(I'm this chapter yoongi is 26 and jimin is 23)
Yoongi:*wakes up and looks at the window*
*Yoongi looks at the moon necklace*
*yoongi gets out of the bed and changes and eats breakfast and walks out the door and sees Jin*
Yoongi:*sees new neighbors move in*
Yoongi:looks like I have new neighbors...
*yoongi has no friends except for Jin,j-hope jungkook,and TAE and rm*
*and jimin only has jin as his friend*
Jimin:*still sleeping after that long airplane ride*
Jimin mom:jimin you have to wake upppp
Jimin:mmm do I have to*says it in a sleep voice*
Jimin mom:yes now come on chop chop out the bed you go haha *walks downstairs
Jimin:ha ha very funny
*jimim got out of bed and changes and runs downstairs and eats breakfast and gose outside and sees Jin with someone*
Jimin:um hi jin?
Jin:hi jimin
Yoongi:*looks at the other boy*
Jimin:so um who is this jin?
Jin:oh right this is yoongi
Jimin:oh hello
Jin:yoongi doesn't talk a lot but you will find out why...
Yoongi:he doesn't need to know jin...
Yoongi:well I'm off...*walks to the school alone*
Jimin:so um what happened to him...?
Jin:it's a long story...
Jimin:oh okay.....
*jin and jimin walks to the school and Jin sees rm,TAE,jungkook and j-hope*
*jin tells everyone about jimin and now jimin has new friends *
*but jimin still didn't know why the other boy was depressed*
*jimin and the others went inside and out there stuff in their lockers until there was a lot of kids in the hallway looking at something*
*it was yoongi and the bully fighting*
*jimin and his friends were shocked about this*
Yoongi:*keeps fighting
Bully:haha you think you can beat me haha
Yoongi:mabye I can if you keep your mouth shut
Bully:oo now we're talking hahah
Yoongi:it's been 15 years and your still picking on me wow what record
Bully:hehhe *keeps fighting
Yoongi:*keeps fighting but bleeds*
Jimin:what do we do jin...
Jin:we can't do nothing cause they both fight a lot...
*Yoongi kicks the bully and the bully fell but the bully told yoongi something and the bully left*
Yoongi:*breaths heavily*
*yoongi looks at them*
*walks past them but walks weak*
Yoongi:*looks at him*
Jimin:can we take you to the nurse.....
Yoongi:I'm fine.....*feels pain and falls
*they all ran to him*
Yoongi:I-I'm fine
Tae:no your not
Jungkook:now let us help you
Rm:they are right yoongi you can't keep the pain inside
Yoongi:I'm fine.....I just need to go to class
Yoongi:*feels more pain*
Yoongi:ow ow ow*holds his own stomach*
Jimin:plzz let us take you to the nurse....
Yoongi:fine but only once....*looks down
*jimim and the others takes yoongi to the nurse but the nurse tells them one of them should stay with yoongi*
*jimin told everyone he will stay so the others left and jimin day in the chair playing with his own hands*
Yoongi:*looks around*
Yoongi:*sits up*
*jimim looks at yoongi*
Jimin:.....are you okay...
Yoongi:I'm fine...
Jimin:well okay....
Yoongi:*stands up but weak*
Jimin:Wait DONT stand up*walks to yoongi*
Yoongi:*looks at him*
*jimin helps yoongi*
Yoongi:I think you should go to class I don't want you late on your first day..
Jimin:it's okay I'll stay here..
~a few hours later~
*yoongi feels better and jimin and yoongi went to class until a teacher called for them*
Teacher:yoongi and jimin can you plz wait outside of the class room for a while
Yoongi:umm okay?
*they both went in the hallway and waited
Teacher:so as you know we need someone to play the piano and someone to dance so we can beat the other school so when I saw you papers I thought that you 2 should work together for this. So what do you think
Yoongi:I guess
Jimin:umm okay
Teacher:good now you both will go to room 210
Yoongi:But that's the dance room?
Teacher:oh we will put the piano there
Yoongi:ah okay
Teacher:okay see you later
~6 hours later~
*yoongi went outside and sat under a tree and saw the bully walking to him
Yoongi:*sigh*when will they ever learn *talks to himself*
Bully:hey look it's the boy who cried at the nurse office hahaha
Yoongi:hey look it the kid who was scared to finish the fight *stands up and looks at him*
Bully:oh so you wanna fight now huh
*yoongi gets his fists ready*
*jimim was walking to yoongi until he saw the bully and yoongi*
*yoongi and the bully look at jimin*
Bully:aw how cute your bf came here to save you hahahaha
Yoongi:ughhhhh*kicks the bully very hard*
Jimin:*punchs the bully*
Jimin:leave him alone!!!
Bully:alright jeez *walks away
Yoongi:*grabs his own backpack*
Jimin:um are you okay....?
Yoongi:I'm fine...
Jimin:oh ok...
*yoongi walks to room 210*
*jimin follows yoongi and they both went to the room 210*
*yoongi plays a lullaby on the piano and jimin started to practice dancing*
*jimin heard the lullaby and had a flashback*
~flashback when they both were 7~
Jimin:yoongi can you play the piano
Yoongi:okay *plays the piano a little bit*
Jimin:ooo I like this lullaby
~end of flashback~
*jimim was getting dizzy once he saw the flashback*
*yoongi notice right away that jimin was dizzy*
*yoongi walks up to jimin and grabs a chair so jimin can sit
Yoongi:are you okay???
Jimin:y-yeah I'm fine..
Yoongi:I think you should go home
Jimin:n-no I'm fine really
Yoongi:well if you get dizzy again then you have to go home okay..
*jimin got up and started to practice again
*uoongi went back to the piano and played the lullaby again*
*jimin was getting more dizzy and he fell on the floor and passed out*