Chapter 13 - TWO IN ONE

An hour later Nwere was about to go inside for fear of the unknown when the gate was pushed open. A figure stood tall, shrouded by the dark. It wasn't Ugomma but a face he recognized more. "I must be drunk." He said to himself although he never got drunk.

His palm wine would stay days before it was finished. Ugomma took cups of it. Women were not supposed to taste it not alone drink the quantity she did. But Ugomma did everything she was not supposed to.

He went into his hut and shut the door. The bamboo leaving spaces for his craving eyes.

Father Cletus knocked once, twice, on the third knock the door was slid open. He bent his head and walked in.

"What do you want?" Nwere asked moving backwards. Father Cletus stared at him, his eyes trying to adjust to the light from the lantern.

He didn't understand why Nwere behaved in cognizance.

"I thought you wouldn't come. That your eyes preferred to look at the sun and your hands preferred to bury themselves in fine clay. Why? Did she pour you more libations than I did?"

Father Cletus's mouth opened slightly in the air ambiguous. He confirmed then that Nwere was truly mad after all.

He knew the villagers were mad. What sane people worshipped a non living thing with a bad stenched shrine. Yet, he had thought better of Nwere and even now he did.

He didn't mind that he was just another African village boy, he wanted every shred of his clay skin. From his short dark hair to his big feet. He wanted to bury himself in his hands and be enclosed in him.

"Damn the Bishop!" He cussed in his mind. Never had he thought that he would be sent to a place like this. Only because he refused his advances. For the love of God!

He was going to die soon anyway and then he would return.

Here was a man full of life and he didn't know how the hell he was going to take him.

He knew the people here didn't know this kind of pleasure, he would definitely be reported to the chief priest. That dirty old revolting man and be made to work down the village naked. The best punishment he could get should they be so kind. He had seen their madness it was a craze he dreaded.

Yet, there was something about Nwere that called him to dare touch him, to pull the wrapper off and put his hands around his bulging manhood. To taste it and claim it.

He wanted to risk his sanity for the Golden eyes that stared at him in reverence or Jealousy.

"Maybe he thinks I have taken Ugomma from him." He thought. Nwere didn't know that Ugomma was too wild to be tamed by one man, she said so herself.