Chereads / Oh My, I Messed Up the Story / Chapter 29 - You Really Are Too Nice

Chapter 29 - You Really Are Too Nice

Al didn't seem the least bit perturbed by my accusation and shrugged it off. "You never would have spoken to me again if you knew I was a prince from the get-go. Wasn't it more fun talking like normal people for a while first?"

I rolled my eyes. That was not fun. That was sneaky and underhanded at best. I wouldn't be in this mess if he hadn't hidden his identity from me.

"And you say I have a strange sense of fun."

"It's not strange in a bad way," he promised with the brightest smile I had seen from him so far. "I happen to love your idea of fun. I never would have thought of sneaking into the kitchens for cream puffs and treating it like some secret mission."

A blush crept up my neck and onto my cheeks. "It sounds stupid when you put it that way."

By this point Marcy's confusion at our antics had changed to beaming at us. Clearly, she was enjoying our bickering.

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