Chereads / 静的ボイドInsticWalker IX : Lily And Angelina / Chapter 2 - Chapter One: Real World

Chapter 2 - Chapter One: Real World

"Alright Goodnight everyone" Natural said as he shuts his door.

Natural Lays Down On his Bed, trying to get some sleep. An Hour Later Natural had Opened his eyes and he sees a Light, it was a world that was realistic....a realm with a feature of a different graphic than his own that was created by someone else, he walks through a parking lot and looks around. There was a house that seem to be an apartment complex, something hit him through his brain and he began trying to remember what this place was and why it looked so familar, cars in the parking lot. An Apartment next to the parking lot, Natural remembers and he runs further up the side walk and makes his way up to the last apartment. "212, that's were i the Real World. Did i somehow cross through this realm by mistake" Natural walks, about to go up the steps but sees a book and picks it up, he takes a good look at the book and it had a Black Color with a Scrotris symbol on it and a Title called StaticVoidInsticWalker in a Japanese Version written on it, he walks up stairs and opens the door and closes it...he turns on the light, puts the book on the table...sits down and opens the book, his eyes widened "Its Letters that i said in my journal, what the heck is it doing in this book" Natural said fascinated as he flips the page "Shadows Of Evil, Silents Wake....This Is All Of The Chapters" Natural Began To Be Aware Of The Fact That This Was Not A Dream, It Was A Real Realm.

As Natural Flipped the page, a Face symbol Of with Stiched Up eyes that made an x and a stiched Up mouth

With a japanese title Hakai Suru, Natural couldn't see as static began to blur his vision and everything began to be Color Edged, He Woke Up and it was already morning. He pulls himself up Stretching as he began to feel something plastic "what is that" Natural waits for his eyes to focus and He Freaked and he fell off the bed, The Book Was On His Bed, "WHAT THE HELL" Natural Yelled with his eyes widened. "Wait so a dream gave you a book from the real world" static said as he looks at the book fascinated, "yeah, It Was Weird. This Dream, showed me the real world....a third Realm of reality with it being a real universe" Natural Stated as Static spoke his point of view "But thats Impossible, you can't cross through another Dimension and be able to cross back, that breaks laws of physics. And Your Only A Creator Of The Universe Not the Centre Of it all, So How could it possibly Be" Static Started to think as Natural Opened The Book "Its What im trying figure out, remember what Parallel Dragon said when we were learning about realms And Parallel Physics" Natural said as Static Shook his head "He said that a realm is not a dimension and dimension is not a universe and a universe is not a multiverse and a multimension is not parallel and are different from each other not until they collade and form up Amazing work. A Third Dimension Universe is a 3D Realm and some say it is a work of reality, 3D Stands For Third Dimension and if we were living in a 4 Dimension Doging a bullet Like the Matrix would be a reality" Natural said as Static Blinding the fact that Natural had new the answer and was hiding something "so what realm is this one" static asked as Natural thought for a second and snaped his fingers And thought of the answer "I could be wrong, but This realm could actually be a fantasy realm. Where dreams from creators like myself..exist, most creators Won't bother trying to make a story like this one, they could...but they won't...because it will mess up the plot of being a story or something like that. but me, i know what i'm doing. I am very aware." Natural said as he flips the page and sees numbers written on it, Natural Quickly Examines the numbers with his hand as Static looks at Natural "Were these numbers here before" Static said as Netro Walks pass them then turns Back to see what Natural and Static are Up to. "I don't remember seeing these numbers, perhaps Memory loss....Not remembering a dream is part of what a dream is. Some people don't recall see the things they saw, which is normal...i guess." Natural said as he turns to Netro "Hey! Netro since your here, You Don't Mind The Craziest thing I'm about to tell you...right" Natural said cautiously as he clucked his left eye brow up, smiling as netro gave a weird look with no interest. He thought for a moment, then spoke "alright, fine....what is the most craziest you could possibly show...other than having the skill to narrate such logics" Netro said Jokingly, Natural pulled out a the black book as Netro gave a irritated expression "A Black Binder, Are You Serious" Netro said as he looked closely and it had, a Scrotris symbol on front and back...the back one had a symbol that was from his chest and the front was a drawing from Natural, Netro Then Looked At Natual suspiciously "Do you have an afair with Scrotris or something" Netro said as Natural freaks Out And Throws the Binder "Oh, GOD NO! To My Own Demon Friend As Well As My Own Character, No Thankyou." Natural Yelled as Static covered his mouth trying not to laugh as Netro spoke "I'm kidding, Im Kidding, You Shouldve Seen The Look On Your Face" Netro Laughed as Natural picked the binder back up and slammed it on the table "This is seriously the most weird Book or Binder that I've ever seen" Netro said facinated "It Tells us Where We've Been, And Drawings Of Us Too. Where did you guys get this from" Netro said trying to figure it out, "We didn't, Or At Least Natural Didn't. This Book came From Naturals dream, which if preferably came from a 3D Realm, then its safe to say that it came from the real world" Static said as Netro got the answer "Natural i remember you telling me something about that when we were trapped in that mansion, maybe your real self gave you the book." Netro said as he flips the page and sees a drawing and a name that says Hakai Suru "Hakai Suru, What Does That Mean" Netro Asked, "it means Destory In Japanese....What a distinctive name to use for a character" Static said in an evil voice.