I had quickly kept a fair pace for over an hour the trees russled in the wind and made pleasant sounds. Relaxing a bit and closing my eyes senses hightened and led me to a field of flowers in every color. Some were almost iridescent and smelled of sweet grass and chamomile tea. I wouldn't resist the pull and let my body melt into a heap on the ground . Fingers caressing the soft lilac creating a lavender and glowing green sparkles . Slight movement I created dancing colors shaped like wild horses galloping across the field of flowers . Wind picked up and I was lost in the brilliant yellow and sparks of gold and maroons.
A slight change in the woods sensing another presence . The golden man felt pulled to this place a vibrating pulsing sensation the closer he got. Peering through brush and branches he caught a glimpse of what looked like horses galloping in a field. It couldn't be real maybe a mirage . He grasped his sword tighter and blinked . Maybe he was dehydrated. His hand throbbed from the sword. It was almost burning in his hand . Pulling it out to examine he knew that it had magical properties even he couldn't begin to understand. It was passed down from his proud people and was said to claim a worthy guardian. Laughing at the thought he turned it over words were almost glowing on the blade. The language was foreign and yet felt as though he should know it. Growling a curse He glanced back at the field. The wind had changed he could sense the girl. Strange as she was he was quite curious about her.
With much hesitancy and caution he went towards her breaking cover. The field almost seemed to glow as he reached the middle where the strangest sight met his eyes.
The girl was laying stretched out. The box opened beside her. Floating between her fingers the jade stone was glowing . The horses had changed into two girls running with someone he recognized. It jolted him leaving him paralyzed. The tall man with dark hair was his brother. Even in the hazy glowing magic of which he wasnt certain , it could be none other than Lawson .