For some reason I was drawn to replay the memories from the box . This time letting it flow into the sky like a storybook . The little girls laughter almost echoed in my head. One with dark brown hair and the other soft wavy blond. I dont remember picking up the box but I remember the stone . Warm with life almost beckoning something. It floated between my hands . All it wanted was to be free . I traced the sky with my fingers and another memory of a beautiful island coaxed me to look deeper . Opening my eyes I felt the golden man's presence it did not alarm me. He had a stricken look on his face. Unmoving he stood his eyes flashing golden honey sparks . He was handsome I mused. Though the golds were quite blinding reminding me to let go and I plucked the stone out of the air . He let out a breath as if he had forgotten to breath. I beckoned him to come closer and knelt beside him hands reaching out as if in a prayer .
He didnt think just gently laid his sword in my hands . Without hesitation I traced the hilts beautiful craftmanship. Inlaid with gold and carvings dancing with incantations. Grasping the stone in my hand I carefully put the stone in the center and whispered softly . The sword vibrated and the stone became one with the sword. It was whole again. Holding it firmly with both hands the blade lit with turquoise and teals. Bending my head into a small bow I handed his sword over. He seemed speechless but moved . Thoughtfully he touched the blade which ignited it at once. Exhaling loudly he said " I did want my box back , guess if wishes were horses...dammit how do you know my brother " ?
Quickly I jumped to my feet more suprised by him speaking than the question. "I dont know him, I sputtered". "But I do know that box is ours somehow ,and that stone belongs to you just as your sword has your name sealed on it. "
He gaged me silently. Brow furrowed so seriously. I shrugged nonchalantly and said "guess I'm stuck with you now".
The golden man laughed it was so loud the field echoed his amusement. Wasnt sure where his humor arose from ,but wiggling my nose I noted my hair was a disaster ,and the blues and purple strands were knotted a bit .
Sure maybe the magic was a little strong here , but these woods were known for its magic and strange creatures. No doubt he was searching for something mythical.