Bael came to the Vrozis layer to look for someplace to make stairs to the future layer. Then he thought about creating something like reception. "So what type of reception should it be? Arena? No... Maybe prison. Yes, prison it shall be."
So when Bael decided what type of reception people would get he started to think about the type of prison it should be. "Fortress would be nice, or maybe in the mountain?" Bael asked one of the imps which didn't answer him, they just twisted their heads in confusion.
Bael chose to create a prison that would be embedded in the mountain. He willed a great mountain to tear through the ground. On its side, Bael made giant walls from rough stone and dark metal with spikes stopping anyone who would foolish enough to try to climb it. Its metallic gate was big enough to let even a giant pass through, and on its sides were streams of blue lava. "Well, we don't want to change the thematic of this layer. Should I add snow? maybe on top of the mountains." Bael caught himself getting sidetracked so he gets back to work on this prison.
The Interior was made in a similar style as the citadel so he went through it quite fast. Only more chains, and corridors full of cages. The ceiling was full of chains, and on sides were hanging cages on chains small enough that only one person would fit.
At the end of the prison, he made a pool of water, which would be a travel point between layers. Bael then was prepared to make another layer. After consideration, he chose an infinitely big ocean. On which were many Islands, from small house big to big as smaller continents. Bael even made some levitate in the air. Forest, jungles, and tropical beaches could be found on them. Later he added minerals for mining, fruits, and many more edible plants.
Bael got a heavy Pirate feeling so he has even hidden treasures. Chests full of gold, silver, and gems from rubies, diamonds, and much more. After which he made a wind flow so even ships could sail. "And I should not forget water. Yea... this sea will be full of water in which all types of fishes will be able to live. So now only found a way for some fishes to get here. Well, that's a problem for future me."
Then he made a normal day and night cycle. It was a beautiful layer. So if someone would get here they would get a bad impression of him. This maybe is unneeded but what if he would want someone to think he is kind or benevolent? One of his possible plans was to be worshiped. And some of these islands look like gardens which if needs be he could propagate for the afterlife.
When he was satisfied with outside he ventured under the water. Creating a seabed would be kind of repetitive so he just willed to finish it randomly. Then he created trenches big enough to house leviathans. Bael wasn't sure how big leviathans are or if they exist but surely they are no bigger than ten kilometers, right? When he tried to make coral reefs he was surprised because he thought he could make life, but then he remembered that he could make living objects. Imps and shells were proof of it, it was the mind which he could make. Imps got their mind after they creation in metamorphosis from larva to the imp, possibly because of energy of despair.
Corals had no mind so he was successful. Then he realizes that insects also didn't have a mind so maybe he could make them too. After making some of them and testing he comes with some results.
He could make them but most of them did not move. So he discarded them. Some moved, which were flys, botfly, Horse-fly. Mind you when he made them he made them inside a glass cube, with hellfire around him and imps standing guard. It's not like Bael fears insect which bites, he just hates they unpredictability. Bael tried to control them and they obeyed, which put his mind at ease.
When he made sure they would bite him he let them out. Even standing on his arm to test if he could make them do whatever he wants. After that, he made some butterflies and tried to control them but was unsuccessful. He then made many more tests but in the end, he couldn't control anything else only these slightly discussing ones.
He then realizes that he read in some books that there was some connection between some infernal characters and few spaces of insects. Well depending on what source one would take there were more possibilities.
Then Bael looked at imps and thought about how they were larva and later become imps. That energy which I gave them to feed upon. Maybe they will need more of it if they want to evolve further. But maybe just maybe if I would feed these different types of flies would change. But then flies also start as larva, but I can make them grown and they move. "Is it possible that in both of stages they have mind only some type of survival instinct or is there something more to it?"
Bael knows that he wouldn't get answers so he focused on things that he could test. He tried to make another flies but is now infused with energies from the lowest layer. And they came much different. More demonic or twisted. Their eyes were still that of insect but a darker shade of red. And their mandibles were much more terrifying. They even grew rough sting.
He thought about their use and when he realized that their aesthetic would be a fitting addition to the lowest layer. So he left for his throne. When he sat and looked around he saw imps also sat before him and looked at him. In the sky, he saw whales swimming and sing their song of despair. Bael thought about housing flies here but where would he put them? "So I could make holes to the ground but that... no that would look weird. Or the ground is something between liquid and solid." So he made their houses in the ground, and when they would rise earth would move like liquid. Bael made a few to buzz around in the background, which would simply bother if someone unwelcomed would come here.
When Bael sat on his throne took control of some flies he tried to see through their eyes, which he was successful but it felt slightly weird, to see from so many eyes at the same time and especially their insect eyes. When he found out he could control them even when seeing through them even far away he thought about their usefulness as spies and harass units.
But then he started to think about home and thought that there should be a way for him to leave for some world if not his. He remembered that there should be many of them so surely there is a way.
Bael took the grimoire and searched if there is any way to travel between the world. When he found one he felt hope rising, but when he read that he needs to ask one of the demons to help him to do it he looked at his imps and despaired. "Yea... You wouldn't know any way to travel between the worlds?" after Bael spoke he was met with simple confusion. "Thought as much."
Then he thought about that string through which he summoned the grimoire. But after that, he realizes that he had no string anywhere else so that was null. "But making bridge would be possible, maybe." To find a connection Bael tried to perceive his hell as a whole when he succeeded he tried to send his connection around to look for anything. But he saw and felt only darkness, maybe nothingness. Then Bael felt some kind of membrane. He passed through it with some resistance but nothing hard to stop him. He didn't know what it was but at this point, he didn't even care much.