Chapter 14 - Join

"I only came to add my words to hers, pul__ Ugomma. To bring to you the good news of Christ" He paused having lost the struggle with control. He didn't know which erection to battle with.

The glow from the lantern casted the shadow of Nwere on the clay wall. The dark showing him what his eyes dared not look down to see.

He held the bible firmly praying for strength, a prayer he knew God would discard in fury. There were no words and maybe there were not supposed to be words. His mind walked away from him.

"What is the good news of Christ. Tell me, who is this God you serve?" Nwere asked. He sat down, taking comfort on his mat which did nothing to bury the cold ground. His eyes were filled with knowledge. He knew then the language of his manhood.

Father Cletus swallowed hard, a ghost of a smile appeared on his pink cheeks, he had found who his body longed for. A better madness prevailed him.