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静的ボイドInsticWalker IX : Lily And Angelina

After The Death of Scrotris, The Debts of Evil Don't End As Natural Gets A Book From His Dream From The Real World That led No where, As Static And Natural tried to figure it out as fast as possible When Whispers inside Unknowns Mind Began to Attack him Making Natural Break the invisible wall bringing an Evil Girl; Angelina into there Dimension, she almost Corrupts Naturals World with Evil, Blue Light The Dragon Finally got Convinced by Unknown to come out of hiding. Secrets Of one Story comes out as to what Happened to Unknown and Neely's Mother that involved Statics Evil Doings In the Past, Making Static recreate Zeros fictional Character. Natural Had Seen What Hakai Suru can do, And he won't let it become a reality, he'll have to scarifice himself to save his world and his story.

Chapter 1 - Story Telling

Inside The Invasitor Tower, A Sky Scraper Like No Other Was Built In Purified City Tech and made its moneys worth to be over 3 billion dollars. And many say a tower this huge can fit over 238,745 people. A grin showed on his face as he walks passed the television store, he jumps up very fast and sees the Invasitor Structure, he then pulls out a large blade and aims at the tower "Hakai suru" He said as his blade makes a loud noise, he throws the Blade and the sonicwave destorys the building making it collapse, he fades away and leaves never to be seen again. Zero plays videos games on his phone as Unknown Looks at Zero annoyed "In all Honesty how could you play such a game thats not even worth the time" Unknown Said to zero not paying attention, zero pauses the game and turns around to Unknown "Your not wrong, but because video games are supposed to be only for youre spare time and its not meant to be a 24/7 thing, And Im Very Bord" Zero Said trying to concentrate on the game

"Your right...without Natural its not the same, i still cant believe he left us to watch over the house for him" Unknown said thinking as he heard a voice "Sorry if i got home late, I went to the store and bought sushi and beverages if your hungry" Silver said as Zero Got Up Excited "SUSHI....IM ALL FOR IT" Zero Yelled as Unknown Spoke softly "damn, get a room" Unknown said frowning as Natural walks inside the house. "Natural what are you still doing here" Unknown said as Natural quickly hide himself behind a lamp "you do know we could still see you...Natural" Silver said as Natural nervously laughs "yeah uh, i have a lot of expaining to do don't i Eh-eh" Natural said nervous, they all knod they're head "Natural you need to find a job, they already give us an eviction notice if we don't pay 34,000$" Unknown shouted as Natural covered his ears and shouted back "Do you even know how hard it is to get a Job, aarrggh....its stupid" Natural crossed his arms "find then how bout this" Natural snaps his fingers "there its been payed for, simple as that" Natural said as he walks Upstairs to his room, "I feel droughted every time i think, i feel like my mind isnt listening to me, i feel very insecure about myself, Im a creator not a person who argues back for things of things, If Only Someone was here to help me maybe i could figure out a way to sustain myself again" Natural wrote in his journal, Unknown Knocked on the door and Opened it "Natural theres something i got to tell you" Unknown Closed the door as Natural looked at Him "What do you want to tell me" Natural said listening, waiting for Unknowns words "Natural Watch Out" Unknown Pulled Natural to the side as a sonic Wave hit directly towords the house as it damages parts of the floor above, Naturals Room Began to collapse and Natural almost falling with the floor as Unknown Caught him by his hand and pulled him up "What The hell, What kind of a Sonic Wave Was That" Unknown Looked Around As Natural pulled him back "Careful, i-" Natural looked down as Unknown looked at him "I'll be fine" Unknown said as Natural sees the new tower collapsing as smoke of clouds can be seen from a distance as a loud explosion was hit through the tower his eyes widened "No!! Purified City Tech is under attack" Natural reaches his arms out and trys to keep the tower from collapsing form a distance and trys to pull it up "I won't let more people die in my world, I won't let that happen Again" Natural uses his narration power and saves the tower from collapsing "Every Story has to have rules, but i make my in control over what i desire" Natural said as he falls down weakened by his own powers

"Unknown, Natural are you guys alright" silver said worried.

A man dressed in black with a hat and a blade was hiding in the woods watching, Unknown had seen him as he quickly jumped off Naturals room and does a somersault on to the ground and pulled out his sword sprinting as Natural yelled "Unknown" Natural said trying to get up, Natural stumbles as Silver Kicked the door with her foot "Natural" Silver said as she grabs Zero "Get Natural out Of here, take the keys to my car and take him out of here Now... I'll go after Unknown" Silver said as Zero grabbed Natural and they went down stairs, "Wait i cant leave simba by himself, ever since we were the mansion" Natural said as Zero grabbed the cat, and put Natural in the back of the car zero got into the car and droved off. Unknown sees the man and Strikes preferably at him...Unknown sees the glare from the mans eyes, but there were no eyes from him, as it looked like a scarecrow with stiches and stiched up eyes that made an x with a large blade behind his back

it spoke "Kono michi no unmei" it said in a rusty voice as Unknown spoke "What Kind Of Lang" Unknown seen the man pull out a large blade, and Aimed It At Unknown...his eyes widened and prepared for him to strike, the man spoke in a solid voice "Hakai Suru" He said And a sonic Wave struck From the Blade. Unknown swerves his sword and tries to deflect the SonicWave, but he was tackle by a Silver, "Silver No What Are You Doing" Unknown yelled in a drastic voice, the sonicwave passes Unknown and Silver it hits the house and it blows up. Unknowns Eyes Widened, he Grunts and Gets Up and sprints at the man "You BASTURD" Unknown yelled Furious as he uses fast teleport and punches the man with a Fire fist, the man was able to keep up with Unknowns speed and Caught Unknowns fist and grabbed his rist and pushed it against Unknowns chest and threw Unknown on the ground as Silver ran to Unknown "Thats it, Im tired of being blamed from all of this" Silver said Angry as She Walks Toward The man "Silver Don't Do It" Unknown tries to Get Up, "the man tries to use a Thermal Virus and-" Zero Said Trying to be spooky. "Okay Were Done here, Were Does Neely, Roxy and Netro -" Wait Don't Forget About Static; Roxy said "Oh and Static Come Into Play" Natural Said as they all chat in the living room "I don't know, they all died" Zero Smiles as Natural and Roxy a little annoyed "And wait since when was i the boss of Natural" Unknown scratches his head "And Zero Why Are You Telling the Story" Neely said with his hand raised "I thought You guys Loved My Stories" Zero Crossed his arms "The Story was Okay, it just needs more work...." Natural said "Now Lets Begin Our Real Chapter, And A New Adventure" Natural said smiling,