I made forbidden love with my bestfriend and his lover

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Chapter 1 - Preview

Let me tell you a story my Dad told me before he died. You see my dad was a very good story teller, although he told no stories with his lips. His lips were barely ever open, he would work briskly so the neighbors won't greet him. So many stories were attributed to him but I knew the one true story_that there was no story.

My dad knew too much, his eyes told you this and the way he would hide them like treasure behind his glasses spoke even more of him.

If you did not look deep enough into my fathers eyes you will never know for sure the secrets he hides.

But I looked, I always searched for his brown pupils and when I did as the day he told me this story, I saw something in his eyes, madness.

It was the madness I thought he would show when he found me sucking on a penis in a hot afternoon with sweat dropping down my bare back, and my eyes closed firmly.

When he called my name, Eze, it had never felt so strange, I wondered if it was the same name I had answered to all these years.

Anyway, Tobi tried to defend me like the man he was, taking away my masculinity. Only he needed not defend me, my dad was silent. He looked away and walked out.

In the evening I knelt down in the room thanking God that my mum was away, I did not know how to beg, I hoped that he would read the words in my eyes just like he always did.

He looked at me intently, letting out no emotion so I shivered. Then he smiled and said, "come sit."

"Father." I tried to protest but he had the look on his face that told me that I shouldn't.

"Let me tell you a story." He mumbled making more room for me in his gigantic bed. My heart was on the floor and I could see it moving away from me, I was screaming for it to come back but it waved me off, wagged it's tail and flew leaving me defenseless against my father.