Chapter 5 - Let the sun crave

Soon Nwere wanted to please the sun also with the sight of them but Ugomma would not hear of it. "The sun will set if it perceives us. If the elders see us they will snap their hands over their shoulders and curse us. "Since when do you care about the elders?" Nwere asked, his brows raised. "It is not the elders I care about." Ugomma cut in sharply.

"Is it the sun then? Let the sun set. It has shone too brightly on the earth. The crops threaten to die." Nwere laid his head on her legs and she played with his hair, twisting it."You speak like you do not understand. Like the words I say are in a different language, the type the intruders speak. You forget who you are, who I am, so quickly.  While your family is cursed, they call me the witches daughter. The soil will swallow us up should we be seen together and daggers will fall as rain to cut our joined hands"

"The soil hasn't swallowed us up yet. Not even when my lips touched yours in the full view of the moon. If it does we will build a home underground."

"I don't like the sun, it blinds me. It tells too many tales, it doesn't allow me quiet. It starves me of solitude. I will not pleasure it." She said firmly.

Nwere lifted his head swiftly from her legs afraid that if not Swift, he might not again "Don't pleasure the sun. Pleasure me."

She held his face in between her hands and let her Lips touch his just like he had shown her, just like his Chi had shown him in his dreams.

"It is not yet time."

It is not yet time, Ugomma had said, the moon did not harken. It confided in the sun and in delight it started to tell tales. It possessed Achalugo then it possessed Olomma. They whispered to any ear that heard, they did not hide their disdain. The cursed boy and the witch, the gods must be mad.