Chapter 9 - 08


It was my room. Opening one of the wardrobe doors, I see all my articles of clothing still intact. I can't believe they still kept all this and maintaining how my room looks after so long. I thought they would have thrown them away, but I guess wrong.

Opening the door of my room, I just casually waltz out before heading downstairs to the kitchen.

Damn am I hungry. 

Gonna make some food.

Opening the fridge, I found some ingredients. Taking out the eggs, cheese, ham, hot dogs and some vegetables. Washing and cutting all food into small pieces, I proceeded to crack the eggs into a bowl, heating the pan up cooking my omelette. Melting the cheese, I then drizzled it onto the omelette. 


"What are you doing?", a very conversant voice.

Without turning around, I proceeded to eat my omelette calmly. 

"Seriously are you just going to ignore us?", another oh so familiar voice rang out.

Still, I said nothing continuing to eat my food.

"Who said you could use the kitchen and use our ingredients?"

I then turned around smiling innocently saying, "Well, I paid for this house and I was going to make some for you but... Plus just because I "retired" doesn't mean I can't kick your ass."

"Fine sorry! Sorry...please don't kick our ass", they rang out with a hint of fear in their tone.

"Y/N you think you could whip us some of your signature cheesy omelette too?", they asked.

Looking at both 슈라 and 슈중, they were giving me their cutest puppy dog eyes begging for me to agree. 

"Fine", I replied.

"Yay!", they both jumped up simultaneously.

Seriously, they are so cute. How can I beat those puppy eyes and smiles?

Shaking my head, I finished up my omelette before making some for each of them too. But not before hugging 슈중. It has been a long time.


They had just finished their omelette when the doorbell rang. Their expressions changed from the smiley one to the serious one. When I saw that face, I knew that meant business and I know exactly who pressed that doorbell. It was exactly 1 pm on the dot.


Jin's POV

Following the address Namjoon typed into the GPS I drove to the location. The atmosphere in the vehicle was tense, with everyone on the edge. We were all feeling jittery, anxiously waiting to arrive, wondering what would happen next and hoping that Y/N would be safe and sound.


Arriving at our destination, we all exited and I looked at the mansion in front of us before turning towards Namjoon asking, "You sure you typed the location correctly?"

He nodded as each of us gaped at the building that stood before us in all its glory. I can't believe they would ask us to meet up at this place. I would have expected a dark and spooky old factory, warehouse or something along those lines. Never expected this.

Gingerly, Namjoon raised his hands to press the doorbell. After a few minutes, no response was heard. Namjoon was about to ring again when the gate opened. All seven of us walked into the house. Reaching the door, we found it unlocked and we pushed open the door only to be greeted with darkness. Then out of nowhere, a light shone in front of us shining at 슈중. He smiled at us gesturing at the seven seats in front of him. Without a choice, we all sat down.

"Where's Y/N?" Namjoon asked.

"Be patient", 슈중 replied with a smile.

"You son of a— hmf" Yoongi started before being cut off my me clasping his mouth and kicking his legs.

"No need to get violent. You'll get what you want if you agree to this."

"What do you want?", Namjoon asked.

"I want us to work together." 슈중 said, shocking each and every one of us.

"Why and for what purpose?"

"You guys are good, I admit it. We work together to kill my younger brother."

"And why do you think we would agree to that?"

"I'll pay you double of what my younger brother is paying you, plus you will get Y/N back in one piece. Deal?"

Namjoon hesitated as he looked towards each one of the members for their opinions. We all nodded our heads at him. For some weird reason, Y/N is our top priority. As long as she's back safe and sound, nothing else matters.


Namjoon and 슈중 shook hands.

"Can we get Y/N back now?" Taehyung asked. 

"Sure." 슈중 smiled. Smiling a genuine smile for the first time as all the lights brightened. 

Coming down from the stairs was 슈라 holding Y/N's hand aiding her down the stairs. Y/N was wearing a different outfit now. It was a black sweater with a pair of tights. We looked confused as to why both brothers were so nice to Y/N. But it was obviously pushed aside when Yoongi did something so out of his character. He burst into a bright smile before running towards Y/N giving her a bone-crushing hug. Y/N looked baffled for a second before she too hugged back. Seeing that Taehyung ran forwards also hugging Y/N with Yoongi before Hoseok yelled "Group hug!" and we all embraced Y/N in one huge group hug. 


Jungkook's POV

Currently, we were in a training room in the mansion. Y/N was sitting at the side as the two brothers taught us how to train. But Jimin hyung didn't look too happy about it, questioning their skills.

It was only when the practice rounds against both 슈라 and 슈중 then we all realize how much better they were than us. It was scary.

That day, we ran, worked out, and trained the most we had in forever. Preparing for our next mission. I didn't mind all this training it not only benefits me, but it also keeps Y/N safe.

But due to everyone being so focused on training, nobody but 슈중, 슈라 and I noticed that Y/N was gone from her original place. They both smiled knowingly at each other before continuing in aiding us. Leaving me confused.

Where did she go?
