Chereads / Zora's Legacy / Chapter 4 - Alacris Village. . .

Chapter 4 - Alacris Village. . .

Shiro : *internally* : How could I have just noticed , this girl is not just beautiful , she is amazingly beautify , damn , is this what they call a love on first sight or something? No it cannot be , It is probably just a feeling of appreciation since she literally saved my skin just now.

Sofia : We should hurry up , those reptiles usually come in packs , it is a miracle that you were only chased by one of them , call that lucky , still , we do not wanna be cornered by them , it would be one tough situation.

Shiro : Beautiful and knowlegable? Most men would consider that a jackpot. *He chuckles*.

Sofia : *She blushes in a bit of pleasuring embarassment , she is flattered* S-Shut Up ! Let's Go !

{Both walked downwards from the cliff , since it would be harder for both of them to use a horse to go down .}

*As both of them walk in a hurry , Sofia gets a bit sloppy and she ends up slipping on the edge of a tight part in the cliff*

Shiro : Sofia ! * Shiro panics and shouts as he catches her hand to save her* Hold on tight , don't you dare play the hero and do anything stupid!

Damn that armor is making you heavier ! Give me your other hand ! Quick!

Sofia : Thanks , I still want to live got a good amount of things I should tend to ! Let me try !

Author : What? did you guys really expect an act of heroism? every person to their own , none shall sacrifice themselves for another , unless one is really stupid or really depressed.

*She struggles to catch Shiro's hand and clings to it , she succeeds in doing so hardly.*

Shiro : Let's try to pull you up now , this exactly is the ultimate proof of practicality over aestetics.

{A sudden female voice popped into his head as he despratly tries to help up the young lady , he hears it speak to him as if it speaks to his soul itself , then a warmth surged through his body}

*He smiles as he repeats what the strange voice said softly , he felt calm , comfortable and composed as if everything was alright*

Shiro : Forma accepta nuper visa facultatem .

Author : For you curious lads and ladies reading , that roughly translates to taking the shape of the recently seen ability.

*He was able to lift her as if she was light as a feather*

Sofia : Thank you very much , you saved my hide .

Shiro : Guess we're even now right? Also here's a weird question , have you heard a strange soothing voice that ordered me to repeat what it said?

Sofia : That is a pretty weird question actually .

Sofia : given that it's the only two of us here . *She laughed as she said that* that head bump really messed with your mind huh *She chuckles*.

Shiro : So you haven't heard anything , well I guess you're right , my mind is really messed up not just from the fall , but from the exhaustion as well.

Sofia : Ah yes , we lost track of time I guess , that tends to happen when one just got out of a pinch.

*She slowly gets up wiping the dust from her armour*

Sofia : Let's proceed now , and we should tread carefully this time , no rush .

Shiro : You've learned your lesson Huh? Kind of like when the teachers prevent kids from running through the corridors .

Sofia : *She blushes realizing that the rush was her fault* Shut up and let's go!

Shiro : *Chuckles* Yeah , let's.

{They walked a long way and had a longer chat , got to know each other better , He got to know that she is of a grand military rank and of a noble family , and that she had spent almost her entire life training , although it was tough for her because she was clumsy at times , and She knew as he told her of several adventures he had with the friends he used to have in his childhood back in his world , pretending that he was merely begining to regain his lost memory , of course many of the stories he told were vague to her given the diffrence between their worlds. }

Sofia : We're here at long last ! From now on things would be much easier since we've entered a relatively safe zone . there should be a small village called Alacris just ahead of us , I know an inn there with clean sheets and delicious food , we shall go there and rest for the night , in the morning we should be able to continue our trip to the capital.

{They continued walking for a bit more , Sofia pulling her horse with a leash until they reached the village's entrance , Sofia found a nice place to tie her horse near the inn , they both entered , delighted to have finally reached civilisation.}

Sofia : Good evening , Shei

*Sofia lifts her hand waving at a cute red haired girl which looked cheerful and happy to see her , a greeting from a good friend.*

Shei : Oh Hey Sofia ! *She stares at Shiro then makes a smug face*

Shei : How nice it is to see that you stopped being a total loner and took my advice by finding yourself a boyfriend , finally.

Sofia : *Sofia blushes as she is embarassed a bit then proceeded to speak in a stuttery voice* First of all , I am not a loner , if I was you wouldn't be my friend now would you , second , he is not my boyfriend.

Shei : Then who might he be I wonder?

*Shiro , embarassed as well speaks as she asked the question .*

Shiro : Hello there lady , my name is Shiro , I am a simple wonderer whom your friend here saved , I also appear to have lost most my memories , pleasure to make your acquaintance.

Shei : Pleasure is mine , Shiro , My Name is Shei ! I run this inn with my mother , I suppose you two would like to stay the night here? Well here's the thing , we are having a huge discount for couples if they rent one room for the both of them , conviniently enough we have only 1 large room left , which you can share , by the simple price of pretending to be a couple , what do you say huh?

Sofia : Why does this feel like a setup , Shei? Either way , I know how busy your inn gets so I know you aren't lying about the rooms thingy , might as well indulge you the pleasure of every single romance event in almost every single piece of fantasy literature and get that discount out of it , we will be leaving first thing in the morning , you know the drill , work as usual , isn't that right darling?

Shiro : Sure is honey . *He chuckles*

Shei : You just won't have a proper rest for some time would you Sofia?

*She gets closer to Shiro and whispers* : done my turn , you do yours , go for it , tiger , brave is key.

Shiro : Ma'am yes ma'am , salute.

Sofia : What are you both talking about ? *Said Sofia holding the key to their room*

Shiro and Shei : Absolutely nothing . *Wink*

Sofia : Well then have a good night Shei , let's go see our room , Shiro .

{They both go upstairs yawning and sluggish.}

Chapter Info :

Locations :

[Alacris Village : A small serene village south of the capital city surounded by many dangerous locations such as the desert cliffs and the green forst , has a relatively small population which lives mainly on hunting and foraging.]

¤Shei an 18 year old red haired girl with light blue eyes , cheerful and a sucker for romances , she runs the Apple and Ale inn which is located in the east side of Alacris Village , with both her mother.¤