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Msa French Iris

Seine geniale Ehefrau ist ein Superstar

Eine weltberühmte Hackerin und Tochter der mächtigsten Verbrecherfamilie, die die internationale Unterwelt seit vielen Generationen beherrscht, wird getötet, als ihre Organisation in einer einzigen Nacht ausgelöscht wird. Sie wird im Körper von Iris Long wiedergeboren, einer jugendlichen Popsängerin, einem wilden Partygirl und einer verwöhnten Göre. Für die ehemalige Prinzessin der Unterwelt, die ein überbehütetes und gefesseltes Leben führte, ist dieses neue Leben eine Chance, endlich das Leben in Freiheit und Unabhängigkeit zu leben, das sie sich immer gewünscht hat. Jin Liwei ist der mächtigste Mann in der Geschäftswelt des Landes. Kalt und rücksichtslos ist er jemand, den nur wenige zu beleidigen wagen. Als die berüchtigte Iris Long, die einst seinen jüngeren Bruder verfolgte, aus einem jahrelangen Koma erwacht, bewegt sich sein gefühlloses Herz zum ersten Mal und er verliebt sich in dieses unerwartete geniale Mädchen. Sie will frei fliegen und hoch über dem Himmel schweben. Er will alles von ihr, um sie an sich zu binden und sie nie wieder loszulassen. Dies ist ihre Reise zum Superstar. Dies ist seine Reise, auf der er sie begleitet. Gemeinsam werden sie die Welt rocken, während sie sich vielen Herausforderungen stellen. Aber was wird passieren, wenn sie entdeckt, dass sie niemals aus dem Schatten ihres früheren Lebens entkommen kann? Wird sie noch in der Lage sein, ihr Traumleben von Freiheit und Unabhängigkeit zu leben? Wird er in der Lage sein, sie vor den Gefahren zu schützen? [Warnung: Nicht jugendfreier Inhalt, Vorsicht ist geboten]. ### Instagram: Arria Cross (@arriacross) Discord Server:
ArriaCross · 56.4K Views

Sua Esposa Gênio é uma Superestrela

Uma hacker mundialmente famosa e filha da família criminosa mais poderosa que dominou o submundo internacional por muitas gerações é assassinada quando sua organização é aniquilada em uma única noite. Ela renasce no corpo de Iris Long, uma cantora pop adolescente, garota festeira selvagem e patricinha mimada. Para a antiga princesa do submundo que vivia uma vida superprotegida e acorrentada, essa nova vida é uma chance de finalmente viver a vida de liberdade e independência que ela sempre quis. Jin Liwei é o homem mais poderoso no mundo dos negócios do país. Frio e impiedoso, ele é alguém que poucos se atrevem a ofender. Quando a infame Iris Long, que costumava perseguir seu irmão mais novo, acorda de um coma de um ano, seu coração insensível se move pela primeira vez e ele se apaixona perdidamente por essa menina gênio inesperada. Ela quer voar livremente e alcançar alturas além do céu. Ele quer tudo dela, amarrá-la a si mesmo e nunca deixá-la partir. Esta é a jornada dela para o super estrelato. Esta é a jornada dele acompanhando-a. Juntos, eles vão abalar o mundo enquanto enfrentam muitos desafios. Mas o que acontecerá quando ela descobrir que nunca poderá escapar das sombras de sua vida anterior? Ela ainda será capaz de viver seu sonho de vida de liberdade e independência? Ele será capaz de protegê-la dos perigos? [Aviso: Conteúdo Maduro. Discrição do leitor é aconselhada.] ### Instagram: Arria Cross (@arriacross) Servidor Discord:
ArriaCross · 154.1K Views

His Genius Wife is a Superstar

A world-famous hacker and daughter of the most powerful criminal family who ruled the international underworld for many generations is killed when their organization is annihilated in a single night. She is reborn into the body of Iris Long, a teenage pop singer, wild party girl, and spoiled brat. For the former princess of the underworld who lived an overprotected and shackled life, this new life is a chance to finally live the life of freedom and independence that she always wanted. Jin Liwei is the most powerful man in the country's business world. Cold and ruthless, he is someone only a few dare offend. When the infamous Iris Long, who used to chase his younger brother, wakes up from a year-long coma, his unfeeling heart moves for the first time and he falls hard for this unexpected genius girl. She wants to fly freely and soar high beyond the sky. He wants her everything, to tie her to himself and to never let her go. This is her journey to super stardom. This is his journey in accompanying her. Together, they will rock the world while facing many challenges. But what will happen when she discovers that she can never escape from the shadows of her previous life? Will she still be able to live her dream life of freedom and independence? Will he be able to protect her from the dangers? [Warning: Mature Content. Reader discretion is advised.] ### Instagram: Arria Cross (@arriacross) Discord Server:
ArriaCross · 43.3M Views

Imperium Maghrebium, the tale of the creation of a Great Empire:French

#KINGDOMBUILDING #MILITARY #SLICEOFLIFE Un groupe d'amis en la noirceur de la nuit se font dévorer par un phénomène pour qui le mot d'étrange n'est point suffisant a le décrire . Années 1200 les Almohade/Al Muwahhidun une entité surpuissante règne en maître sur l'Afrique du nord et la péninsule Ibérique , rien et personne n'aurait pus prédire que cette même superpuissance vivait ses dernières heures de gloire et qu'une sombre ère qui allait durer la moitié d'un siècle pointait son nez sur le cœur de cet empire du Maghreb . Nos protagonistes se retrouvent en plein dans la tourmente de cette période trouble où Sultans/Califes de l'empire se succèdent a un rythme alarmant rappelant la période l'Empire Romain d'Occident , la criminalité connais une hausse , l'empire recule de face aux chrétiens Ibériques et les dynasties vassales à l'empire , pour la première fois depuis 2 siècles les routes commerciales transSaharienne , d'Al Andalus et du Maghreb son sujettes à des raids constants des bandits et criminels en tous genres , le commerce ralentit , l'instabilité se repend , les vivres et marchandises ne circulent plus , les famines accompagnées d'épidémies se déclarent dans tous l'empire , les officiers et bureaucrates de l'empire meurts de façon étrange et misterieuse , ceux qui leur succèdent ne font chaque années que renforcer leur image d'incompétence et de corruption , tous dans l'empire espèrent un messie qui les sauveras eux et cet dernier rempart de l'Occident islamique des loups affamés d'Europe . que fera nos protagonistes pour survivre et vivre en cette période trouble et confuse ? parviendront ils a survivre face aux imprévus de la vie en cet empire qui n'est qu'une simulations titanesques du concept de décadence. English version A group of friends in the dark of night are devoured by a phenomenon for which the word "strange" is not enough to describe it. In the year 1200, the Almohads/Al Muwahhidun, an overpowering entity, reigned supreme over North Africa and the Iberian Peninsula. Nothing and no-one could have predicted that this same superpower was living out its final hours of glory and that a dark era that would last half a century was about to dawn on the heart of this Maghreb empire. Our protagonists find themselves in the midst of the turmoil of this troubled period, when the empire's sultans and caliphs succeed one another at an alarming rate, reminiscent of the period of the Western Roman Empire, crime is on the rise, the empire is retreating in the face of the Iberian Christians and the dynasties vassal to the empire, for the first time in 2 centuries the trans-Saharan trade routes of Al Andalus and the Maghreb are subject to constant raids by bandits and criminals of all kinds, Trade was slowing down, instability was spreading, food and goods were no longer circulating, famines accompanied by epidemics were breaking out throughout the empire, the empire's officers and bureaucrats were dying in strange and misterious ways, and those who succeeded them every year only reinforced their image of incompetence and corruption, everyone in the empire was hoping for a messiah who would save them and this last bulwark of the Islamic West from the the hungry wolves of Europe. What will our protagonists do to survive and live in these troubled and confused times? Will they manage to survive in the face of the unforeseen events of life in this empire, which is nothing more than a titanic simulation of the concept of decadence?
KaiserRayane · 11.7K Views
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