Gardos-Its a crisis!!
Arnisia-Is the King calling us back
Arnisia-Then lets go
K-You can go but I am not coming
K-I told you I am not an official member of The 8 Mighty Swords
Gardos-K, The King has requested you to come to accept it or we will have to force
K-How are you going to do that?
Gardos-By fighting you
K-Do you thnk You can defeat me
Arnisia-He is not the only one who is going to fight you
K-Fine then, Fight me
Gardos-As you wish
Gardos takes out Henma, The Sword of fierce power and Arnisia takes out Demon Layer, The Sword of Hell
K Moves quickly at the back of Gardos and kicks him Gardos Balances himself and Smashes his Sword On the ground Breaking The Ground into two parts
K Jumps up
Arnisia attacks K
Arnisia-You can't dodge in the air
K takes Demon Layer as a Platform and Jumps Behind her and Kicks Arnisia on the back
K-Now is it over?
Gardos and Arnisia stand up and they both head towards K
K jumps and does a split kick defeating both of them
K-Its over now
K starts going away
Arnisia faints
K Looks at Arnisia
After 3-4 hours
Arnisia wakes up
Arnisia-Where Am I
Arnisia then remembers everything
K-Ah, don't shout will ya
Arnisia-Where Am I?
K-This is My Villiage
Arnisia takes a look outside and was shocked
Arnisia-Why is Everyone a stone
K-This Happened soon after I got my Mighty Sword, Everyone started turning into stone and now it's like this
Arnisia-So why are we here?
K-For my little sister, Kanya
Kanya comes to K and hugs him
Kanya-Ah, Our guest is awake nice to meet you I am Kanya
Arnisia-Nice to meet you Kanya
Kanya-I will ready the food you two fresh up
Kanya goes away
K-she is going to turn into a stone tomorrow
Arnisia is shocked
K-After Tomorrow I will be leaving with you guys but until then, please wait
K starts crying
K-Please Wait
End of Chapter
By-Light Yuzuki