Chereads / Being An Immortal Is Tiring! [BL] / Chapter 2 - DEATH FOLLOWS ME


Taking a flight to New York, he sat comfortably in his seat, the entire of first class was booked for him, not ready to sit next to some smelly fat man who shovels food into his mouth like it's going to run away from him. He says this from experience.

Plugging in his headphones, he pulled out a book he bought recently called,' The Earth Is Singing'.

It was a book based in Nazi Germany, where a young Jewish girl lives in struggle during the holocaust.

Living in refuge at her relatives home, finding out her boyfriend was a Neo-Nazi and was conspiring against her and her family.

I was in London during the holocaust, not really worried about anything, I wouldn't die anyway.

However I met an old Jewish woman, she treated me kindly, didn't even know my identity, yet she fed me banana bread with honey even if it was a struggle for her to get food, that bright yellow star stitched on her clothes made living extremely hard for her.

She struggled to live until I came, she allowed me to take refuge in her home, her kindness was something I could never feel again.

I didn't know how I was born, but she was like the mother, my heart yearned for.

On the day I chose to take her with me, everything was ready, my subordinates made sure to protect her, while I was arranging for us to leave, away from her personal hell.

She left her home to look for me, completely worried.

My subordinates were no where to be found.

That was the last time I saw her.

Death follows me.

Those I love I can't protect.

When I went looking for her,  I saw a couple things of men chuckling in an alleyway, pushing them away, I saw it.

A black metal chain was wrapped around her neck, blood was gushing. It looked like someone had pulled the chain, so many times that it pulled off layers of her skin.

Torturing her, till she met death.

Greeting her self warmly.

Last time, I ever chose to get close to someone.

All happiness rests peacefully in pain.

There isn't such thing as true happiness.

As everything good lies on something terrible.

That's why humans should just give up trying to make happiness out of everything. Yet they continue to do so.

But people don't understand your joys lies on someone's pain.

Well that's what I see in all those movies I forced myself to watch or books i read in my spare time.

Exiting the plane, the chauffer already had his luggage, the bodyguards pushed me into the car, people clambering to take pictures.

Looking out the window, ignoring the paparazzi he saw, a small boy, blushing lightly, his beautiful eyes had a dim glow to them, able to see that underlying happiness, he was walking in a coffee shop.

My interest was intrigued.

Putting on a hat and bigger sunglasses, I exited the car, baffling the driver.

"Back In a bit", he muttered.

Walking to the shop, keeping his head down, trying to not make any eye contact, not wanting the attention.

Looking for the cutie he saw earlier, seeing his fluffy hair and black glasses perched perfectly on his nose, making them look too big for his face.

Ordering black coffee for himself, no cream or sugar.

Pushing the cup up to his face, he started walking to the no-name cutie.

Standing in front of his table, he muttered quietly, not wanting to disturb his peace,

"Umm can I sit here?"

Looking slightly bewildered,

"Uhh I m-mean y-yes."

Smiling, he took a seat.

Drinking his coffee, he looked down to the cuties drink, seeing a weird looking concoction, with way too many sprinkles and too much whipped cream, and what looks like chocolate.

He raised an eyebrow,

"Didn't think you could put that much whipped cream, in that sized cup"

The boy blushed,

"I-it's good"


Picking up the cup that had a lip mark on the straw, taking a sip.

His eyebrows crunched a bit,

"Soo sweet..."

The blushing boy, struggled with his words slightly.

"I-it's yummy and tastes like all the  goodness of candy, and-and it's got-"

"It's ok, you don't need to explain why you like it"

"O-oh ok"

"So what's your name cutie?"

"C-cutie? Uhm m-my name is Nala"

"What a sweet name"

"Th-thank you"

Looking at his feet, bashfully.

"I-hum w-what's your name?"

"Jack, nice-to meet you"

Time passed, they sat in comfortable silence until Jacks phone started vibrating, picking up the phone to see the identity of the caller. He sighed lightly, His assistant was calling him from the office.

Seeing that troubled sigh, Nala looked up to him and rested his head on the back of his hand, sweetly asking, "what's wrong?"

"Ahh it's nothing cutie, it's just work, they can't leave me alone even for a second!"

" oh it's ok, you can go and you should probably answer your phone" he muttered,

" uhh yeah I should"

Answering the phone, he perched the phone up to his ear, the aura completely changed, instead of that soft demeanour he had in front of Nala changed.

A chilling smile grew on his face as he continued to listen to the timid voice through his phone, Nala could faintly hear the trembling voice coming from the phone.

Ending the call, he tried to calm his chilling aura.

"Sorry about that heh"

" it's ok"

"It seems I have to go, do you come here often cutie?"

"Um yeah I-i do"

Blushing lightly, the older man started chuckling.

"Well I'll see you around Nala"

"U-hum y-you too!"

Laughing at his cuteness he started walking away.

His handsome self was so hard to ignore, as he was walking people began recognising him and started running up to him, all his bodyguards were waiting. He had no one.

So he had to tackle the crowd by himself, finally managing to do so he returned to the car.

Driving home, he started thinking about cutie, around him, he could forget his worries and his struggles.

He didn't have to think, he felt so comfortable, and he could see that cutie was being completely genuine.

He didn't know who he was.

He just thought that Jack was just a normal dude.

Not a multi-billionaire.

Entering his house he saw that the house keeper had already left, it was just him.

The way it was best.

Turning off all the lights, he took a bowl of left overs and sat down, as usual in complete silence.

Yet the usual dread wasn't as much as it was yesterday, he finally had something to look forward to.

His cutie.

That sounded nice, his.

Sorry I've been away for a bit, I'm just try to build up some views hope it's ok please can you write a review if not I'm still going to update



With a cherry on top

*flattens doggy ears*