Alone WITH; The Absolute Divinity
This is an exploration of God’s autonomous perspective on why it is he made the conscious decision to make light first specifically, as well as the relationship we can decode that he yearns to have with us and we should have visa versa whether mutual or not through reverse engineering his honest decisions, even if there is the possibility to have the honest decision to lie, but regardless of the consequences of God having His own free will just as we have been given by Him, we need to know the reality of the situation, not just judge possibilities.
As for where that ability to judge comes from, even in the case of God being the personification the ability to judge and taking the rule of ultimate judge as a result, these perceptions are only possible if part of consciousness itself, which we can safely assume is one of the main building blocks of God in some sort of way to put it bluntly (I’m not going to bother with semantics and considerations, I’m not a politician nor a debater, I just want to be efficient in my explorations), so God too must also follow the rules of objective morality/Grace, as for the potential of any consciousness being Holy or Unholy, which is what we would categorise being the on the side of a benevolent God or Satan which counts as an Anti-God.
A quote from Socrates has stuck with me not because I dogmatically assert it to be true, but it is the closest description of the truth of the situation for what right question to ask:
“What came first, God or morality?”, and that is why I am trying to figure out that our hope for a benevolent God would be good and the salvation of the human heart through faith to conduct our view of existence in the diagnosis of reality from the perspective that God is benevolent is a net positive, it’s still not the same as a proven truth.
You could argue that truth for the sake of truth doesn’t matter if ultimately our experience of life is better with faith in our hopes being the reality, but if it isn’t the reality, there is more than just spiritual freedom that needs to be accounted for, but also physical freedom.
If your heart is in the right place but YOU aren’t where you actually want to be, then hope that the potential future is out there somewhere is worth striving for and make happen, rather than convince yourself that it’s already here when it ISN’T.
So, let’s get to exploring, and understand more about existence as a whole along the way, treating religion like a science AS WELL.
[I miss someone I haven’t even met yet, and I want to chase this feeling in a real way without just contemplation forever, but for now, let’s figure out what direction to go in.]
PS, whatever the name you give God, in the end God is God, so if I say anything that you disagree with within the doctrine of your religion, please understand that what I care about more than even God himself is Morality. Let’s not lose ourselves with the dogmas of ‘necessary evil’, because if God is benevolent as we all hope to be the case, He would never rely on the such tactics through people, the God I worship is the benevolent potential, regardless of if the real one always with His freewill as consciousness itself can also choose to do things unfairly, for the ultimate judge is not one who monopolises The Word of objective morality among other things, but by being subservient/humble to it.
This is at least why Christ said “I do not care if you blaspheme against me or The Father, so long as you don’t Blaspheme against The Holy Spirit. That is the only sin that is unforgivable.”
(I’m paraphrasing, so do your own research, and like I said, try to do your best to look at this through the lens of a devoid of intentions, even if the origin of these intentions are educated illegedly by the written Word in any physical representation of the fulfilled potential in the material world of that spirit being personified, printed in a book, captured in art but logically associated…
Remember, the church is within.)