Chereads / Zora's Legacy / Chapter 8 - The Luxurian way of life.

Chapter 8 - The Luxurian way of life.

Shiro , on the gates of the very grand castle of the king , stands and turns his head admiring the architechture of the city wondering where to go next , language was no issue , since he previously found out he could read it , and speak it , he had already been an inn before , perhaps he should look for one now , to make it his headquarters and make plans of how he was going to proceed exactly , as he was lost once again in his thoughts he noticed a familiar figure in front of him , it was Sofia , smiling at him , she gently spoke and said : you just could not wait for my return now could you ? Shiro looked up in a bit of fright , as Sofia has starteled him , he then proceeded to say : well I have never been known to be much of a patient guy , I learned some pretty interesting things at the court library , and from a very deep and intriguing conversation with the king , I am also interested in the ancient tomb some distance away from here , Sofia replied in a sarcastic tone , and how do you plan on getting there big guy , did Arthur fill you up with his ideologies about the old legends , Shiro replied smiling , absolutely no idea whatsover , and no , nothing of that sort happened , I simply read about it in a book and decided to see for myself , just out of curiosity , by the way , maybe I do need your help after all , you see I still need a place to stay , do you know a good inn around here , also can you give me more information on how merchants function around here , I seem to have forgotten that as well , Sofia smirked and said , you're just hopeless aren't you ? merchants are a class that get their suplies from supliers they then travel around the country or the continent to sell their merchendise , hence is why you ended up in that place probably , although I gotta say , most merchants are accompanied by body guards , you were alone , I wonder where was your body guard when you lost your memory , he probably didn't do his job correctly , letting you get hurt , some people are just too shameless , anyway , I have a friend that works as suplier , I can broker a contract between the two of you so you can work and get some money as soon as possible , you will need it , as for now , I will take care of your stay at the inn and here , she proceeds to hand him a small pouch of money , this is for your food , it should last you until you get on your feet again , and good luck , I recommend you stay nearby as you work in selling your merchendise , and the study of which market is more profitable is something you should relearn , now we shall head to the inn , you must be tired , you need rest , and as for me I have plenty of work to tend to , Shiro smiled and his eyes filled up with tears , he said gently , thank you very much Sofia , I will not forget your deeds as long as I am alive , she blushed as she says , I said it before did I not , it is my job to protect civilians , this is my job , no need for thanks , she smiles and adds , live well , here is the Inn , the owner knows me , so just tell him I sent you , the couple say their goodbyes , Until we meet again , they smile and say in the same time , and they add whispering in the same time , such a lovely person , then Sofia says , I will come and accompany you to the dealer tomorrow , be prepared by then , Sure thing , Shiro says as he enters the inn which has a sizable sign on top of its door that reads Flamebird Inn , it is full of people drinking and eating , he feels anxious as he walks to greet the innkeeper , Hello , he says , to which the innkeeper replies , greetings , I haven't seen your face around here , are you new in town , Shiro smiles and says , yes , I suppose , I am a friend of Sofia's , she said you would give me a room to stay in for a while , the innkeeper says joyfully , for sure , any friend of Madame Sofia is a friend of mine , he hands Shiro a key , here , you can stay in the room upstairs , rest well , Shiro proceeds quietly , not looking around , heading for his room , suddenly he trips and nearly falls , he looks back , one of the drunks at the inn , a pretty buff guy , made of muscle , and has a greatsword by his chair , he laughs and says , why not pay for big brother's meal and drinks , he looks to his friends , keeps laughing says , seems like the white rabbit isn't all that balanced after all , he looks back to Shiro and says , so , what do you say , Shiro feels angry but he keeps a straight face , he is so tired and doesn't want any trouble but trouble seems to nock on his door all the time , such as his bad luck , he speaks and says , sorry big brother , but I do not have any money , the muscled man annoyed , he stood up , and said , you are a merchant right , merchants are known to always have heavy pockets , now will you pay up or not , Shiro no longer able to hold his anger , he thinks , this is bad , I barely have money for my food , I cannot afford to pay that guy's bill , the guy then put his hand on Shiro's shoulder and says , I asked you a question have I not? his sign lights up and he put quite a bit of painful pressure on the poor boy's shoulder , there was never a time where a merchant have disrespected an adventurer , Shiro then remembered what the voice inside his head said earlier when he activated his strange powers , then one sentence came to his mind , by that same inside voice , he spoke it quietly , libero potentia , ignis , power augment , he felt a sudden surge of power and courage he , held the guys wrist and pressed hard , the wrist was twisted , the guy surprised and screaming in pain , confused he said , I give up sorry , I appologise , you looked so weak physically , I had no intention to disrespect a fellow adventurer , tears came to his ears , Shiro threw him to the wall of the inn and spoke , anyone else wants me to pay for anything , total silence , Shiro keeping cool about what happened , that which even him is confused by , he kept walking upstairs , went into his room and locked the door , he sighed and said , excitedly , that was amazing , how did I even do that , it is that voice again , and he looked at his hand it was still bright but going out like a candle , here it is disapearing again , I certainly need to learn more about this , if I can control such power I would at least be able to defend myself a bit , in the end , I plan to visit the monument pretty soon , I suspect the way would be difficult what was that sentence again ? libero potentia , ignis , suddenly his hand lit up with a red sign , I think that sentence is like an activation key , although now it just lit up , it didn't do anything , it seems like I need to say the name of the skill too what were those words I spoke after? Augment? right? Shiro then once again felt that surge of power , as he wanted to try it , he lifted the bed , it was a big bed with heavy wood and a heavy matress , with a couple blankets and pillows on it , yet it felt as light as air , he put down the bed and put is hand on his chin in a thought position , he began to think , so the augment skill , I'll call it that for a moment , gives me a bit of courge similar to an adrenalin rush and quite a bit of physical strength , now what was the other one? I think it was Fire Arrow !sagitta ignis! A firey projectile was shot out of Shiro's Palm as he aimed it like he did before , the dresser was destroyed and a loud noise was heard , the Innkeeper rushed to Shiro's room , he saw the burnt down destroyed dresser , Shiro was embarassed and did not know how to explain why or how he did that , but to his surprise the Innkeeper smiled and said , I guess birds of the same feather do flock together , just as Sofia desptroyed a dresser in this same room when she was here before , so have you , don't worry about it , in this inn , destruction of a few items are quite usual since adventurers like to try out their new skills eagerly as soon as they gain them , just try not to destroy the entire room , okay? Shiro felt relieved , he did not have the money to pay for what's lost and the keeper didn't ask for payment , he simply thanked the innkeeper for his kindness and promised it shan't happen again as the innkeeper went out and closed the door behind him , Shiro sighed and said , that was close , I do not know what's gotten into me , I didn't think that would work , well at least now I am sure I am not all powerless , for this I am grateful , he suddenly felt so tired and sleepy , a thump was heard on the inn's wooden floor as Shiro suddenly faded off to sleep , a while later he woke up , what had happened he asked , why would he faint , he wasn't ill , a bit tired but not enough for him to faint , then his knowledge of fantasy kicked in as he remembered the notions of magical power (Mana) and Physical power (Stamina) he relaised that he had straighned himself somehow for that was the first time he intentionally used his power , this world is like a fantasy game after all , I guess those concepts do apply here as well , how cliché of you author , he said , to which replied , mind your own buisness Shiro , it may be an old idea but it is still quite fun , he then said , alright , no need to get so worked up , anyway , I need to be more careful and practiced and adapted to how I use this new power , and control it more , I will try to work on it in paralel with merchant work , Sofia is right , I need the money for my trip , and who knows what awaits me once I get to the monument , I ought to be well prepared , It is already morning I guess , I need to get ready , Sofia would be here anytime to accompany me to her suplier contact , he uses the room's shower and puts on the same clothes he was wearing as they were all he owned , a sudden knock on the door was heard , and a familiar voice , which we all know whose , said gently , wake up sleepyhead , my contact awaits us , Shiro opened the door , he smiled and said , already ready , Sofia smiled back at him and said , perfect , no time to waste , wait are those clothes all you own? you cannot meet your new suplier and make a contract looking like ... that , let's stop by the clothier and get you something decent to wear , Shiro spoke gratefully and said , you're doing me more favors than I can pay back , she smiles and says , happy to help a friend , besides , I have the means , it is really nothing to me , they both walk out the inn the innkeeper smiles and greets both of them , and they greet him back , I see you had a good night , there came no sound from your room since we last spoke yesterday , and I see you're having an even better morning as he noticed Sofia dressed up in casual clothes , looking so beautiful and refined , as she's holding Shiro's hand urging him to hurry , Shiro blushes and replies , exactly what you said Mr , wait I never got to ask your name, may I have the honor of knowing it since I will be staying here for a while , the innkeeper smiles and says , my name's Albert Igvis , you can call me Al , how about yourself , esteemed guest , Shiro smiles and says , I am Shiro Jigoku , you can call me Shiro pleased to make your aquaintance , and thank you for lending me the room .

Sofia softly pinches Shiro's arm and says , we have plenty of things to do , I am sure you would have the time to get better aquainted later , Shiro says , sure , you're right , they both say , see you later Al , and the couple head out of the inn together , into the massive city , Luxuria .

Albert Igvis , a bald man , tall and big , he has a nice brown mustache , wearing a nice white shirt and a green apron with brown pants , he is in his 40s , he looks kind and gentle .