Opals, a game that is never taught. The rules may have changed from when it was first created, however the rules at the time this book have been written shall be explained. You should only read this book if you know how to play so that it doesn't conflict with the first time experience. Opals is normally played with wagers ranging from the mundane to the lewd.
To start the game the dealer gives each player 7 cards, in the process of the game you have to try to increase your wealth and bankrupt the other players. After everyone has their cards you face off against a random player by the method of your choosing. Out of your 7 cards you can place 2, 3 or even 4 cards face down. The other person has to guess the cards you have layed out and if they get a card correct they take it, if they correctly guess a fish however, it goes back into the deck. If they incorrectly guess and you reveal all fish you take the corresponding number of cards from the other person and shuffle the fish back into the deck. You repeat these random face offs (usually 3 times in total but can be changed to accommodate many players) and tally your points. Whomever has the most for each face off wins.
If Tom and Jerry face off and their final scores are 13 and 19 respectively, Jerry wins the face off. If Tom (without changing hands) then faces Bob and their scores are 15 and 11, Tom would win this faceoff.
Each deck has 10 types of cards with various numbers totaling 100 cards.
(count, card, score)
31 fish, -3
12 lantern, +1
12 apple, +1
12 bamboo, +1
8 watch, + 2
7 diamond, +3
6 chariot, +4
5 royal letter, +5
4 face, +10
3 Opal, +15