect also to help raise the child so they can change the world together and leave a free life with no authority but their own david ask isn't that kind of like how the president runs thing with the king and queens of the 7 main continent yango tell him who does he think the president got the idea from shock by the revelation he questions his grandpa asking him where are they right now yango pull out computer wrist writing something down as he does he get a beep noise coming from his wrist as he look up

he tell david that his brother yino is one of the seven emperors a power system that was made a long time ago to have order in the world.

David looks at him wide eye telling him that his grandpa yino is part of the emperor's system along with grandpa blitz who is probably one of his commander's there a powerhouse no one in the right mind would dare challenge a emperor without having a powerful team backing them up everyone is scared of them even hearing their name can cause anyone to stop in there tracks and freeze from fear overtaking their body as yango ask how he know about them david gets up from his chair slamming both of his hands on the table looking at his grandpa telling him that his plan to be well know around the world he has to beat the strongest warrior's on the planet in order for the president and his godly class to take him and his team serious so he gotta start taking on more missions until he's ready to break down the power system starting with the lowest powerhouse the individuals they are beings who operate alone with no authorities so they can handle those for the moment but when he's strong enough and have the powerful team on his back then he start to pick a fight the other power systems of the world.

As yango hears this he start to laugh uncontrollably looking at his grandson been so proud of him for following his own will alone with no care on the world living life to the fullest being free and making a strong family with his crew member's david looks at him telling him to not laugh at his goal as he blushes a bit around his face yango tell him to follow his own path and never look back david ask how many strong warrior alone are in this planet as yango closes his eyes he sends his energy all around the world counting all the martial artist as he finishes scanning having the the exact number in his head he open his eyes to a happy david who's waiting asking how many they are yango looks at him flicking his finger on his forehead before telling david that it would be boring if he knew how many they are but he decides to give him a small hint saying that there's hundreds warrior's before the president ever takes notice of their team as david hear this he get fired up telling yango that he will have the most loyalists and powerful crew in the world as he finished drinking he heads to his room getting ready to sleep so he can train in the afternoon as noon comes around the corner he gets ready heading to the training room so train for a hour or two.

As david make it there he spot someone else in the training room as he look closely he see someone who's also training hard as he goes inside he finally see who it is just his friend adam who's coming up new with super and ultimate moves while on the fight as david continues watching him adam finally catches his leader watching from atop and ask neo to stop the training droids he ask if he gonna join or just watch as david enter the arena he ask adam if he wanna go to the best training arena as he tell neo to take them two portal so they can get teleported into the virtual world as they get there adam looks amazed by the who other world as he ask david if they can fight to their fullest he tell him of course no limit adam tell david he want to fight him full power no holding back david smiles telling him he expect nothing less from his brothers in arms as david power up a hundred percent releasing all of his energy sending adam back.