Silver stood on another tree not too far from Larissa.
Lazaro's eyes turned bloodshot as his lips widened showing his canine teeth.
"Come on!" He threw his self-made hatchet that broke on the beasts thick hide and bounced off. Lazaro had the strength of D rank beast by now, with overload, he could wrestle with the bears.
"HA!" He roared and collided with the strongest, the difference in weight was made clear as Lazaro was pushed back and thrown on his back. The bear stumbled back in a short daze.
In the distance, Silver laughed awkwardly trying to image the weight behind Lazaro's shoulder bash.
Without wasting time, he materialized his Bow.
The bear came to himself and growled in rage as its followers circled Lazaro
The left eye of the strongest was replaced by a gaping red hollow. It was the essence of wind that did it.
Silver took a deep breath as he felt his small poll of essence depleting.
"HA" Lazaro slapped the bear and jumped backward to a tree.
The other bears seeing the people on the tree launched to get them.
With two steps Lazaro ran up the tree and backflipped. The tree behind him gained a deep scar from the bear's claw. barks and dust came up as he was falling, through it his widened eyes caught the positions of the bear's head.
The dull sound echoed attracting the other bear's attention. Using the right timing and overwhelming control of his body, Lazaro descended while concentrating everything on his ankle. Momentum tripled his weigh. Coupled with his overloaded strength; his ankle sunk down on the bear's skull. the beast's eyes went blank as an audible crack echoed. but Lazaro didn't stop
Landing on the ground he rolled to a meter away. His arms veins bulged as his hands locked on each other. He brought them up, all the way behind his back, arching his body backward.
'Against a tough shell, there's only blunt damage.' Lazaro thought as he locked the air inside of him. He closed his eyes and concentrated on a memory.
The bear that was still in a daze, showed signs of conscience as an ominous pressure exuded from Lazaro's pose
silver's eyes entered in a trance. 'His body.. is like a tensioned bow.'
Lucas felt his heart palpitate as he raised walls against the incoming bears although he knew it was small, it was enough for delaying.
"Art of the heavy mace; crush."
Nobody breathed, even the bears tumbling Lucas earth walls down stopped and looked back.
The sheer energy created by his muscles exploded his military garment to pieces, a torse riddled with scars appeared turning red with squirming veins.
The bear woke up, with berserk eyes. and attack. Lazaro release himself and his clasped hands came down tearing air apart.
It downed on the beast's head.
Its head hit the ground. A shockwave sent all dead leaves and loos earth meters away.
A small crate formed beneath the animal's head. It moved no more.
'His skull wasn't crushed... I'm really too weak.' Lazaro said and ran towards the other two dazed bears.
(Girl!!) A rushed voice startled the concentrating Larissa
(Doesn't matter! Yell for him to stop! His body won't take it anymore, now that he's injured!) Hyera exclaimed with urgency.
'Injured?' Larissa frowned and looked at Lazaro. Beneath his left arm, from his ribs to his waist, a gash was opened and bled with each step he rushed.
An alarming feeling came over her 'Stop! you're hurt stop! you'll die!'
These words came to her throat but she stopped.
She looked at the two bears at her tree, at the weak silver, and at the flustering Lucas. There was no one else that could definitely put those bears down.
(He might listen to you! Don't you care for him!?) Screamed Hyera.
Larissa hesitated and bit her lips as Lila's destroyed lungs and heart slowly mended.
'Lucas! Silver! focus solely on helping Lazaro don't mind me! You'll have help!" She sent her intent through the tree.
Feeling Larissa's distress the monstrous rose's lacerated six vines sprung from the floor and harassed the bears
'Lucas can barely hold off the two weaker bears, let alone kill it. Silver can only shoot two more arrows that can only do damage if it hit the eyes and the target is moving with high speed. My friend's thorns cannot enter those beast's hide, and their vines are not strong enough to slap them away. It's not about caring or not, it' s about survival.'
Thinking like that, she glanced once more time at Lazaro's wounds and bit her lips until blood sipped out. "I'm sorry for relying on you again.' She whispered to no one.
But Hyera heard. (Damnable woman! Quick put your hands on the redheaded woman's body, NOW!) She yelled.
Larissa did as told. She chose not to think anymore.
Staring down from the tree, time seemed to have slowed down for Lucas.
He lamented becoming close to Lazaro. The guy only made him suffer since the beginning. He momentarily fantasized letting the smiling fool turned to ashes by that meteor. But the bears started running from Lazaro and were headed to him he had to repay his debt.
'...Immovable, and irresistible force...'; he calmed himself down, from the tree he didn't have direct contact with the earth. T
The huge vines slapped the bears but other than slightly harassing it for a few moments it just made it angrier.
He had to take it down. Everything he learned about essence in this small trip flashed by his mind.
Against all his instincts he jumped down on the ground and stomped hard making the horse stance. he didn't know why he just associated toughness with that stance. He concentrated and all noise faded from his ears. the beast's gaping maw got bigger on his vision as well as Lazaro's gaping wound.
He directed his essence to his lower Dantian then to his upper Dantian to form his intent.
It was then, the dreams about the mammoth came to his mind, and his eyes shone brightly an intent completely alien to him suddenly surged on his mind.
A chant came to his mind.
"By the will of Olof-"! A thick pillar of earth sprung up from the ground beneath the closest bear and rose five meters high.
Lucas continued in a daze. "-Blossom;-"
The bear flew from the impact, and right as it landed, another pillar surged crushing it upwards this time it went six meters on air.
The beast wasn't conscious as it went ten meters in the air. With brilliance on his eyes, Lucas said the last chant.
"--; Earth!"
The bear gained momentum. The with square top rose faster than the other two after crushing it launched the bear thirty meters on the air.
The brilliance disappeared from his eyes, as did his essence, together with the falling bear he fell unconscious.
The last bear's eye grew bloodshot and it entered the berserk state it ran directly to the fallen Lucas, Lazaro locked his hands together again. He was five meters behind.
His eye glowered. The wound on his torso opened wider. 'It's me, I can take it.' He thought and started to move his muscles. 'Art of heavy mace, Momentum crash'
He ran and prepared to smash the things back.
"STOP IT YOU RETARD!" A voice he grew familiar with for these past days resounded.
A redheaded woman jumped down in front of the bear and sunk a one-meter long tree branch onto the eyes of the beast, she sunk it all the way until her hand was halfway inside its eyeball hole.
While the bear trembled and stopped moving.
Lazaro stared at the woman who had glowing red eyes.
"Becca your head!"