Chereads / Another Kind of Evil / Chapter 14 - Time Before Going Home

Chapter 14 - Time Before Going Home

Miguel left the vicinity. After saying his piece to Trina who has aged several years, he didn't turn back. While Jacob was holding everyone off, Miguel picked up speed, dashing through the streets until he found an empty path between residential areas.

Miguel didn't feel the need to be afraid or anything of the like. He knew well what he was capable of and knew that both guilds will be after him. Miguel was strong but he didn't know how much that would apply against large numbers. What if they get the mayor involved? Then Miguel will have endless trouble.

It was a good thing that he had a good head on his shoulders. He could have fought to the death but, as a single person, could he exterminate every single person that opposed him? If one escaped and informed others, Miguel would have to face the reinforcements. Miguel didn't know the limit of his current abilities. As far as he knew, his abilities gave him a head start but it wasn't absolute power.

One thing he was sure of. Jacob will release his hold on the adventurers and mercenaries, following which, they will try to look for him.

"How should I go about this," he murmured.

Miguel, who entered the a quiet street chose to use that as cover. The two complexes appears to be just enough to keep him from the eyes of his enemies. He looked up to the roof, saw that one was taller than the other, Miguel started scale the building by leaping. He jumped up effortlessly then kicked off the wall beside him, reaching the wall at the opposite end. Again Miguel kicked off the incoming wall, it only took two such leaps for him to reach the roof and he didn't require much use of his strength.

Thanks to the height difference between the two buildings, Miguel was able to hide himself from anyone that would be searching for him. Its location was especially convenient for hiding from the towering building of the adventurers guild.

Miguel scanned the area, having his 'Life Gutter' out will keep him in the alert.

"Oh, there's Lydia," he said. Miguel was surprised that she was able to keep up with him. More surprising was that she wasn't held back by Ghost Lich Jacob. He tried calling to her, "Hey, Lydia!"

Miguel tried to keep his voice muffled, it was to not draw any attention to himself from outside forces but it wasn't able to draw the swamp elf's attention either. Miguel pulled out a coin from the 'Ring of the Dead' and tossed it to Lydia.


Lydia was cautiously walking in this backstreet, she was unrecognizable in the cloak that Miguel gave her. The elf girl bent her knees and raised both hands over her head. The sudden tap on her head, although light, still made her feel pain. Unable to resist looking up, what she found left her mouth gaping.

"Milord," she called, seeing the Champion waving at her from the roof of the building.

While Miguel and Lydia reconnected, the phantom, Jacob, was still holding all in place in the vicinity of the adventurers guild. Jacob's tuxedo made the ghost lich appear very much like a gentleman but to those under his power, he was a wicked and vile being that shouldn't exist. Many were afraid of the apparition.

"It should be about time for me to leave. I've had enough exercise," said Jacob. Slowly, calmly, he raised a transparent arm. It would give anyone who witnessed his action the willies, yet at the moment, the people present where stuck in place. Some of them wanted to let their bladder loose but nothing happened. They were unable to move a single muscle.

When the transparent lich raised his eerie hand in the redheads direction, he opened his mouth and gave an unwholesome cackle.


Hearing the violet phantom only increased the anxiety of the crowd. Jacob shocked them with his next move. That hand he raised twisted to face his boney palm upwards. He flipped the bird on the vice-guild leader and her companion beside her then disappeared from area.




When ghost lich Jacob left, so did his poltergeist effect. Anyone with a heavy bladder was caught of guard and wet themselves. It can be certain that after today, none will show their faces again.

Once the redheads, Trina and the younger lady, were free, they returned to their guild quarters. Trina started to look better after resting a bit. She had taken a few potions as well. Recovery potions such as healing and stamina restoration were used. The vice-leader of the guild tried to remember what the copper tag adventurer said.

"The cursed ravine?" Trina had only been there once, that was many years ago. She never returned to that place, even if a mission quest was available, she avoided it.

That place inside the Crypt forest, the cursed ravine, was really a cursed place. After that incident 20 years ago, only tragedy struck her and her beloved brother.

"Do you know that man, aunt Trina?"

Trina who was gathering her thoughts, looked up to her niece standing at her side and answered, "Actually, Trixie, I did not recognize that young man. But he mentioned the cursed ravine. There is only one regret I have in my life, that is precisely the incident that lead to our downfall and your father's death.

"Was he the one who killed my father?"

"No," sighed Trina, "Back then we were seeking easy money and position. My crush at the time, Shaun, received a quest at the mercenary guild. It was a kill order. Trevor, your father, and I both assisted in murdering some low class adventurer."

Trixie gasped, "But weren't you always an adventurer. How could we cooperate with those mercenaries scum?"

"Yeah, haha! They are scum, even back then. I couldn't see it at the time. The only trustworthy mercenary was your father. Unfortunately for us, back then there was no feud between guilds. Working with mercenaries was normal as helping a friend out."

Trina, who was laying down on a couch inside a private room, covered her eyes with a hand. Tears started to fall from the corner of her eyes.

"Aunt Trina, are you okay?"

"I never wanted to bring this up, Trixie. That man, the one who killed your father, it was Shaun. That bastard Shaun!"


"Earlier today, that young man, I never knew who he was. I only thought of him as a talented rookie. But when he said that he climbed out of the cursed ravine, It shook me. Shook me to the core. Trixie, all those years ago, we, me and your father and Shaun. We murdered that adventurer. Threw him into the ravine. No one who entered the depths of the abyss came back alive. God only knows what that man faced in order to climb out of that hell."

Trina lifted herself of her back. She looked at her niece, Trixie and continued. "You saw what he did to my shield, you saw that vile ghost that appeared to aid him. He's definitely going to return for revenge. Had I not acted, you'd be dead. He is going to come back to find me, that's why, that's why you should leave Kryonite immediately. I've told you about the holy sword of the brave's, try your luck in retrieving it. It should be more than enough to hold off any dark forces that may harm you."

"Aunt Trina," said Trixie, "What about you, can't the guild do something?"

"No, guild master Gerald would've already come out to combat the ghost by then but he didn't. I'm sure he was stuck like the rest of us. Anyways, this is not something I don't deserve. If I'm lucky enough to say a few words to that man, maybe he'll go after your father's killer. Go now, I have to prepare and so do you."


Laying down on the roof of the building. Miguel was biting into a drum stick. Many hours went by while waiting for the sun to set. Miguel called it right when the parties of the adventurers and mercenaries started patrolling the streets. The mayor's appointed force was also on the move, involving themselves probably because some big person asked him to act.

Only a few were able to find this hidden alley and quickly those patrols became corpses stored in the 'Ring of the Dead'.

"That will make seven on the ground and four sneaking our way on the roof. Eleven all together," said Miguel.

"How much longer are we going to wait here, Milord?"

"When the sun starts setting"

Lowering his head, Miguel stared at the bracelet on his wrist. Some time ago Jacob appeared before him. Jacob told Miguel to not disturb him. It was something about repairing the dead bodies.

Miguel found it funny, he thought, 'Is the inside of the bracelet a place where Jacob can work with his undead business.'

"Milord?!" Lydia whispered suddenly.

Miguel replied, "I know."

Miguel summoned a knife in his hand. He looked down from the roof, only to find a someone who will become his next victim. Miguel was not sure who the man below was and which faction he belonged to. The knife in Miguel's hand made a quick movement when his wrist bent like it was released from a spring.

"That should be the last one here. There's no more people searching for me in this vicinity."

In a few more hours the sky darkened. It was time for Miguel to move out. He scanned the area for unwanted company and took the route that was the most deserted, carrying the elf priestess under his arm, Miguel bounced off from roof to roof.

It was time to go home.