5 years later
Unknown place
Jane-Do you hear it
Rine-Yes,It's a distress call
Jane-Do you know from where
Fazuka-Not from here
Dk-What do you mean
Milano-Another Dimension,maybe
Dk-Yeah,that could be it
Fazuka-Wait what another dimension,that dont exist
Milano-They do
Rine-Are you from another dimension or what
Dk-For a matter of fact she is from Dimension 2
Jane-So you are telling me that this distress signal is from another dimension
Milano-We can check which dimension its coming from
Milano-Dk,You were able to disturb the Time and space by black hole so maybe you can use it
Dk-Okay I will try
Dk uses Black hole to find out where this distress signal came from,its from Dinension....7
Jane-Can we travel there?
Dk-Yes,if I reaise the vibration of the Black hole it can open a portel
Jane-So get ready
Rine-are we going
Jane-Yeah,but before that we need all the members here
(Fazuka sighs)
Fazuka-I will start searching them
The Same morning
New York
May 17th,2025
(Alarm going off)
Rico wakes up and stands up
Rico starts looking for Light
Rico sees a message saying"Sorry had to leave early
Rico-Oh come on,Not Today
Sound-Yeah,today is your birthday how could he leave you
Rico-Yeah,He is my husband
Sound-Well,he is Light
Rico-No,He is the best husband sighs,well lets start cleaning this house
Sound-So,still a fulk time house wife
Rico-Yes,Sound I am not changing my decision
Sound-What about a baby
Rico-Oh shut up,we will but we think we are stilk not ready
Sound-in 5 years
Rico-Yes,but I think we are ready this year
Sound-Hope that's true
Sound-Shhhhhh,I hear something
???-Oh maybe that was us
Rico-Dk,why is he here
Dark-You know its your birthday
Rico-Yeah,so where is he
(A door knock)
Dark-Right there
Rico opens the door and sees Dk and Milano
Dk-Hey,Happy Birthday
Rico-What is it?
Milano-How do you always know?
Dk-Umm we need to regroup the Naturals
Rico-Why,What happaned
Dk-We got a distress call from another Dimension
Rico-What,like the time in Dimension 3
Rico-Okay,we agreed if you all ever need us we will be there
Dk-Okay,so where is Light?
Rico-He is at work
Dk-Oh,yeah that work,we will contact him later then
Rico-Yup that good for us
Milano-Okay lets go
Rico-where is everyone else
Dk-Umm,You are the last one we need to get
Rico-So everyone is at the base
Rico-Okay,Lets go
At the base
Aiden-So we meet again friends
Zeko-Yes we did,Aiden and why are you talking like that
Hime-Ah,Dont worry he will snap out of it
Lily-What happened to him
Hime-Well he played alot of RPG games
Raze-Really,Okay well Zeko,Did you see Light
Emily-Oh,come on Raze,I know you haven't met him from 5 years he is going to come and you can always call him so dont go crazy
Gine-Yeah brother,just relax
Rico-Actually,he wilk be joining us later
Dk-Hey guys,How are you all doing
Aiden-Great Sir Dk
Dk-uhh,Played too much RPG games
Raze-What do you mean later?
Rico-Oh,he is at work
Raze-That one
Rico-Yup,That one
Jane-So everyone's here
Milano-Yes Ma'am
Fazuka-Hey Sam
Rine-Hey,Flice and Hime
Flice-Hey Rime!
Jane-Hey Raze,Where are the others
Raze-Uh,well We couldn't leave our planet so the others will be handling it
Jin-So,Jane what is this distresa call
Jane-2 Days Prior we got a distress calk and Dk and Milano found out that this distress call was from Dimension 7
Kui-Dimension 7!
Dk-Yeah,The original Naturals found out the Multiverse and Milano is From one of them
Raze-So you are saying there is a dimension where Everything is same as ours
Milano-Not Everything,Some things are different
Jin-Like what?
Milano-Like this worlds Milano died!
Jin-Oh,I am sorry
Jane-Whatever we are going to this dimension to save them
Kui-I dont know why are we doing this
Mystic-Welk that's a faout to us
Zeko-what do you mean
Mystic-Its our Birthplace,that Dimension is our birth place
Sound-And we saving it
Jane-Everyone Heard it,then
Naturals...Lets start helping
Everyone quiet...
Rico-What is that
Dk-uh,its just a new thing she is trying but she sucks,dont say that to her
Jane-Dk,open the portal
Dk concentrates the Location of the Dimension
DK-Black Hole!
A Portal open
Dk-Good Luck Everyone,Me and Milano will be coming later with Light
Rico-Okay,then See you later Jane!
(Door opens)
Light-Rico,I am home and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Lightning-Umm,Light she is not home
Light sighs
Light-Plan failed,wait what is that
Lightning-Its a note
Light reads the note that says"Hey Light,Come to Romania,we are called by the Naturals
Light-Finally,I need to try that you said
to do when we go to another mission
Lightning-Remember,Dont use it take it
Lightning-Well,I should have told this before
Lightning-Umm,when you use that My voice will be gone
Light-What do you mean by gone
Lightning-Gone means Gone!You will never be able to hear me again
Lightning-Yeah,so use it when you really really need it
Light sighs
Light-Okay,Lets do this
Lightning-Wow,you took it
Light-Yeah,Because I knew there will be a goodbye between us so I prepared myself
Lightning-Good,So lets take this God Stone and Let do this.
Light-Yeah.....Lets do this!
End of Chapter
By-Light Yuzuki