While John was observing the said creature, he smelled something different, it has a faint smell of blood.
It stood out from the surrounding smell since the berries that the deer is eating has a sour yet sweet smell to it and the deer itself has the smell of surrounding shrubs. Acknowledging that another creature has entered his detection ranged, he looked left and right trying to get a glimpse of the said creature. To his dismay he can't find anything near him, thinking deeply, he looked at the leaves rustling without a care in the world. Feeling that the gentle caress of the wind is blowing against him, he surmised that the creature must be further ahead of him.
Making a quick judgement that he might get dragged into the fray when the deer and the other creature wrestle each other he slowly crawled back from where he came from. 'I'd like to benefit after, when either one of them has been wounded or better yet the two of them, but without a weapon I could use, it might as well be a suicidal thought. True I could try to fight barehanded but without knowing the strength of either creature is a foolish action.'
As John was crawling backwards, the creature leaped towards the deer. Noticing that something felt wrong, the deer run towards the bushes John is in. Seeing this, John paled and could not help but curse in his mind. 'Naknamputa.' The deer jump over the bush he was currently in. At the same spot that the deer was at earlier, landed the creature. Seeing the unknown creature John gasped from shock. 'Holy shit! Anak ni Janice!?' What he's looking at is also a bipedal creature of humanoid nature, it resembles a creature that is mostly known to the Philippines as "Tiyanak", the "Tiyanak's" height 2ft or 60.96cm. It's wielding a small wooden club, wearing a tattered loin cloth at its waist, ugly looking face and it has green skin.
As the "Tiyanak" missed its mark by a WIDE margin, it growled angrily at the direction the deer went off. It went down on all fours, readying to jump above the bush. 'The creature's intelligence seems to be way low, judging from its pointy teeth… It must be a carnivorous creature until proven otherwise. Judging from the size it should be pretty nimble with low strength. Wielding weapon makes it a dangerous creature.' John made a quick profiling of the "Tiyanak."
As the "Tiyanak" jumped off chased the deer it cycled between running on all fours and on its two feet. John looked at the direction the "Tiyanak" has run towards to, he sighed as the chase was not in the immediate direction of the Guild. He waited for a few more minutes to make sure that the coast is clear. John walked cautiously towards the direction of the castle, making sure he would not be directing any creature toward the Guild. When he made it back to the clearing and seeing that nothing has changed aside that it's getting dark and no tracks of the deer and/or "Tiyanak" could be seen going to the vicinity of the Castle. He run immediately towards the wooden door.
As soon as he entered the castle let loose a long sigh of relief. 'Well there goes my childhood trauma… still going after me in a different world.' While he was reminiscing his childhood he heard loud footsteps coming down from the 2nd floor.
"Boss! Boss! Boss! Boss! Boss!" Jinny sped through the great hall within moments and just stopped by a few meters before him. She then took a large amount of air and wiped the imaginary sweat she had on her forehead. "Boss! There's a large room at the end of the hallway, I tried to get in but I couldn't no matter how I try and also there was a room that has many pots for plants, it also has a weird lights that is connected to switches, there's about 15 different kind of light settings, I know cause I tried every switch in the room." Jinny talked quickly as if trying to get everything out in one breath. Jinny looked triumphant when she got to the part about trying the switches.
"Oh? The room at the end of the hallway? That's my room so yeah you can't get in unless I allow you to." Hearing what Jinny said about his room and the garden, he couldn't help but chuckle. "Oh! So that big room is yours?" She then went closer to John and hooked her arms with his. "Hey, how about letting me in your room?" She asked as if it was the natural thing to do once she knew who owned the room.
"Huh? Why would I let you in my room?" Surprised by her question, He couldn't help but be puzzled of her reasoning to get in to his room. "Well I checked every room there is in the castle and only yours is left for me to check." She answered back with a nonchalant attitude. "Oh? Even with the one owners?" He was surprised by her answer and reasoning for he could not imagine Nadya agreeing with this kind of ridiculous request. "Yup! As a matter of fact I'm the last one who still hasn't decided which room I'll occupy." She smiled to him. Making an innocent smile so John won't be able to say otherwise.
Looking at her innocent pleading face, John couldn't help but agree to the said request. "Sure I'll let you in but since that's my room you won't be able to occupy it." Hearing John's reply, she suddenly went silent for a moment. She's thinking deeply. "Uhm how about we trade?" Coming up with solution to the problem, she immediately blurted out an answer. "Jinny, No." John made an adamant refusal.
Hearing John's conviction to not to trade, she let go of his arms and run towards 2nd floor. "I'm sorry about her attitude, she meant no harm. She just curious, that is all." Popping out of nowhere, Jun made an abrupt apology to John. 'Holy shit! The hell you come from?' John turned around to see Jun behind him. 'I didn't even manage to detect his arrival not to mention if he didn't talk I won't even know he was behind me.' "No worries no harm done."
"Guild Master to tell you the truth, even I haven't chosen a room yet. I lied to Jinny that I already have. I'll choose the room that is right next to her and if someone is already occupying it then I'll promise to return the favor when needed." Jun explained to John the situation. "Oh? Is that right? So aside from you two, everybody has already chosen their rooms?" John questioned Jun while looking at Anton taking out the food from the kitchen. "Yes. Everybody has chosen already. Ahh it seems the food has been cooked, Sir I'm going to help Anton bring out the food at prepare the table." He then bowed and went inside the cafeteria to do what he said.
Left with nothing to do, he went towards the table, examined the food and noticed that these may not be able to pass as fine dining meal but it sure does win in quantity. He knew most of the food since he ate a lot of food that passed his three test query; 1) Does it look good?, 2) Does it smell good?, 3) Did somebody recommended that food? Since most food pass at the minimum one of these questions he ate most of them. One of the food that pass this criteria was stinky tofu, it's really popular back on earth for multiple reasons; it looks like shit and smells like shit but otherwise tasted other than shit. (Not that he tried to taste shit)
As he was reminiscing foods that he will miss back on earth, Brandon walked out of the kitchen. "Hello Guild Master, the food will be ready soon. Tabiatha is just doing the final touches on the last dishes, Anton and Jun are cleaning the kitchen. I'm just going to call everybody else to get here. Master." After explaining on what's happening he then bowed and went upstairs to call anybody who is in their rooms. John then went ahead and sat at the head position of the long table.
While he was waiting, Brandon walked down from the stairs and call anybody else who was not at the second floor. They then sat around the table, as if they've made arrangements prior to eating. To his nearest right is Brandon, Stella, Alpha, Beta and the farthest is Nadya. To his nearest left is Jun, Jinny, Tabiatha, Anton and the farthest is MM.
"Okay, now that everybody is here we should eat right away before the meals get cold but before that I would like to make a short speech." John then stood up from his chair and looked everybody in the face.
"As the Guild Master what I want from all of you would be, loyalty to me, the guild and its employees. As a person named John what I want from all of you would be trust and friendship. We all just met today and we are all here for various reasons but I want all of you to face tomorrow as a respectful Guild employees that your colleagues and I will be proud of! So I want a report from each department on how you will run said department and we will have a meeting an hour after tomorrow's lunch on the conference room on the 2nd floor. Now that I've said my piece, let's eat." After his speech everybody nodded at him. Before he sat down he gestured everybody to eat.
Alpha and Jinny made the most noises with their non-stop chattering about topics that both doesn't make sense and those that do. Brandon and Jun just ate their food silently while observing the others with the John. Tabiatha just grabbed and ate the most food while Anton just put foods on her plate. MM just made small talk with others while Nadya is having an eating competition with Tabiatha, unbeknownst to her.
Near the end of the feast Nadya asked, "Do we have any alcoholic beverages?" "Well he have beer but since we have minors I didn't serve it. It's only light beer mind you." Anton replied. "How much we have?" "10 Barrels at the moment but if we have ingredients I can brew other much stronger stuff."
"Heheheh, I'd ask that guy to gather ingredients so you could brew stronger stuff." She then pointed her lips toward John. Feeling her gaze, John suddenly felt chills to his bone.
After the meal they each went to their own respective rooms. The last one to go upstairs was Anton.
He took a refreshing bath and went on to lay on his bed.
[Yes Host?]
"Are they real?"
"Those that you've summoned? Are they real people?"
[They are if you treat them.]
"Okay. Question. Do they receive from salary from you or me? Do they even have salary?"
[They should since they are working and no, you should be paying them not me.]
"Okay. I'll have that topic discussed for the meeting. Can they go outside though? Since some of them look strong, they should be able to protect themselves outside right?"
[Yes they can go outside. But they are not yet allowed to do so. They'll be able to when you have enough authority.]
"So in the end it all because I don't have enough authority is it?
[No, it's all because you are weak.]
John gasped with the sudden insult by the system.