"Sir Shoyo, come quick!" Vivi frantically yelled out for Sir Shoyo in attempts to get help, while trying to focus on her task at hand. Shortly after calling out, Sir Shoyo slammed open the door and came running into the small medical room, sweating slightly and panting. "Vi-*pant pant* Vivian, what is the cause for this ruckus? I was busy with paperwork in the-" Sir Shoyo immediately stopped talking as he realized why Vivi was calling out. "M-Madame Priestess everything is f-fine. Please stay in the bed we need-OW! Hey, that was a cheap shot Lady Wren." Vivi protested as she was was doing her best to hold down Wren who had just recently woken up in a room in which she wasn't familiar. In previous days when she woken up she was relatively still or simple yelled out in pain. Sir Shoyo rushed over to Wren and Vivi to try and calm the situation down. 'This is not like her other reactions, she must be coming around to the treatments,' Sir Shoyo thought to himself as he readied his equipment. "This may become quite unpleasant for you Madame Priestess, please try and cooperate."
Nearly a month had passed since Jayce became a new Guard trainee. He had been spending his time with the other Guard trainees as well as spending each day with a different Temple Worker in order to find his best placement for work. Aster, Amber, and Ari continued with their normal routines, while occasionally checking on Wren when Sir Shoyo allowed. Amber's consisted of her duties as a maid as well as occasionally assisting Sir Shoyo with medical needs. Ari trained with other Fire Unit Members and trainees and completed a few mock missions as well. Aster attended some meetings and completed a Water Unit mission while doing his best to avoid Julianna when she visited. Michael had been keeping close watch over Wren, visiting whenever his missions were completed and during any spare moment, whether or not Sir Shoyo allowed. After a while, Michael gathered some supplies and left to complete the secret mission, regarding Takeda's and also Wren's house, with Cole. He was uneasy about leaving Wren, but knew she was in capable hands. On the night Michael left, he made Wren a secret promise, softly touched her cheek, then swiftly moved towards he and Cole's meeting place on the outlying edge of the temple.
Jayce made fast friends with Jirobo and even managed to hang around with Jasper when they all had a free moment. Someone who was just coming into the temple would assume they had been friends for years. Jayce and Jirobo were always full of energy and brought Jasper along with them during their adventures, regardless of his protests. Lord Valen would occasionally watch over Jayce and the other Guard trainees, classes and training, sometimes even offering to spar with them. There were 20 Guard trainees total varying in age, height, weight, and overall size; only a handful would ever take Lord Valen up on his offer to spar. He just shrugged it off and went back to his office to work on other things. Jayce as well as the trainees who were not born or raised on the island, attended basic history classes regarding their roles and the island history on the days when there was no physical training.
Vivi has been closely helping Sir Shoyo with medical assistance as well as working on completing her first Lightening Unit Mission. She visited with the other when she was able too, but most days were busy increasing her spiritual capability while her nights were busy with medical training. Naya visited Wren daily and went back to visit Mav afterwards to increase her skills and knowledge as well as her spiritual ability. She found mechanics interesting so Mav took it upon himself to teach her useful information regarding the old and the current mechanical basics. When she wasn't spending time learning or visiting Wren, she was doing her best to attend Jayce's practices, making sure he was settled into his new life within the temple. She also attended a mock clan mission with Jayce as she was also a Clan Level trainee, which in turn made Jayce do very poorly due to his nervousness.
Wren had continued the pattern of being unconscious then gaining her consciousness, having incredible amounts of pain, occasionally managing to eat small amounts of food, then passing out once more. Sir Shoyo consulted the Elders from the Eastern Territory and they recommended a certain plant that grew within the more underdeveloped areas within their territory. They showed how to properly prepare it and what the effects would be as well as healing time. Shortly after they arrived and produced the plant, when Wren would wake up she would not scream out in pain as often as she did previously. Some days when she woke up she would be confused as to where she was, other days she would be silent but fall unconscious within a shorter period of time. After the 5th day of their stay, the Elders from the East returned to their territory and let Sir Shoyo, Vivi, and the other members who were studying medicine, get back to their routines.
..."My Lady please calm down!" Vivi had managed to slightly restrain Wren along with Sir Shoyo's help. Wren was still thrashing about, moving her body any which way she could, trying to speak but unable to form complete sentences. "Where...is... Micha-...Brother? I can't..." Sir Shoyo sighed deeply, "Miss Vivian, please get the blue jar in my bottom desk drawer. I don't believe we have any other option in calming her-" *PANG!* Before Sir Shoyo could finish his sentence, someone slammed the door open to the medical room where Wren was staying. He was out of breath and still had a weapon in his hand. "M-M *pant* My Lady!" Wren didn't stop her thrashing but managed to turn her head to see whose voice she was hearing. She knew the voice was familiar to her, but she couldn't quite figure out his face. "My Lady, it's me it's..."
Wren saw the man moving towards her with blurred vision, she also heard a low humming in her ears, causing her hearing to fade. She tried to voice her concerns but she was still not able too. She stopped thrashing in her restraints and tried to calm her breathing, but her legs would occasionally twitch and move side to side along with her head moving about. Her heartbeat became irregular on the small heart monitor and Sir Shoyo's face showed fear. "Vivian, get the bottle now! We don't have time to spare." Sir Shoyo leaned over Wren and put his hands on either side of her face, "Madame Priestess please try and focus. I...we just want...you need...Vivian, now!" Wren could only hear bits and pieces of what he was saying and she then looked over to Vivi who had a needle full of liquid and watched, seemingly in slow motion, as Vivi plunged the needle into her thigh. Wren jolted; she could feel the pain from the needle and felt a slow, warm, burning sensation spreading from her thigh, up to her torso, as well as down to her feet. Her eyes were hardly able to stay open, 'I feel, my head hurts so bad. I feel like my eyes will close any second, who was that man...I feel, I feel,' Wren's eyes opened wide in surprise and she quickly turned her head as far to the side as she could, leaned over the bed and began coughing and occasionally gagging.
Her body was reacting as if she had just ran at full speed for over 40 minutes. She was trying to catch her breath and calm herself down. At one point she looked down to her arms and noticed she wasn't restrained; Sir Shoyo had loosened the restraints on her arms because he was aware she would react this way to this medicine. Wren could see people in the room only as colorful blurs of light and could only hear their voices as mumbled words. She saw a man approaching her right before her eyes once again began to feel heavy and she had trouble keeping them open. Her head felt heavy and swayed slightly as she tried to regain her focus. She was rolled back onto the bed with her head turned to the side, looking directly at the mans face. 'What is he saying, why is he trying so hard...I just want my...' Wren's eyes closed once more as she drifted off into sleep. "Sir Shoyo, what happened to her? I thought she was stable. Why did she react so violently?" The man Wren couldn't identify had stood up and was looking Sir Shoyo directly in the eyes. Vivi was shaking due to her nervousness over on the other side of the bed, 'Lady Wren, what's happening to you?' A single tear fell down Vivi's face as she stood there holding herself while Sir Shoyo was doing his best to explain what happened to Wren during the man's absence.