Chereads / Oh My, I Messed Up the Story / Chapter 32 - An Escape Plan

Chapter 32 - An Escape Plan

"Mariela, did you enjoy your time with Catherine today?" Franz asked once he was seated across from his wife at the long table and the first course—some sort of fancy quail soup—was served.

Her eyes lit up. "Oh yes, Katie is wonderful company."

He scrutinized me and I scrutinized him right back. This was the first good look I had gotten at the second prince.

His looks were more in line with Sigmund's than they were with Al's. He had light brown hair tied back with a strip of leather and his hazel eyes were sharp and intelligent.

"She certainly is," Al said in a tone tinged with sourness.

Someone was still upset that Mariela had taken some of my time away from him. So needy!

"You prefer Katie to Catherine?" Franz inquired.

"Yes, I do. Please feel free to call me Katie as well."

This is the end of Part One, download Chereads app to continue:


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