Chereads / 静的ボイドInsticWalker IX : Lily And Angelina / Chapter 4 - Chapter Three: Lost, But Still Strong

Chapter 4 - Chapter Three: Lost, But Still Strong

"So Much For Your Weak Friend, Who's Gonna Save All Of You Now" Angelina said as She Blows Up the House leaving a huge damage behind, Unknown slowly opened his eyes and sees the fire slowly building up and collapsed, Unknown seen Scrotris poster that Natural made. Unknown tried to grab it, but it flew right into the fire. "Uh, rraaaaghhh" Unknown screamed as blood slowly slithered down Unknowns forehead as Unknown looked down and seen Naturals cat barely breathing, He quickly lifts up a burning wall and picks the cat up and tries to find a way out "I'm gonna get you out of here, all of you out of here, i promise" Unknown said And tries to find the door, Unknown couldn't breath as he stumbles to walk "The Smoke, its to much" Unknown starts coughing roughly as he falls down "aarrrrghhhhhhh, No I won't die here, Not Here" Unknown yelled as he felt like closing his eyes, Unknown heard a pound and Verilan Broke through the wall roughly as Unknowns eyes widened "what the hell, who's that" Unknown said as Verilan picked Unknown Up and Took him out of the burning house as Unknown felt the air as verilan worried "Are You Okay, here drink some water, are they still in there" verilan yelled as verilan repeated "ARE THEY STILL IN THERE" Verilan Yelled as Unknown spoke "yes, yes there still in there" Unknown said coughing still holding the cat, he checked the cats heart and there was no heart beat from the cat. Unknown hugged the cat trying not to cry "im sorry that you had to go through that" Unknown said putting the cat down as Verilan yelled out "Unknown I need your help, Now" Verilan said as Unknown went back in there, an hour later Verilan Iced the house and the Flaming stopped,

Netro hugged his sister conforting her "its fine, Your Okay" Netro Said as zero walked to Unknown as Silver Walked to Zero "Naturals cat suffocated from the smoke, can you see if you could heal him. Unknowns been holding it all day" Silver said as Zero closed his eyes and Spread a Healing wave and Everyone got heal as well as the cat, Neely hugged Zero "Im So glad that we have you" Neely said as Unknown smiled "Thankyou Zero" Unknown said as Zero noticed Naturals Scarf "Unknown i thought Naturals scarf got destroyed by Akuamas spear" Zero said as Unknown smiled "Nope Not At All, Parts of it got reaped" Unknown said as he pulled out his sword "What do we do now" Silver said as Unknown looked up "Static, Your The Only One Thats Part Of Naturals Universe and He Unbanned you, Whats Your Plan" Unknown Looked at Static and He Freaked "THIS WAS NATURALS PLAN WASN'T IT" Static Said scared as Unknown remembered Zeros story "zero remember your story, with that character named Hakai suru" Unknown said as Zero nodded "yeah, What about it" Zero asked "I have a plan" Unknown said, an hour later Static faced palm as to what Unknowns idea was "I Can't, the only One Who Can Do that is Natural" Static said as Netro jumped in "but why do we need other person to help us out when we got all the help we need, Natural Didn't just give us powers to hide them, he gave it to us because he knows that we have the ability to use them in different ways than any other" Netro said as Unknown nodded his head "Unknown, You above all was able unlocked Your own powers by yourself. And here you are asking for help from a different Unreal character, We're Taking down this bitch Without any help. We got each other, we are the help." Netro Said as zero spoke "Thats a great speech and all but don't forget about saving Natural and the world from getting destoryed thingy" Zero said jokingly as Neely smacked Zeros shoulder "What if our mom is alive, And she wasn't lying About that. what if she's alive in another universe similar to ours" Neely said as Unknown closed his eyes trying not to turn away, then he gasp and he sees Natural "Unknown Your different for a reason, An Ultimate Master doesnt give up on those who look a different way. And the most part he's right, come on Unknown. GET UP" Natural said as Unknown grabbed his sword "Netro locate her, We're gonna stop her, right Silver... Silver?" Unknown confused, he turned around and sees Silver petting Calabaza Not paying attention "aww your so cute" silver said hugging calabaza as he lays blank and enjoying the love, "Silver, enjoying yourself. Huh" Unknown said with a smirk, Netro scanned the entire map and seen an icon and gasp and remembered what Natural said "If i die This entire world will be gone, im not immoral because life is limited even to a creator, you could be the most powerful person and still die in lifes hands" Natural said and Netro flashback into reality "Naturals, Alive

What is your plan Natural" Netro said whispering, the morning they arrived back at Zero and Neelys place. "a lot has changed since we last been here, Only to come back here again...After Everything Thats Happened" Zero looked down sad as Neely put his hand on Zeros Shoulder "Don't worry, We Have To Step Back To Move Forward" Neely said Smiling, "Come on, Lets Go inside im Starving" Zero said with his tongue sticking out, as Silver covered her mouth trying not to laugh "Zero i hope your talking about food" Silver said as zero looked at her confused "Of Course I'm Talking Food" Zero said and looked at Silver with a smile, they then went inside except for Unknown. Unknown on the other hand looked up in the sky as the moon showed and the night sky began to be more dark, As Unknown Looked Down. He heard a voice "Why Look So Sad" it said as Unknown looked around "I know that voice" Unknown said as blue light shines brightly by Unknown, "Why Have You All Of A Sudden Appear Only With Me, Your Naturals Companion go back to him" Unknown said with his arms crossed as it chuckled "Your Not Wrong, but you shouldn't stress about him too much." Blue Light said as he circles Around Unknown "after everything thats happend, you were trapped in the hands of Akuama, Why Can't Natural Bring Back Scrotris" Unknown said as Blue Light looked at Him, then began to riddles "Natural Has To Create him in order to bring him back‚ no creator can bring back darkness" Blue Light said looking at Unknown "What?" Unknown looked at him confused "No, He's Not Dead. He's Alive, Waiting For You To Make Your Move, i Can't Help You" Blue Light Disappears As Unknown Grabbed his sword and Headed to purified city tech.