*Phone ringing*
In a funeral home. Inside one of its room there's a body of a man being prepped for its burial. On his body, there are several stab wounds that could be seen. This man has a black shoulder length hair, medium build, his skin color is light brown with a height of 1.74m a typical Filipino man in his early twenties.
In this room there are two caretaker talking to each other. "Hey what happened to guy over there?" Asked by a man with a goatee.
"Huh? Where? Oh that guy with a lot of stab wounds?" Answered by other man who has a mustache while pointing at a body in one of the tables.
"Yeah. Base on this report he have 1..2..3..5 stab wounds at the front alone and at the back is 1..3..7 that's a lot of stab wounds! What's his story and how he ended up this way?" Asked by goatee.
"Well from what I've heard he tried to be a hero, tried to save some damsel in distress that's being robbed or harass by some gangster in the red district and here he is." Answered by the mustache.
"Oooopf... that's tough aaaaaaaaaaa~nd stupid, well he could have been called brave if it worked out well but it didn't so it's called stupidity. But if I were him I'd just turn a blind eye to be safe and blame it on luck that this lady is being targeted by a gangster." Said by goatee.
"True. I'd probably do same. But there are a lot of gang related crimes in the red district now being reported by the media these days. By the way did you know that Papa HH is back?" Said by mustache.
"Papa HH? Who's that?" Asked by goatee.
"You don't know who Papa HH is? Let me enlighten you about who is Papa HH is" Answered by mustache.
In a white room that seems to expand indefinitely, there are two men that could be seen, one is sitting on a leather chair while taking a sip of hot chocolate while the other is just standing in front of him .... naked.
The man sitting on the chair is a blue haired man with a glasses, skinny looking and a pale skin that looks like in his early teens while the other one, the naked man have several stab wounds all over his body. His just standing there looking at the man while trying to hide his crotch with his two hands.
As the blue haired youth put down the cup onto the table, he calmly look at the eyes of the naked man in front of him. "You're not supposed to die yet but because of your bravery to save someone WHO WAS DESTINED TO DIE, since it was heroic of you and you died for it. I will give you another life in another world, now whatever you do is up to you."
"HUH!? She was destined to die? Well at least I saved her" The man consoled himself.
"Well yes you've saved her, now in the world where I will send you is not that technologically advance like one where you came from. The world that I'm going to send you has magic and also due to this magic phenomena that they didn't advance that far since they have the convenience of the said magics. But they've also manage magic into their technology and called it magitech. Still not that advance though they could be compared to medieval Europe of yore. The world is several times larger than Jupiter, it consist of more than 10 continents of varying sizes of landmass, 5 seas of varying depths, across the world are dozens intelligent races. Let me explain all of them one by one."
As he said that, he took the book that he was reading and flipped a few pages and read them.
"Humans with the highest population but balancing this is that they short lifespan mostly 75-100 years, there are some cases where some people exceed this through special means, great at adapting to their living environment, neutral aptitude to magic and total dick to all other races, including to themselves, they wage war against each other or if they're not then they're probably waging war against some races. They have several empires, country, kingdom littered across the continents. They also have religious states with beliefs to several gods."
"Next up is the elves. Beautiful race, high affinity with nature and in connection with that magic. There are several sub-species of elves; mountain elves, forest elves, dark elves and the last is high elves. Mountain elves lives up in the mountains they are living the lives of a tribe community, high affinity with earth, lives mostly by hunting. Forest elves, they have cities deep within the forest, high affinity with green magic, made the most contact with humans and also made a couple of wars with them, these elves are great at guerrilla warfare that is why humans haven't won against them even once. Dark elves live underground cities just like dwarfs. They have high affinity with shadow magic, great for assassination and the likes, made several contacts with the humans that didn't end too well for the humans, most notable trait of them is that they're a matriarchal society, power means everything to them."
"The last is the prideful high elves just like forest elves they also live deep within the forest but some lives in plains, what differentiate them from forest elves is that the point of their ears are pointed 45° while forest elves ears are pointed at 180°. High elves have high affinity toward the four basic school of magic; fire, water, wind/air and earth, aside from that they're also inclined toward arts such as music, dancing and literature. What differentiate elves from each other are, skin color and eye color; mountain elves have tanned skin and brown pupils, dark elves have dark skin and purple pupils and the forest and high elves both have pale white skin, forest elves have green pupils and lime green hair while the high elves either have golden pupils or blue ones and their hair color vary to which element of magic they have better control. The cities that the high elves live usually have a tree of life at the center of it, their cities are usually shrouded in a illusion magic which make them hard to find."
"Dwarfs is a race that have great affinity with fire and earth. They're great blacksmiths and handicraft artists. Loves drinking, creating things/tinkering and mining. Had several wars with humans but they've always won for they have better equipment. They live in underground cities and they often have interaction with dark elves and most of the time they live harmoniously in one city. They have frank personalities, they are also the riches race, for their equipment are usually sold at a premium price to other races. Their height never exceeds 3ft or 1m, they usually have short beard lest they get in the way of forging or their handicrafts."
"Beastmen, there are a lot of them so I will give a brief description of them. Their system is mostly a monarchy, there are only 3 royalty species the last time I check which is Apes, Lions and Tigers. I've read a funny quote that related to this 'All animals are equals but some animals are more equal to others'. Every five years or so they change their king by voting, these 3 species will choose a representative to vie for the position of the king, the voters are all the elders of the remaining species, in case of tie then it would be decided by a battle to the death. They occupy a continent of their own and they've also started to migrate to other continents as well, they've fought with others races because of this."
"There is also the Dragon race. Of all the races they have the strongest physical strength and endurance. There are different kind of dragons that correspond to different elements, fire, water, wind/air, earth, light and dark. There are also hybrid dragons such as magma dragons, lightning dragons and others. They have 2 sub-species of royalties these are the dragons of space and time."
"Oh yeah there's a Dragon of the death. They have jet black scales they exude aura of decay which drain it's surrounding of life they also have a black fire breath that burns for 7 days and 7 nights without being extinguished. This constitution only shows up once a dragon is nearing its lifespan, when it shows up the aforementioned dragon will go in berserk status this will continue until they are killed. There could only be one Dragon of death in any given time."
"Its exact opposite is the Dragon of Life that have holy/life aura that speeds up the growth rate of plants to its surrounding, speeds up the recovery of wounds to those near it. The tear of this dragon have high healing properties next only to the water of life itself. This constitution only awakens to a newborn dragon, they're treated as royalties next only to the 2 aforementioned ones, there have been several cases where the dragon of life was crowned as king of the Dragon race since Dragons of space and time usually doesn't meddle with the affairs of their race and are just usually treated as the elders of the race but they still have higher authorities in this cases. Some dragons have been exterminated since they've destroyed cities, stole treasure and kidnapped some princes/princesses to blackmail their family to send offerings and sacrifices. And for a race that have a high libido they have the lowest population but they sure could copulate for days. When a dragon becomes an adult they'll be able to transform themselves into human but still retain their immense strength and endurance."
"Next is Faeries small humanoid creatures that have transparent insect like wings on their back. They have the highest affinity to all known elements except time and space. They live side by side with the forest elves and high elves, even though I said side by side, they live in a different dimension with them though, their dimension could be usually found in the heart of tree life. They have the 2nd longest life span next to the dragons, loves to play prank on others but once you've earned their scorn you will be curse by them now their curses have the weirdest effect and most likely will have strange ways to lift the said curse. They're particularly fond of children and sweets, they also have extensive library of knowledge their leader is always known as wise sage."
"Next are the undead races with a heavy emphasis on RACES. Since they are usually resistant to physical or magical harm, there are a lot of them, vampires, ghouls, lich and sentient skeletons. They're considered as monsters by other race though."
"The last is the demons. They mostly have humanoid figures except for horns, fangs, tails and wings. Some races have all these traits while others only have 1 or 2. They also have a higher affinity to dark magic and have higher physical strength than humans. They have a society of their own just like humans and just like humans ... they're a total prick to other races as well as their own. Some of the demons developed a taste for human flesh but as they say .. it's an acquired taste. Their system is a system of power, they revere the strong and bully the weak. The strongest and their leader is usually called demon king regardless of the gender."
"Next in line is the mixed/hybrid ones they are culmination of lust toward different race. There are three races which are guilty about these, they're the humans, dragons and demons. Humans since enslave different races, heck even their own. Dragons since they have the highest libido among all the races. Demons just like the humans ... just a total prick to others and themselves"
"Next up is the monster, monster are animals that have mutated by the strong presence of magic in its surrounding, they're aggressive but some of them retain their instinct from when they were still animals. Monsters have cores that replace their hearts, some monster cores have elemental properties corresponding to the elements in the air or what the monster is most familiar to."
"The last thing you need to know about is dungeons. Dungeons is in essence a place where mana is the thickest or where they converge. At the core of dungeons are, well, dungeon cores. Dungeon cores are one of purest forms of mana in the world. These cores could have several elements in them or none, the bigger they are the stronger and harder these cores can be. Dungeons attracts monster and animals around them causing harm to the populace if left unattended. Dungeon cores generate monster around them, generate is a relative term since it will create monster similar to those its surroundings. These dungeon have a keeper which is usually found in the same room as the dungeon core, by default they're the strongest monster in the said dungeon unless the dungeon attracted a monster outside that is stronger.
"The longer the dungeon is kept or not destroyed then it will grow by itself, by grow I mean it will become larger or deeper in size making the dungeon core harder to destroy. Some dungeons are being purposely kept to generate monsters and in turn make income from the monster carcass they hunt."
"Now I have mentioned mana several times but I see that you're asking what it is. Basically mana is a catalyst and fuel of magic in the air. The more mana a surrounding has, the stronger and easier it is to cast magic. In a normal situation the mana in the air is just by default at level 1, some areas has higher concentration but not enough to form a dungeon. In a dungeon even though this is a place where mana converge or is concentrated, it is used by the dungeon cores as a fuel to create and attract monsters, so even if you are in a dungeon the level of mana in it will be mostly at 2. So it's not much of a help. Aside from that is inner mana in which dictates how much spells someone can cast. It differs from people to people"
"Now that the exposition part is over do you have a question?" He then returned the book on the top of the table.
"Uhmm yes? Who are you? Where am I?" Asked by the naked man.
"I am what you could be classified or called as a God, this place is MY territory, this is a place where I have pulled you so I could talk to you in private or your soul could have been bleached already and be recycled to the cosmos." Answered by the blue-haired youth.
"I will send you to the world that I have just explained to you in a minute. And by convention or tropes that I have read in the novels from your world, I will grant you a 'Cheat' to help you out. Be warned though this is the first and the last time that I will help you."
"Uhhhhh... Oh!! Those isekai manga and novels? Well atleast I wasn't ran over by Truck-Sama. Cheat huh? You're a god right? And to my understanding God is omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent being, are you like that?" Questioned by the naked man as he removed his right hand from his crotch to rub his chin while keeping the left hand of his to hide is crotch.
"Though I think you're thinking of a certain God from a monotheistic religion, yes I am those three?" Answered by the youth while drinking from his cup.
"Well the cheat that I want can't be easily be explained, it's quite a bit complicated but in essence I want to be a Guild leader BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE!! A roaming guild leader with roaming guild I mean a moving headquarters!! Or better yet a fucking moving castle you know? Like the one from Howl's moving castle ... wait wait wait ... you know what? Let's make it to the extreme by making it a castle in the sky just like in Laputa." Said by the man excitedly making his saliva fly all over the place.
"Uh-huh" Answered by the youth as he wipe the saliva that has gotten to his glasses. He looked at the man with disdain in his eyes. "Well I could tell how excited you are regarding this but please say it don't spray it. I'm just gonna read your mind lest you flood this place with your drool."
Just as he said that stood up and walk to front of the naked man and put his hands on the forehead of the naked man making him quite surprised for what he was doing. After he put his hands on his forehead he closed his eyes for a minute and went back to his seat.
"To be honest what you want is kind of excessive" Said by the youth.
"Hehehe thought so." The naked man laughed. "But it's all or nothing for me. I could have the flying castle later on. Make it an upgrade of the castle or headquarters of mine. What do I have to do so you could give the cheats I want?"
"Oh? Now we're getting somewhere." He smiled as he was surprised that this man want to make a deal with him. "As I have mentioned before there are several beliefs or gods in the world I'm going to send you, what I want is for you get me some believers, I don't need full blown religion around me. I just need it so I can easily monitor the world in case something happens. Hmmm what God should I be?" A different book suddenly materialized in his hands and he flips through it. "Okay! It seems that there is no God of hunt in that world yet, I'll make a persona that'll fit that role in that world." He then transformed into a 2 meter muscular man with a vertical scar to his right eye, high ponytail hairstyle yet still having the blue hair.
"Hmmm this should do it" He then stood up and checked his body, did some stretching and jogged around the table. His upper body is riddled with scars all over making look like a savage man. "Now for the weapon to complete this persona." A bow suddenly materialized in his right hand. The bow is about 1 meter in length, the design of the bow is exquisite. Two dragons, black and white form the upper and lower part of the bow, the lower part is the black dragon going upwards towards the part where you usually held the bow, mouth wide open and the same with the white dragon at the upper part. A quiver appeared at the same time that the bow did, but it appeared on the top of the table, it has the seven color of the rainbow and it holds several arrows.
He then went ahead it practiced with the bow while the naked young man is just standing there watching everything with complete excitement.
After the blue haired youth fired a couple of arrows in the room that seems to be in the middle of nowhere he turned to the naked young man and smiled. "I will be a God of the Hunt you could interpret it as you wish though." He then returned to the chair and sit. "In this persona you could call me ... hmmmm .... Scar, since I have a lot of scar on my body" He silently praised himself for the great naming sense that he thought he have. "I don't need you to propagate a religion about me since I don't really need it nor does I care, what I want you to do is just have altar of me in your guild or bases. In a sense that would make me your patron, other than that is unnecessary"
"Okay! So that's a deal right?" Asked by the naked man.
"Yes it is. Though a written contract is unnecessary since we have a blood and soul binding one that is wa~y stronger than a piece of paper" Said by Scar with a huge grin. He then took out an arrow from the quiver and handed it to the naked man. "I then a drop of your blood preferably the one in between from your eyebrows".
The naked man took the arrow with his right hand as he was about to prick the place between his eyebrows he stopped suddenly. "Before I do that could I have atleast some clothing? Although it's not cold in here, I still feel ashamed hiding my schlong in front of you."
"Oh sorry I didn't notice that! I was just looking at your face and not anywhere else but now that you've mentioned it, yes, you are indeed naked." Then with a flick of his finger a wall between him and the naked man appeared. Behind the wall was a table with several article of clothing and mirror.
From the other side of the wall the other man shouted thanks and then proceed to put the arrow on the table top and then he wore black T-shirt, a boxer-brief and a green short with a length that went past his knees. "Okay, I'm done wearing some clothes and thanks by the way" He then proceeded to prick his forehead with the arrow head and gave it to Scar.
"No problem." He then pricked his forehead with the same arrow. "Now that the contract is complete." Then somehow the arrow shattered into millions of pieces in light and disappeared.
"We've been talking for a while now but you've still haven't stated your name. Granted yes I've already read your mind but still it would still make a lot of sense if you introduce yourself isn't it?"
"Oh yeah... I've yet to introduce myself. Hi I'm John H. Boner" He then reached out with his right hand to make a handshake.
A vein suddenly popped into the surface of Scar's forehead unbeknownst to John when he did this.
'DUDE! You've used both hands earlier to hide your fucking dick and now you want to shake hands!?'
"Haha! No need to shake hands we've already sealed the deal earlier" He smiled and waved his hand to indicate that there was no need to shake hands.
"Now, what I've told you earlier is general knowledge, the cheat that I've provided you will help your life easier by leaps and bounds. It will attach itself with your soul and consciousness once I transfer you over." A door suddenly materialized behind him.
"Remember there is no holy mission for you or anything in this world, just live as you want. The deal we have is just so you get the thing you want other than that there is nothing else. Now if you're ready just walk past that door." He then pointed at the door and smiled.
"Thank you for accommodating my selfishness." John then gave a bow and walked straight to the door, opened it and went through.
While John walked past him, Scar noticed a red thread coming from his back.
"Red thread of fate huh? This seems Interesting." He then reverted to his old looks and went to the chair and read his book.