2 days later
Lumine's POV
Today was relatively peaceful. It may have been a bit chilly, but it was bearable. It was quiet, Kody and I had time to relax before heading off to school, and I couldn't ask for a more perfect day.
Like always I would listen to music on my phone on our way to school. Today I wasn't listening to a loud song, so I was able to hear what Kody was saying this time around. "Only one more day and we'll get to perform in front of the others at home" Said Kody. I nodded my head to say yes.
When we got to the school gate, I had a superb idea come to mind. I was thinking that we could practice during music class at school today since that class was always on a Friday. Usually everyone was practicing different instruments, so we'll have an opportunity to get some practice today so we don't have to do it at home. "Aiden is going to be so proud to see what we can do" I thought to myself.
Music class
While we were in music class, Kody and I got some well needed practice for tomorrow. Kody was setting up while I was searching for a stool to sit on. Once I found a stool, I set it next to the piano out of Kody's way. We were now ready to start practicing.
Oh, is it sadness, is it regret, or could it be joy?
Oh, feelings are now overflowing in my burning chest.
The thin voice is reporting on the understanding of love in those eyes.
I looked up at the sky so often, I've grown used to this strength... From here, I walk on.
After I had stopped singing our song, I noticed an odd silence in the room and the other students were looking at us with a speechless look on their faces. Even our teacher began to stare. Before we noticed, we had everyone giving us a standing ovation. Our teacher was so proud of us. She told us that has never a more perfect duo in her years as a music teacher.
At home
Once we got home, I was looking through the song list to see if my favorite song was on here and I was right. I haven't played piano since forever, so I sat my butt at the piano and started playing the song as I sang along.
I see the light deep inside of my soul.
It is a warmth that I've never felt.
In the sky that's right over me, a song spreads and begins to melt the land.
Our happiness on the same earth leads us to true love.
Gentle feelings gives the whole world a home and we carry on.
My memories of my home never seem to leave.
This miracle dances inside, and I will not forget.
To your heart, evergreen.