"Hahahahahahah" he cackled into the moonlight, proud of his 'accomplishment'.
The body laid against the alleyway as if it was sleeping.
The beautiful man slept peacefully, the blood oozing out in all directions. His wounded shoulder sagged against his chest, his skin bunched together on the floor next to him, all cut off.
His beauty didn't decrease, in fact increased. His silky, raven hair was tied into a loose pony tail, his tanned skin, glistened with the flecks of blood on his delicious neck, his Adam's apple looked so sinfully beautiful that even god would be tempted to gawk at it.
His rosey-slightly chapped lips was pulled into a straight line, as if he was bored.
The beautiful mans, shallow breath, started getting stronger. His flesh started wizzing around like a parasite.
He began morphing until he was once again intact.
Opening his sharp Phoenix eyes, the golden hue narrowed down to his murderer.
klance looked back down to the body.
Seeing the body alive and well, he cursed under his breath.
"I thought I killed you this time jack, aww" he pouted like a child, his head facing the ground in disappointment.
"How many times do I have to tell you, I .can't. die"
"Ehhh, but-but" he started stuttering.
"How?! no matter how many times I try, you don't die!"
This was the 28th time klance had tried to kill him.
"Then this should be your 28th lesson, now open your useless eyes and listen to me carefully, I. Can't. Die."
"B-but that's impossible!" His eyes twinkled with astonishment.
"Well it's the truth, hell I should know. Do you not know how many times I've tried killing myself? Yet I just get put back together like a doll" he said trying to calm down the astonished klance.
"Oh, is that why you kill people?" His child-like eyes held wonder.
" No, I have a thing called bloodlust,
I've had it since I was born, which was thousands of years ago. When I was 200 years old, my body had an itching feeling. As time grew older the feeling also grew more prominent, like a seed starting to sprout. I was made to be a vessel for a creature, I didn't know existed, till I was about 350 years old, I thought I was just a creepy bastard. As time grew, the wanting to taste, touch, and smell blood increased. And here I am, telling you my backstory in a bloody alleyway. Humorous."
"Woah cool" the child like wonder did not disappear.
"That's it? That seems Cool? Wow? You really are fucked in the head."
Walking the streets of Beijing, completely bored. Not wanting to go back to that excessively big 'house' can you even call it that, it's more like a mansion. Just standing there made him feel the
loneliness like a chill of negativity. Not wanting to feel that pool of misery, he left his house.
Being a CEO of a major corporation, money is not really a a worry.
In the early 19th century, when he was being chased for his murders.
He thought of opening a medical institute, due to boredom and a way out of getting caught.
Since then, his company became more and more popular for his medical treatments and drugs.
He continued making the company bigger and more famous, his company was now called,
J pharmaceuticals.
His technology and knowledge became a global phenomenon.
Which was obvious, he had been alive since the beginning of time, way before Adam and Eve. He just didn't know what he was around for, he wasn't important, he didn't contribute to anything, so why was he here? Alive? Forever?
He was alone on earth for a long period of time, when he learnt there were dinosaurs before him, he was relived, he wasn't alone, he maybe the only human but there were other living things also.
All he did now was wait for his death. His own reasoning for existing is trying to die, if that even made sense.
Walking into his house,
He opened his overly large phone.
"Clara, come today".
After saying those three words, not waiting for a response, he turned off his phone.
Around 10 minutes later, the said Clara entered the house, not quite welcomed, by the leaving house maid. Looking back at the maid, she scrunched her face to make a malicious frown.
She was probably thinking
'Shut up bitch, he's in love with me!'
Or something like that.
"Jake, hi" she said in an overly sweet voice.
"Clara, I didn't call you here to chat, you know the drill"
Giggling 'seductively', instead of getting that expected reaction, he just cringed.
"Stop, oh god that's fucking gross" he groaned.
"Just get on your hands and knees" after complying, he began to fuck her without any warning. Gasping he fucked her, to his own needs, not caring if he was hurting her.
Her disgusting moans leaked throughout the house.
After the deed was done,
"Wow,...that was great"
"I know, now get out"
Jumping of the comfy bed, she started scrambling for her clothes.
Once fully dressed, he gave her a cheque.
Looking at the cheque with greedy eyes,
"Hey, about next time-
"There won't be a next time"
His hard voice completely ending the conversation.
"Uhh...right, I see" looking down to the ground, she started exiting the house.
Eh he didn't even give me a chauffeur, she grumbled.
Grateful that she finally left, he sighed.
Entering his kitchen, he pulled out the ingredients to make fettuccine Alfredo.
Putting the pasta to boil, he took out a large pan, he added butter, cream, salt, pepper, garlic salt.
Combining all the ingredients he added the cheese, watching the sauce thicken.
He relaxed a bit, then strained the boiled pasta and mixed it into the white sauce.
His pasta was ready,
Grabbing a bowl for himself, he sat down on his couch, in silence. Just letting his dark thoughts, consume him.
His facade cracked, his clear eyes were consumed with mirth, a frown etched into his face, deeply.
Hot tears began dripping down his face, the damn he tried keeping shut all day, opened.
His heart ached. Deeply.
"Should we try again today?" He spoke to himself.
The tears continued to pour,
"What's the point? I won't die anyway" his voice cracked at the end of the sentence.
Hey everyone
This is my first book I have written on wattpad that i have taken to webnovel,
I have written another book on webnovel.
Um please give me feed back on the book, and if you think the plot is alright,
This draft was sitting in my documents for soo long, as I'm kinda scared to upload it.
But if it doesn't go well, I'll just unpublish it. Soo no biggie.