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Forbidden Love:the Vampire Queen

After losing her family at a young age, Sayaka must fight to find the truth.

Chapter 1 - Chapter 1: The Beginning of It All

My name is Sayaka. I'm a Vampire, the last of my family and I will be telling you my story from the beginning. "BALDASSARE!!" Yelled IEZABEL, my mother trying to get the attention of my father. He ran towards her. It was King James the first, he was after our family just because my mother didn't marry his son. My father grabbed me and put me is a secret room he used for hiding when he was younger and said, "Whatever happens do not come out. You must stay hidden. Just remember that your mother and I love you. So, stay here to be safe okay?" I just nodded. I was too frightened to say anything. I didn't exactly know what was going on now. My mother was hugging my father and said, "Baldassare I'm scared. I do not want to die, not now and not like this." At that moment James the first came barging in and said, "Well, well, well. How are you, Baldassare?" He said it with a smirk. "Ah, my dear lady, you're looking well." "What do you want James? "My father said quickly. And with a smile and an evil look in his eyes, he drew his sword from his sheath and pointed it towards my father's throat and said, "Ah, well it is simple. What I want is for you to die for making my son suffer" I heard his son James II from the window "FATHER PLEASE DON'T HARM THEM LET THEM BE!!!!" but the King wouldn't listen. He slashed my father's throat and stabbed my mom in her chest. They blew into flames. He then looked at his sword and said, "The priest's holy water did work. He was right." he muttered something, but I didn't hear it. The next morning, I woke up still in the secret room my father put me in. I got out of the secret room and looked around to see if there was anyone. There was no one. I got out and all that remained of my father and mother were ashes. I saw my mother's necklace and my father's Tanzanite gold ring. I took them and ran outside hoping to find someone of my kind. But I walked deep into the woods and I saw a castle in the far distance. When I got closer, I saw all the people of that Kingdom celebrating the death of my parents. I heard everyone singing and cheering, yelling out "good riddance of those bloodsuckers. They are finally dead." I was scared and confused so I started to run back to the woods. When I was running, I bumped into this couple who looked at me and said, "Are you alright Princess Sayaka?" I looked up at them and started to cry. The man's wife held me and said, "ssssshhhhhhh there, there my dear it will all be fine they will never find you. So, come stop being so sad let me see that smile." I looked up and saw her bright blue eyes and beautiful blond hair I said, "Nana is that you?" she nodded and hugged me. She looked at me and said, "Saya this is my husband Ettoire." I smiled and told them everything that happened at my parent's castle. Both looked at each other and said "we should go. It is not safe for her here. We should go to our house." As we walked deep into the woods, they took me inside this old cottage and when I got inside it looked bigger than the outside did. Nana handed me some clothes and said, "Here princess Sayaka change into these" I looked at her and said, "I don't want to change clothes." Nana knelt looked into my eyes and said, "Look my dear for us to be able to protect you, you must change your whole appearance so no one will recognize you" I looked at Nana and nodded I went to change my clothes and as I left the room Nana and Ettoire were talking, Ettoire said, "Natalia my dear if they find her it would be the last of us, or worse they can use her power for war." Nana looked at her husband Ettoire and said, "I know what can happen to us if they find her but, I did promise queen Iezabel that I would watch over Sayaka when the time was right." Nana hugged Ettoire and cried her eyes out. That was when I walked in and I looked at Nana and Ettoire and said, "Nana why are you crying?" Nana looked at me and then she excused herself from the house she went outside and Ettoire looked at me and said, "Princess I'm going to train you to fight so when you are grown-up you won't be scared of no one" I looked at Ettoire and smiled then I remembered that he was one of my father's soldiers and I said, "Ettoire, you were one of the dark knights for my father weren't you?" He smiled and said, "Yes I was a princess" I smiled at Ettoire and hugged him, and then Nana walked in and smiled, and I said, "when will I turn into a full vampire Nana?" Nana and Ettoire looked at each other and said "My dear Saya you will be a full vampire on your 20th birthday. But until then don't worry about that ok." I looked at Nana and nodded then I looked at Ettoire and said "Ettoire I want to know how to defend myself against the king and his knights" Nana and Ettoire smiled and both of them said, "Alright". So, a couple of weeks later Ettoire wakes me up and said: "Come, Saya, it's time for your training". So, I hurriedly got dressed and followed Ettoire into the woods we walked about 20 miles by foot we made it to the spot where we would start my training. It was near a beautiful waterfall and there was silence near this beautiful whipping willow tree there was this table with all these weapons they were so beautiful and shiny. On the table, there are swords, butterfly knives, crossbows, and bow and arrows with blue jewels. I looked at Ettoire and he looked down at me and smiled he put a hand on my shoulder and said: "you are not ready yet for these weapons yet." So, I was confused and looked at him and asked, "so what am I going to learn first?" he smiled and said "you are going to learn hand on hand combat, just as your father and I was taught "I was so excited I didn't know what to do. Ettoire showed me how to stand and he said: "Saya punch me in my face as hard as you can." I readied myself and I ran towards Ettoire and punched him when I punched him, he laughed and said, "nice try but this time use your anger as Amo and try again." So, I closed my eyes remembered my parents being killed and I opened my eyes they were red I ran towards Ettoire and punched him this time I punched him with so much force he fell. Two months of training, I went into town with Nana to shop for food and clothes for me. So, I was waiting for Nana to come back with the food I was watching the horse when someone bumped into me and I fell into a puddle of mud. Instead of being mad, I started to cry. So, then the person who bumped into me was James III I recognized him from that day his grandfather killed my family. He held out his hand and said: "I'm so sorry are you alright?" I took his hand and I stood up and I bowed and said "I'm alright your highness" he laughed and said, "call me James…. what's your name?" I hesitated and Nana was coming back so I said "my name is Saya "he smiled, he kissed my hand and said "It's nice to meet you Saya" Nana touched my shoulder I turned around and she said, "Saya what happened to your dress" I couldn't respond I just put my head down and then Prince James II said, "it's my fault I bumped into her and she fell into the muddy puddle." Nana just smiled at me and said "Saya darling don't cry over spilled milk" I looked up at her. She gave me a cloth to wipe my face. In the distance, we heard a woman screaming "PRINCE JAMES ...…PRINCE JAMES PLEASE YOUR FATHER IS LOOKING FOR YOU!!!!" I turned around and he was crouched down behind me and he said "don't move please I don't want to go home yet" I looked at him and said "why not? should go your father is looking for you?" he looked at me and said with a sad face "I don't want to go back home because I'm lonely" I smiled at him and said, "you're the prince don't you have any friends?" He looked at me and shook his head no and as we were leaving, he pulled my arm and said, "will you be back tomorrow?" I looked at him and said, "no not until 3 weeks later" and he said right before he let go of my arm "what if I invite you to play with me in the palace? Will you then come back?" I looked at Nana and she said, "If your father accepts of Saya coming every day to play with you at the palace then …yes she will be back tomorrow." I smiled and waved good-bye and we went on our way home. That night I was helping Nana with washing the dishes we heard a knock at the door and Ettoire answered, "Yes may I help you?" the man said, "Sir Fourier?" Ettoire answered, "Yes that is me." the man then said, "Sir Fourier your daughter Saya from here on out invited to keep company to the young prince James III." Ettoire looked at me and said "Saya come here darling" I looked at him and said, "Yes papa is something wrong?" he looked at me smiling "Saya you are invited to keep prince James III company at the castle" I was so surprised I was speechless all I could do is smile.The next day outside my home was a carriage waiting for me to take me to the castle. When I arrived there was Prince James III, I bowed at his presence. His father King James II looked at me and said, "welcome child, you look familiar who are your parents?" I looked at him and I just smiled and said, "my parents are Natalia and Ettoire Fourier" the King just smiled and said, "I hope you enjoy your time here with my son young lady" as prince James and I were heading to the door King James said, "what is your name, young lady?" I turned around and said "my name is Saya Fourier your majesty" the king just nodded, and we left. As James and I were running in the hallway I asked James "where are we going James?" he smiled and said with unpleased voice "I have French lessons right now ….is that ok with you?" I stopped dead in my tracks and James looked at me and I said "are you serious …. You have French lessons?" he looked at me and said, "yes I do." I was so happy I said, "Oh mon Dieu Je n'ai pas parlé français Depuis la dernière fois que j'ai vu ma grand-mère en dernier resort" James looked at me with a confused look on his face and said, "what did you say?" I laughed and said "oh my god I haven't spoken French since I last saw my grandmother last spring" he looked at me and smiled we entered into the study hall there stood a tall, thin man between his 20s to mid-30s and he had a very hard accent. He looked as if he was mad he said "Prince James you are late for your lesson" so I stood up and said "S'il vous plaît ne vous fâchez de prince James c'était de ma faute il est tard pour sa leçon…..(please don't get mad at prince James It was my fault he is late for his lesson)" The man looked at me in surprise and said, "Where did you learn how to speak French?" so I told him that I learned it from my grandmother, last spring before we moved here to Verelandra he nodded and when he realized what time it was the lesson was over James just smiled and we left the study hall. We were heading to the training grounds. The General of the Army called out to Prince James and said, "are you ready for your training Prince James?" James just smiled and grabbed a sword and charged at the general he missed every time I tried to tell Prince James what he was doing was wrong but he wouldn't listen so I went up to the general and said "can I try also?" the general smiled and laughed and said, "hahahahaha you're a girl what do you know about combat?" I looked at him and just said: "I live in the woods with my mom and dad, I don't have any brothers, so my father is training me to defend myself." The general looked at me gave me a sword and said "give me your best shot" all the soldiers around us stopped what they were doing to see me fight the general. I closed my eyes felt the vibrations through my feet I breathed slowly and when the general charged, he missed I pivoted to the left then I inhaled opened my eyes and exhaled and charged at him all you could hear was steel crashing on steel. Then I hit him in the shin and aimed the sword to his eye. I stopped dropped the sword and fell to the ground James came to my side and said, "are you alright Saya?" I looked at James and said, "I'm fine I'm just tired that's all" I smiled as we were leaving the general said, "Saya your father is a good teacher to train a little girl like you to fight." I turned around smiled and said, "he is a great teacher "the general bowed as we left James took me straight to his bedroom there was a maid "Marian bring me some water and quick." She nodded and left running. While she was gone James let me rest on his bed he gently brushed my bangs with his finger Marian came back with a glass of water James stood me up I drank the water and I smiled and said "I'm feeling much better now thank you James" James looked at me with sad eyes he touched my cheek with a surprised look he said, "Saya your face is cold, ice-cold I should call a doctor." As he was about to reach the door, I used my super-speed and blocked the door he looks at the bed then returned his gaze to me. He was so confused and so I said, "we need to talk James." So, I told him everything that happened, and he swore on his mother's grave that he wouldn't tell anyone. So, I had to leave when I got home, I was so happy, Nana hugged me and smiled at me. When I went towards Ettoire he had an angry look on his face he said yelling at me" SAYA HOW COULD YOU USE THE TRAINING I GAVE YOU?" he was so mad I hugged him and said, "I'm sorry daddy please forgive me I won't do it again." He was surprised I called him daddy he picked me up and sat me on his lap and asked me "what did you call me Saya?" I looked up at him with a smile and said, "I called you daddy is that alright?" He hugged me tight and he even started to cry.