"Kimiko-chan, are you coming in?" Omari asked holding open the door to the company office. I stood there frozen. I guess I didn't think this all through. All this excitement I had built up to this day and now I all I feel is scared.
"I don't know if I want to accept this match right away. I mean we talked for maybe 20 minutes and you're just ready to accept me?", I exclaimed standing my ground on the sidewalk, not making eye contact with Omari-san.
I hear the door close and footsteps coming towards me. I feel a hand on my chin and my face being lifted. Omari's eyes stare into my soul for a few moments before I feel his lips against mine.
A million sparks swirled around me as he deepens the kiss. Though it was not my first kiss, I have never felt like this with anybody else. A feeling of relief rushes over me as he pulls away from my lips.
"Did you feel it too? Like everything feels right?" Omari whispered standing close to me. He wrapped his arms around me and held me close to his heart. It was beating really fast like mine was. I was still a bit scared but I doubted that I would find anybody who could make me feel the way he just did. I mean I didn't want to wait for another match because I feel scared.
"We've got a lifetime to get to know each other. 20 minutes or 20 months won't make much of a difference to me." Omari shrugged. He had a point, but I still didn't know if I was ready.
"I could always kiss you again if you're really unsure", he whispered in my ear. I gasped as he pulled me into him by the waist.
"Let's go," I whispered pulling away from him. He took my hand and we walked into the company office together.
"We would like to accept a match please." Omari proclaimed with a smile on his face. The lady looked up with a frown on her face and sighed. She gathered a packet of paper, some pens, and a clipboard. She slammed the materials onto the counter.
"Fill out the paperwork here and make sure to complete every signature and initial. Return it to me when you're done and the acceptance will be processed" ,the lady groaned before going back to whatever she was doing. I could've gone without the attitude she was spewing.
"Let's go Kimiko-chan", Omari chuckled, pulling me away from the glare I gave the lady. We sat in some chairs in the corner of the office and flipped the first picture. The packet had a bunch of legal stuff in it that I didn't quite understand, but I assumed it was us agreeing to get married eventually and start a family.
I blushed at that thought. Omari-san was going to be my husband and I would be his wife. We would have children together, but obviously, we would have to do….
My face must have shown all my emotions because Omari started laughing.
"I don't know what you're thinking exactly but I won't doing anything to you until you're ready", he tried to assure me. I did not feel assured. If anything, I just felt even more embarrassed that he figured out what I was thinking.
I watched him scribble his signatures and initials on the paperwork and then hand me the clipboard. I hesitated for a moment as I read through the packet for where I needed to sign my name. I felt a hand on my back.
"It'll be okay. Things will work out. We have a 99% compatibility and whatever that 1% is, we can work through that" Omari tried to reassure me again. I took a deep breath and signed my name where necessary.
We turned in the packet and the lady congratulated us begrudgingly. Now, what do we do? I never thought this far ahead. We can't go and get married right away. We may be compatible with each other but I barely know Omari-san.
"Etto….Omari-san? What do we do now?" I asked shyly. He took my hand and chuckled.
"It's Oppa now. Call me Oppa," he said softly.
"What does that even mean?" I pouted.
"It's a term of endearment amongst Koreans. However, if you were to use the word regularly, it's what a little sister calls her older brother. It's become more common to use it for somebody who is your boyfriend." Omari explained with a goofy grin on his face. I thought about it for a moment before my eyes widened.
Omari-san was now my boyfriend. Just like that. I didn't even think about that aspect of the matching process. I had a boyfriend now which meant going on things like dates and stuff.
I looked at Omari-san and he grinned at me.
"My cute little girlfriend," he said softly before he kissed me again.