"Ok Miss." The girl dropped the array of flowers on a bench and told the gardener in charge that she would be leaving now.
As the two walked back, Bai Chen asked what names were normal here, trying not to make it obvious that she didn't come from this world. "So, what would you name your kid if you had one?"
"Miss. I'm seventeen. I am in no way planning on having a child yet."
Mission failed.
Finding herself without a conversation starter, Bai Chen stayed quiet. So did the girl beside her. The two walked in awkward silence, or at least it felt awkward to Bai Chen, until they reached a nearby bench and the girl sat down.
She didn't know how to feel about receiving a new name. She had tossed away her previous name a long time ago.
"So here's my list. Can you choose one please?" Bai Chen was both anxious and excited. She hoped that the girl would like the name list but she was also worried that the names were too outlandish for this world.
AN: You only just realised, huh? ಠ-ಠ
Reading the list the girl was rather confused. This world had a victorian english design so obviously many of the names were based on that design. They were mostly names like Thomas, or Edward, or Elizabeth. Many of the names sounded very pretty an the girl took a deep liking to the names Lucy and Amara.
She said all the names out loud but got stuck in many places, such as the pronunciation of Spongebob. Bob was a normal name here and she obviously knew what a sponge was so she couldn't really imagine why the two things were together. She also knew the 'bob' haircut. She couldn't decide if it was about a man named Bob who was made out of sponge. Who knew, it might be a tourist attraction in the capital? Or if her miss wanted her to replace her long tied up hair with a bob made out of sponge? She decided to ask.
"Miss, what is the meaning of Spongebob?"
Obviously missing the point, Bai Chen replied with revere. "An icon. A symbol of beauty, grace and power," She spieled.
"Oh... okay."
She still didn't like the name Spongebob so she continued down the list, finsing herself stopping at #leafpeeping.
"How do I pronounce this?" She truly wondered why an unplayed noughts and crosses board was drawn beside the name.
"That's hashtag leafpeeping."
She was so confused, before anything, what did leaf peeping mean? What did hashtag mean? It still didn't make any sense.
Shaking it off with the excuse that her miss must have been dropped as a child, she continued reading the list.
How could her miss give her a dog's name!!! The girl tried to shake off her agitation as her miss, the perpetrator, sat beside with puppy dog eyes. Truly looking more innocent than she ever would be.
In the end she fortunately ignored the second half of names, and was left with three. 'Lucy', 'Katie', and 'Amora.'
"Miss, which name do you like out of Lucy, Katie, and Amora?
"I don't know... that's why I gave the list to you!"
The fact that her Miss thought that naming her 'Spot', a DOG's name, was the same as these names thoroughly irritated her.
She just decided to pick a random one and go with it.
"Then Lucy."