All eyes shifted towards the voice. It was the black hair human who stepped forward and said. "I believe the green one has had enough bad luck. Remember kill him and we both know what happens." Alannah's hand fizzles out and she smiles. "Sorry, i lost my temper."
Gar breathing heavily from the pain. Opens his eyes alittle. He looks to Kalyssa, her eyes wet from tears of fear for her friend. Gar mouthed "Kah" and she held out a hand. Emrad knelt down to her and whispered in her ear. She nodded and put her hand down. Gar knew Emrad said to her that he was alive as long as they didn't attempt to fight her.
The man stepped around the group and walked to the pedestal. "Piece by piece the song plays on, joining together to become a delightful number. Alannah is one piece. You all, the other. But we have a piece left over don't we." He points to Gar. Ash then speaks. "So what is all of this Torjay?"
The man laughs and says "All of this is my number. My dance. My design." He walked to the right side of the room and started patting each puppet on the head as he walked. They started to click and clank to life with laughter being a slight chitter. Which seemed almost nightmarish. And the air and he started to change. His clothes were replaced by a dark robe and his hair started to look brittle. "The legend of the princess was very true..." he clasped his hand to his mouth and with a quick skip in his step. He came upon the window which held a female looking puppet. "Sorry little Sara. But daddy is having an adult conversation!" He poked the puppets forehead and it fell out from the window. He spun around. And what they seen was horrific. Half of the once male face was all skull and rotted flesh. He smiled with the other half and said while small bugs crawled around his skull side. "I would like to keep her innocent mind from the truth of the tale. HA HA HA!" His laughter rang in the air.
"Truth, the tale of two to be wed. Truth the lass was beautiful beyond measure." His tone happy then fell to a darker more saddened tone "But false of them living happily. False.... false....false....false false! The man betrayed the woman, bedded another. Leading to the saddened maiden that sought power and got revenge. No! Justice! For the power she used to slaughter the hateful man, the girl, and his rotten family. The power given to her by me. And trained by me. Then put under spell by him and his companions!" He pointed to the skull on the pedestal. "Not him but the mage of his group. But that story is for another time." Thokk then blurted. "Grug the furious."
"That orc fell dead in this very tower. Thus why his skull sits here." He picked up the skull and moved the jaw up and imitated a low intelligent orc voice. "Grug no look so good." To his regular voice. "Nah the grim look suits you buddy." Then lets it fall back on the pedestal and it bounces off there to the floor. Gem in it clattering onto the floor. Thia gasped and Thokk held his sister back from retrieving the gem.
"So you are Joyrot..." Everyones eyes turned to Kalyssa. Who's eyes wet and with fury. "Father told me you killed my Mother. Along with Grug and Alister. After they foiled your plans years ago."
"Foiled part of my plans. Only a part of of them. But in the meantime they died and that was worth losing part of my plan." He walked over to Alannah and sighed. "This is what I work with. Take out three and they double." Alannah looks puzzled to him. "But there are eight. Thats over double..." He puts a hand up. "I know how to count!" He sighs.
Gar's mind started to grow fuzzy. It wont be long till he will pass out. Gar looks to Kalyssa and gives her a slight grin. Then his body slumped and he passes out.