3 days later
Jane-Light we see Romania
Light-What the hell is happening there
Fire is everywhere
Fazuka-This is not how you left it right,Light
Pilot-We are getting a distress signal
Jane-Play it
Rico-Hello,Naturals I need help there are too many
Zeko-We are coming,shit
Sognal ends
Light-That Idiot put it on a wrong frequency so everyone could hear it,Hey
You alk coming or not
Jane-Wait you are going
Light-Yup,My Idiot Girlfriend need some help
Light jumps of
Jane-You are without-Oh yeah they dont need it
Fazuka-We are also leaving,see ya
Everyone jumps
Jane-They are all idiots
Rico-everything going to be okay,Rico has soundwave alot of times and cant use it again
Rico-How much time for the help
The Monster comes near them
Rico-Oh shit
Zeko-Rico,Are you okay
Rico-Not for a long time
The Monster attacks
Light comes from the air using Lightning Punch and Killing the Monster
Zeko-Are you okay,Rico
Light-I told you I was coming soon
Dk-You always come with an epic hero entry
Light-I thought I told you I was coming back soon
Milano-Dk,Are you okay
Light-Okay,she dropped it...smiles
Jin-You are Light Yuzuki
Light-Hey,I didn't dare did you
Zeko-Thank you again
Light and Zeko shake hands
The Monster attacks
The Monster is levitating
Milano-Not me
The Unknowns Comes on the ground
Fazuka you really are fast,Light
Zeko-Wait,who are they?
Light-Like we handle the Romania side they handle California and all the places near it
Light-Now lets finish this
Light jumps
Light-I summon you Electro Dragon
Electro Dragon comes out and fuses with Light body
Dk-Okay then me too,I summon you Dark Dragon
Flice-Hey,Light we learnt it too
Light-Oh,that was fast
Rine-Well we are fast learners
Flice-I summon you Ice dragon
Rine-I summon you Cloud Dragon
Rico-More Specials
Zeko-Okay then,
Light-Okay then, I summon you Mighty Electro Dragon to finish these monsters
Electro Dragon comes out with a rumble defeating some of the monsters
Dk,Flice,Rine-I summon you Mighty
Dragon to defeat these monsters
Every monster defeated but came back
Zeko-That didnt work too,they must have a core that supports them if we destroy them they gets destroyed
Light-Is it visible from the sky
Zeko-dont know,we can sence it but only a little
Light-So if our power is high we can sence it
Zeko-Yeah but how
Fazuka-Oh you are doing it
Flice-Doing what
Fazuka-Liht's special power
Light-Elwctro release it
Electro-Okay,Here we go
A dark aura surrounds Light,His Right hand becomes a Demon Hand
Light closes his eyes to sence the core
Mystic-This power is high
Dark-That must be the power Electro absorbed
Sam-He is like Ultra Instinct
Fazuka-Shut up,we are not doing a Dragon ball reference
Sam-But he is
Light-Senced it
Light jumps
Light-I summon you Delectro Dragon
Both Electro and Dark dragon come out of Light's hands with a rumble they combine to form Delectro Dragon
They go underground to the Earth's Core and Destroy the Monsters Core
All Monsters get destroyed
Zeko-He did it
Light comes down and returns to normal
Light-Okay,That was tiring but finally we are done
Zeko-Lets go to the base
Light-No first we fix this,Zeko and wind try to extinguish the fire,Sam can you fix the buildings
Sam-You got it
Light-Hime,Can you make the forest grow
Hime-I would love to
Light-Fazuka,Pick up all monster's Body and Aiden Burn them
Fazuka and Aiden-got it
Light-Naturals!Ready set and here we Go!
After a day
Light-That was a lot of work but now it looks all better
Fazuka-Now can we take a rest
Light-Yeah we are going back to our base
Rico-Light,Can-Can we go out somewhere
Light-Sure,but if you are tiemred we can go afterwards
Rico cheeks turn red
Hime-ah,I want a boyfriend too
Aiden-hey,I thought of introducing ourselves
Hime-First tell me are you single
Hime-Can you go out with me then
Aiden-But we just met
Hime-I dont care,from now on you are my boyfriend,btw I am Hime with power of Leaf
Aiden-Okaaay,I am Aiden with the Power of Flame
Aiden-and what?
Aiden sighs
Aiden-I also now have a Girlfriend name Hime
Hine hugs Aiden
Jane-Light Yuzuki,Good work
Rico-Who is she?
Jane-I am Jane the 2nd in command of Unknowns
Rico-Hey,I am Rico with the power of sound
Jane-so you are Rico,Light's Girlfriend
Who accidently made the whole world listen to the transmission for help
Light-Thats how I knew you were in trouble because your transmission reached our plane
Rico-I am and Idiot
Jane-Now can we go to the base,Light need to tell something to everyone
When they returned to the base Light telks everyone about lightning feeling of someone or something coming to Earth
Zeko-Who is it or like what is it
Light-Dont know but I know this that they also have same power as as
Rico-What,That means
Lightning-Yes they also have Powers of the Naturals
Lightning-Who is ready to fight them
Everyone-We are never giving up
Everyone-Because we are The
End of Chapter
By Light Yuzuki