Then finally we get inside the capital after a long queue of inspection. We bought a little house, a two-story building close to the market area. With the area being cross by so many people, we try to blend in the city. To avoid attention I wear a hood to cover my hair.
Soon I felt that I had nothing left to do. I just sit and blend in the crowd, walking aimlessly before I sat on the bench looking at the fountain plaza. Every color looked the same. Until someone comes close to me and said "Emm... Anoo... Mind if I sit here?"
Without even replying to her, I move to make some space so she can sit there. She took a seat in silence after I'm not answering her. To break the ice of silence she asks me "Emm... Mind if I ask something?"
Then I took a quick glance at her. She wears a hood and that dress looked expensive which I remember from the girl on my journey here. I killed a bunch of orcs that attacked her.
Then I choose to reply to her. "Is it about I left you before you can compensate me after I killed the orcs?". She shakes her head " No, it's something else?"
I tried to take a guess "Then, you want to say sorry about sending people to watch where I live? It's okay. I get it you want to thank me."
She became silent and looked down. "I.. I'm sorry. I never meant to follow you here.". Removing my hood since she already has seen my face I looked at her and smile to assure her that I'm fine "It's okay. I already told you. I don't mind at all."
She asks me again with a shaky voice "Th.. then... Why are you crying back then?". Not long after I looked back to the fountain, the question startled me. I scratch my head silly "Ah... Sorry for you to see that.".
She felt like she steps on a mine quickly said " No.. That's not I meant. I mean sorry to say this but you looked beautiful." Now, my smile stiffened "Sorry, what? I might hear you wrong the first time."
She realized what she said then stutter by her words "I.. I said you're beautiful. For a strong man to display a lot of emotion. I'm sorry.". " No.. no.. It's okay, it's just the first time I heard someone said.."
Without waiting for me to finish my word. She cut my word by saying "That's why can you marry me?". Then, the silence awkward moment begins.
I took a deep breath and breathed it out. "I'm sorry, I can't.". She then quickly said, "My father can give you a title, and also land."
Hearing she said that wake me up from the situation "Hah~, So you're this type of people. I forgot that all the noble are the same." I said and wearing my hood then start walking.
She chases after me and grabbed my wrist "Sorry, I just said that out of the blue. I don't know what I'm saying. It's just every person that confesses to me said that and I thought.."
I turn to look at her. I could see a glimpse of her eyes, for sure she's a beautiful girl. "That's enough, lady. You don't need to explain it any further. I get it, just the way you judge me as the same as other people made me can't forgive you. Sorry." I remove her hand and walk disappear in the crowd.
She dropped to the ground and a knight disguised as a commoner came out from the crowd "Arlette-sama, Are you okay? Did he do something to you?"
Looking at her, the knight notice that she's crying. He quickly calls another knight "Balas, come here. Follow him! How dare he made the Princess cry.". While he said this the princess on the ground couldn't hear what the knight is saying. Her mind stop working, she only cries. Her chest hurt so much, made her hard to breathe.
"Arlette-sama just forget about him. He just didn't know anything about what he just misses. You are too good for him. Let's just walk back to the palace. Your Majesty had been waiting for you." Gillhart said comforting the Princess. Arlette just asked him without even looked at him "Gillhart, am I really that selfish?"
"Thi... This... My personal view is that, Arlette-sama is different. It's just that person is ignorance." Gillhart said not knowing what to said. He then took the Princess away toward the palace.
I soon notice someone following me. 'So, they gonna silence me after refusing her demand? Am I really that bad at judging people?' I thought and lead him to an empty alley.
I walk to the middle alley "Come out, no need to follow me. What do you want?". "Shut up, just follow me. You need to apolo..."
Before he finishes I dash toward the crowd using the moment he let his guard down for thinking what to answer.
I got home in a few minutes after I lost him. George and Aine already inside waiting for me. They just move some stuff inside while I go out. "Is everything had been moved?".
" Yes, Arthur-sama. Your room would be upstairs." George said and about to bow to me. "No need to bow, George. I'm commoner now and thank you for sticking up with me." I said and walking to the stairs.
George then stops me by saying "Before, you go upstairs, Arthur-sama. There's something I had to give you." I turn and sit on the opposite of George and Aine. Then George took out a sword "This is a magic weapon, Master Edward entrust this to me when we are leaving Kursvelt. The most treasured sword that been found by Master Edward but no one could open it.
Magic weapon chooses its owner and grows alongside his wielder. Now, it's yours, Arthur-sama."
I take the sword by the scabbard. The sword shines blue light across the room. "Do you want to come with me?" I whisper to the sword. The hilt looked exquisite with brown-gold and black color. I touch the hilt, my hand felt warm then I pull the sword out of its sheath.
The light shone brighter before goes dim. The sword also had a marvelous shape with metallic luster and blue inscription in the middle.
The inscription looked foreign to me but somehow I can read it 'To protect your loved ones.'. "Then your name will be Frostkeeper." The sword turns into light and forms a tattoo in my arm and the incantation to call the sword to appear in my head.
"Let the foe wander on the land of ice, Keep the loved one warm by your side. Heed my call, O' my sword. Frostkeeper." Then the blade appears in my hand. "Sorry, partner but your line is too chuuni. Haha..". The sword is double edge sword, two-handed but fit in my arm so well and can be held with one-hand. No wonder it's called a magic weapon.
I let out a smile on my face. Aine then asks me "Is there something wrong, Arthur-sama?"." No, nothing." I said while looking at the sword that vanishes from my hand.
"Then, I will buy groceries and George would take leave for the afternoon." Aine explains to me. "George leaving where?" I said since Aine not telling the specific location.
"He's going to adventure guild to be an adventurer again." Aine said. "Oh, no need for that. I also had something to said." I said making both Aine and George back to their seat.
"Firstly, I'm sorry for making both of you worry about me but I realize, even if I lose my parents. I still had my loved one. It's both of you. My remaining member of my family. Thank you, both of you for taking care of me. So, drop the -sama will you.
This time let me protect both of you. I will register tomorrow at the adventure guild. This is my adventure and story. Let me."
I said then stand up to bow at them. George and Aine crying and rush to me for a hug. The three of us crying after the loss of our entire family. Both of them also hold themselves back.
'Thanks, partner. You even scold me the first time I hold you.'