K-So I finally reached here,The place where 3rd Mighty sword was found
K enters the city
A person going by-Have you heard the 7 mighty swords are meeting today in the Kings Palace to tell everyone something
K-So they already have arrived
5 hours earlier
Sam-Finally,I am out of this dungeon
He goes back to Fin
Fin-Where were you,we all were looking for you
Sam-I fell down a dungeon due to the Earthquake
Fin-Nevermind That,The 6th Mighty sword is in our town and he has told us to find thr Newly found 3rd Mighty sword user,You belive it the 3rd Mighty sword user is in oir town
Sam-Yeah,He must be talking about me
Fin-What did you just say,Wait tmwhat this sword on your ba-
Sam,Dont tell me
Sam-I found it in the dungeon
Fin-So you aemre telling me that you are the 3rd
Sam-Yes I am the 3rd Mighty sword user
Fin-Okay then lets go
???-Stop right there
Lyla-Yes me,So you the great 3rd Mighty sword,then I am taking you
Fin-No I am
Lyla-Sam,I am sure he didn't tell you whoever gets to the King castle first will get 500,000 gold coins
Sam-Heh,So you are using me
Sam-I will go both of you so you both can get the reward
Sam,Lyla and Fin reach the castle
Fin-Your Majesty
Lyla-We bring forth before you Sam Lenosker,The 3rd Mighty user
???-So its you
??? Gives 500,000 gold coins to Lyla and Fin
And Takes her cloak of
Hefa-I am Hefa,Nice to meet you
Lyla-Heh!You are a girl
Hefa-Yes is that a problem
Lyla-No-no,go on
Hefa-I am the 6th Mighty sword user,Hefa that has The Mighty Sword os Water,Lilnosta amd What is your sword name
Sam-Well if I remember wel,It was MenFlame,The Mighty swords Of Fire
Hefa-Good,The 7th Might have been already bringing the The other 5
Sam-You mean
Hefa-Yes,The 2nd Mighty sword user,Kari she holds the Mighty sword of Heaven,Angelorus
The 4th Mighty sword user,V who holds thr Mighty sword of Nature,Geophesta
The 5th Mighty sword user,Gardos Who holds the Mighty sword of Fierce power,Henma
The 7th Mighty sword user,Lamour who holds the Mighty sword of Lightning,Kaminarti
The 8th Mighty sword user,Arnisia who holds the Sword of Hell,Demon Layer
Sam-What aout the 1st?
Hefa-Nobody know where he is and What sword he holds
Hefa-we are all meeting today,getbhim ready okay then See ya
After 5 hours
Sam-Okay then here we go
King Leonard-Hello my fellow people,I am here today to tell that From today The 7 Mighty swords are going to protect everyone,Spread this news everywhere
Sam-Okay our mission is to protect everyone in the World
After te announcement a Part was held at the King's Palace
Lamour-You must be Sam,The 3rd
Gardos-Tell me what sword do you have
Sam-The 3rd Mighty sword,The Mighty sword of Fire,MenFlame
Kari-Good,You have the fire so now lets figure out the 1st sword power
Arnisia-It must be something related to a element
Hefa-Maybe Earth!
V-That must be it
Arnisia-Yeah that the last natural element anyone can have
Guard-I am sorry to inturupt but someone has beaten the guards and got in the Palace
Leonard-What,Is everyone okay
Kira-Was his face seen
Guard-No ma'am,He was wearing a cloak
Leonard-Close all gates we must find this person
K-no need
Sam-How did he
K-This is my party as well
Arnisia-No way
Lamour-How can you say that,This part is for The 7 Mighty swords
K-Well about that
K-You can do that 8,I am the 1st Mighty sword user,K
K takes out his cloak
K-I use the Sword of Blue Flames,Dorneria
Arnisia-It was Blue Flames
Sam-You are the First
Lamour-Huh,You are the First,Okay then Lets test out your power
Lamour takes out Kaminarti and Attacks K
Gardos-Wait no!
K kicks him to the wall and he faints
K-I dont need my sword for weaklings
K goes to the food counter and starts eating
K-And I am only here for the food
End of Chapter
By-Light Yuzuki