Chereads / A Mix of Magic and Science / Chapter 8 - A Time of CHAINge!

Chapter 8 - A Time of CHAINge!

After an hour of mining the duo make their way back to town and arrive around midnight.

"Hikari, as thanks for your help I'll make you a gift, it's a suprise so I'll take the ore and you can head to my place. from here it's the third house on the left." Iskandor informs.

"Sure, I'll see you later." She says, walking off.

"Now it's time to get forging, hopefully Smith won't mind, I'm hardly going to be hammering anything..." He mutters, making his way to the forge. "Luckily theres basic jeweler's tools..."

Iskandor gets to work, refining the mythril to the best of his ability, suprisingly getting different batches with different impurities causing them to have various colors. Iskandor starts out with Serena's bracelet, he decides with a cardano chain, made from rectangular links that lay nicely together. The batch used for her bracelet is gold in color with faint streaks of blue. He then moves onto Hikari's bracelet, made with oblique oval links, creating a foxtail chain, with a pale blue batch matching her hair. He then moves onto Lar's bracelet, a suprisingly deep shade of blue mythril made into intertwined V-shaped double links creating a woven effect that looks like the body of an eastern dragon. And for himself, due to a workplace injury he somehow managed to mix blood into his otherwise purest batch. Somehow the blood mixed perfectly with the mythril and created a deep, somewhat vibrant red batch with silvery streaks, using this batch he creates a fish spine chain, only renaming it to a dragon spine chain because is sounds cooler and why not.

The process of creating these bracelets took several hours. As Iskandor opens the door to his place he sees Lar and Hikari playing a card game.

"I'm home, miss me?" Says Iskandor, lazily falling onto the couch.

"Yeah, what took you so long? You were at the forge for 5 hours?" Lar asks.

"I was making chains." He replies, as if that explains everything.

"But why chains?" Hikari then asks.

"I made you two bracelets, one for Serena and one for myself, all from different batches of mythril so the impurities are different and so on and so forth... also, where do we keep the bandages? I somehow came out unscathed against several spiders but trip and catch myself on an upright nail... luckily my scales blocked most of the damage, just lost like a tablespoon of blood..."

"I'm not even going to ask, bandages are in the cupboard under the bathroom sink..." Lar replies.

"Thanks, heres your bracelets." He says as he walks past and hands them their respective bracelets. "Foxtail and Dragon chains, I hope you like them." He continues from halfway up the stairs.

After bandaging his hand and an hour long power nap Iskandor comes back down to see Hikari and Lar still playing a card game, or more likely they came back to playing it after cooking the breakfast assaulting Iskandors nose.

"Cinnamon blueberry pancakes, bacon, a glass of milk and an apple. A perfect breakfast." He says, recognizing it on smell alone.

"Impressive, after you eat you can join in on our game for a few rounds if you like." Hikari says.

"I'll play tonight, assuming nothing unexpected happens." He responds, shoveling food into his mouth.

"For a dragon you sure eat like a pig!" Lar jokes.

"Well, I'm off, I gotta apologize to Smith if I kept him up and make one last thing." He says.

As he arrives at Smith's after stealthily taking one of the boars tusks and one of its hoofs, he had already grabbed one of the scales he shed off years ago, or rather the previous Iskandor. "Smith, sorry if I bugged you while working..."

"It's no problem, I just want to know what metal that bracelet you have is. I've never seen anything like it."

"It was my purest batch of mythril before I ended up losing blood and it somehow mixing with the semi-molten metal and not ruining the batch. perhaps the one impuritie I couldn't remove had something to do with it..."

"Was it a deep brown, almost black with red veins?" He frantically asks.

"Yes, however it was void black and not a deep brown."

"You found perhaps the purest chunk of demonite and accidentally used it in a bracelet and bound it to you... Almost everyone knows the myths. If someone binds something containing demonite they either become an enemy of all demons or become one... But almost no one is capable of binding to it... much less something with that much pure demonite..."

"So long story short I'm screwed either way..."

"According to myth there is a creature, said to only be born once in an unknown location in time. If you can gain their favor you won't become a demon if that is your fate, and if your fate is to attract the armies of hell it can delay their advance and mask your location from them for some time... The creature is neither a Cambian nor Nephalim, but something between... The offspring of an angel and a demon born through a human body..."

"And why is this somewhat common knowledge when it could potentially cause the apocalypse?"

"As a warning to never go near demonite..."

"Fair enough... perhaps I should re-rename this chain to demon spine..."

"Let us hope that these myths are nothing but. go on and use the forge, and just be careful. I recommend searching for this Cambphalim, myth or not... Just in case."

"We should find a better name... doesn't exactly roll off the tongue..." Iskandor replies, starting his work on a unique weapon.