Chereads / Oh My, I Messed Up the Story / Chapter 30 - Princess Mariela

Chapter 30 - Princess Mariela

It took promising Al we would play cards after dinner to get him to let me go. By the time I reached the gardens Mariela was waiting for me on a bench. She greeted me with a genuine smile.

"Katie! I thought you might not be able to make it."

I shook my head. "I'm sorry for being late. My fiancé held me up a bit."

Surprise lit her beautiful violet eyes. "You were with Alpheus?"

I was confused by her reaction. "Is that so strange?"

"I hardly see Franz…and Rosenia sees Sigmund even less. They are both terribly busy. I suppose I assumed Alpheus was the same," she admitted.

"Can you keep a secret?" I asked, trying to gain her trust and broach the topic at hand.

Mariela nodded, a slight pleased smile on her lips, so I continued. "Alpheus has way too much free time on his hands. I was actually hoping I could convince him to work together politically with your husband."

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