Sam-So that is the 1st Mighty swords
Hefa-Didn't think he will be a foody person
K-you know I can hear everything
Gardos-So Are you strong
K-Hanen't you all had enough of that
Leonard-I appreciate you coming,1st I am King Leonard
K-I will be leaving soon so dont even care saying that
Leonard-You cant,1st we need you to protect the world
K-Protecting the world,huh I dont care about the world all I care about is myself
V-You cant leave
K-Who is going to stop me
Hefa-We are
K-Good Speech
K quickly defeat everyone there
K-But I am Too strong
Lamour-You didn't use your sword
K-It's because you all are weak to let me even use my sword
Sam Stands up
Sam-I Have a
K-What is that?
Sam-Cam you train me!
K-That's what I will Like you listen,Okay then I will stay just to train the 3rd,but King Leonard I will need what I want in my room
Leonard-As you wish
K walk's out of the room
Hefa-I thought I was gonna train
Sam-Sorry,Hefa but I think K will be a better candidate for it
Arnisia-Good choice
Sam-Okay but shoudn't we see that we all were defeated by 1 person
Kari-Not everyone
Hefa-The 2nd and 8th didn't join the battle
Arnisia-We already calculated his strength and figured he was stronger then us
Kari-But having Blue flames is so cool
Sam-Okay,Then I will be leaving for the training
Sam went to the training grounds
K-So you are here,Okay then lets begin
K-First,we are going to learn about fighting without swords
K-Because there is a limit that our body can handle the power of the blade so we need to learn how to fight with our own power
K-So fight me
K-I need to see how much you already know
Sam-Okay then,Here we go
Sam heads towards
And pubches him
K blocks him with his hand and kicks hin in the back
Sam blocks it
K-Oh,you are good
Sam-Had some training
Sam and K fight wit all their power
At the end
K-You alrrady know how to fight with your own power
K-Next step is generating your own power in your sword
Sam-What is that
K-Our power that we fight with can be used as a final attack if you give the sword all your power and attack with it
Sam-Its easy
K-No it's not,you need to undedstand that how much power you can give to the sword because if you give it too much you can Die!
K-Now,Think about a flame in your heart,Take some flame from it and give it to the sword
As Sam does that,Fire cover the whole sword and It becomes the Fire Sword,MelFlame
Sam-So cool
K-I know,now I am going to show you mine
K takes out his sword
K closes his eyes
Blue flames starts coming out of the sword and it become the Blue Flames sword,Dorneria
Sam-That's Amazing
Arnisia and Kara were walking past them and
Saw it
Gardos-That is the power
Hefa-Of the Sword of blue flames
Lamour-It's Beautiful as the world
K-There you go
K keeps the sword back
Sam-How can I become as strong as you
K-Just keep training amd one day you will be like me who made himself combine with the Sword
Sam-What does that mean
K-You will understand it when you become stronger
End of Chapter
By-Light Yuzuki