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Sri Devi

Reborn As A Ring

On the border of a kingdom named Caradel in a deep and great forest a man could be seen running, being chased by a group of men wearing armor as arrows flew in the air. One striking true to its target striking the man in the shoulder nevertheless the man continued running. The man named Baranor, a young man who had orange eyes black hair and tanned skin with a slight scruffy beard was running for his life while thinking to himself. 'How did this happen?!' Baranor running out of air feeling exhausted, and the blood flowing from his shoulder running down his back mixing with his sweat, Baranor stared in front of him only to see a drop off nearly 100 meters in front of him. The men behind him also seemed to notice that Baranor was running out of time, as nearly every single one of them let out a grin, as they approached the edge Baranor slowed to a halt, as did the men behind him. "Give up prince! Just accept what's to come, after all the throne is no longer yours to inherit!" Said the man leading the soldiers "I will never! Not after what you did to my men, not after what he did to my father!" Baranor replied "Hmph! So be it, I offer you life just for you to accept death" The man stated "Life? Life! you offer me death now or later, do you really think i'd be stupid enough to hand over the throne after witnessing your coupe against my father!" Baranor replied "Hmm, it seems your unwilling even till the end, Very well, Archer's! Fire!" The man commanded Baranor was now stuck between a rock and a hard place either jump off the cliff to a seemingly doomed fate or accept the fate that the man in front of him was offering. As he thought what he should do he heard the command the man spouted feeling the stress of the situation and his adrenalin nearly running out he decided. He'd rather die by his own hands than give the man in front of him that satisfaction! As he thought this he immediately took a step back falling to his doom. The man not expecting this looked rather confused only for his face to twist into a grin. 'Finally! Good riddance my dear prince!' The man said as he looked as the boy fell through the tough branches of the trees below Baranor looking up at one of the men that betrayed him thought to himself 'Is this how i really die? Well what can i say, i tried, i gave it my all.......' As Baranor was accepting his fate he thought back on his life only to be filled with rage 'No! I refuse to accept this laying down! Quintin I will come for you! I will come for all those who dare raise their sword to their king! No matter what! even if i have to accept a deal from the devi-' that was the last thought Baranor had before he hit the ground When Baranor hit the ground he didn't even feel the pain, just the shock, as it traveled through his body as his eyes slowly blurred he built up all his will to not pass out 'I refuse! I have to keep moving!' Baranor thought as he turned his body over back up When Baranor was starting to lose hope he started to hear faint whispers as he looked at the direction the whispers came he saw a cave, almost as if the whispers were drawing him in he forced himself to crawl and keep crawling, no matter what Baranor refused to stop crawling. Finally when Baranor arrived to where he heard the faint whispers they became louder almost screaming in his head as he saw it, a ring, resting on what looked to be an ancient place holder for it. Baranor grabbed the ring and lay on his back as he gathered his strength and said "My Fate! Is my own!" As he slid the ring on his finger. -------------------- -Author here Just a quick disclaimer! This novel is heavily inspired by lord of the rings if you couldn't tell also it's because i only ever saw one other story on a ring.
Soul_Monarch000 · 40.5K Views

Laskar Dewa Series Episode II Sitija (Sang Yadawa Terakhir)

Sinopsis Bag III Prabu Bhomabomantara yang Berhasil menjebak Raden Sitija Bertarung Dengan Prabu Narakasura Kembali Melancarkan Rencana Keduanya.Rencana Untuk Menikahi Putri Prabu Krentangyana, Yaitu Dewi Hyangyanawati.Karena Mengetahui Bahwa Sang Putri Adalah Titisan Batari Kamakhya.Seorang Batari Cantik Jelita Jelmaan Dewi Sathi.Istri Pertama Batara Guru (Dewa Siwa). Akhirnya Membuat Sri Krishna Meminta Putranya Yang Bernama Raden Samba Dari Dewi Jembawati, Permaisuri Keduanya.Untuk Mendahului Rencana Prabu Bhomabomantara.Karena Sri Khrisna Menyuruh Raden Samba Mencari Kejelasan Asal Usulnya Yang Ternyata Adalah Juga Salah satu Rudra Titisan Batara Guru.Raden Samba Akhirnya Meminta Bantuan Dari Raden Guritno (Gatotkaca) Beserta Keenam Mahasenopati Utamanya, Ditya Prabakesha, Ditya Pancatyana, Ditya Yayahgriwa,Ditya Anchakagra, Ditya Maudara Dan Ditya Amisundha.Untuk Menggagalkan Rencana Prabu Bhomabomantara yang Akan Melamar Kekasihnya.Sementara Sri Khrisna Dengan Istri Ketiganya Dewi Satyabhama Menyusun Rencana Rencana Untuk Membunuh Prabu Bhomabomantara Yang Membuat Raden Sitija Putra Mereka Berdua Terjebak Dalam Pusaran Anjang -anjang Kencana (Langit Tanpa Batas).Dengan Meminta Dewi Satyabhama Yang Memiliki Busur Sarngha Dan Anak Panah Naracha . Dengan Dibantu Oleh Keponakannya Raden Guritno (Gatotkaca) Dan Raden Antareja Mereka Mengumpulkan Pasukan Dari Semua Wangsa Yadawa Untuk Menyerang Prabu Bhomabomantara Kearah Bukit Nilakaliphura. Sinopsis Bag IV Dengan petunjuk dari Arya Susena(Raden Sitija/Bhoma), I Wayan Wira dan Rekan rekanya justru menemukan jalan membongkar kejahatan sebuah organisasi kriminal terlarang internasional.Organisasi terlarang Yang berusaha masuk ke wilayah Indonesia.Kemudian atas perintah atasan masing -masing Atasannya. Pada akhirnya A.K.P I Wayan Wira dan Kolonel I Made Suta diberikan mandat untuk membentuk instansi khusus yang masih dalam pengawasan Badan Agen Rahasia Negara .Bernama Liga Perwira Dan Ksatria Republik Dengan merekrut Anak buah dari semua institusi negara. Juga merekrut Arya Susena dan Kelima Sepupunya yang menyebut dirinya sebagai Bomanarakasura. Seluruh Anggota Liga Perwira Dan Ksatria Republik Yang Dipimpin Oleh Brigjend Suta Menyatakan Perang Dengan Organisasi Terlarang Pemegang Rumput Eurekha. Organisasi Terlarang Yang Beranggotakan Para Pemuja Iblis dan Para Pembunuh Berantai Dari Berbagai Penjuru Dunia. Dengan Dibantu Oleh Seluruh Laskar Dewa Yang Dipimpin Oleh Agent Bhoma (Sitija),Raden Wisangkhanta Seorang Mahasenapati Jagad Raya dan Mahasenapati Bumi Beserta Seluruh Agent Rahasia Dunia Mencoba Membongkar dan Mengobrak-Abrik Semua Tempat Di Berbagai Negara Yang Diyakini Sebagai Induk Dari Organisasi Terlarang Rumput Eurekha. Sementara Raden Wisanggeni Beserta Ketiga Sepupunya. Raden Antasena, Raden Srenggini Dan Resi Mayangkara Memburu Keberadaan Keponakan Mereka Putra Raden Guritno (Gatotkaca)yang bernama Mahasenapati Wesi Aji Di Wilayah Setra Gandhamayit. Kerajaan Makhluk Astral DiWilayah Pathala Bumi.Sedangkan Anchakagra dan IPTU Artha Diutus Oleh A.K.B.P Wira Mencari Tahu Keberadaan Orang Tua Kandung Putri Agent Bhoma Yaitu Hita Padmarani. Menemui Banyak Hambatan Dari Beberapa Pihak Dari Ayah Angkat Hita Padmarani.Dilain Dimensi Belahan Dunia Tersembunyi yang Diciptakan Mahasenapati Wesi Aji. Mahasenapati Wesi Aji yang Menawan Maharesi Aswatama Mulai Menggunakan Kekuatan Inti Wirabadhra. Pemberian Batara Guru Untuk Membuka Kerangkeng Para Ghana (Hantu )Jahat Dan Para Asura Raksasa Dari Kaum Danawa.Para Asura Danawa Yang Tertidur Untuk Menghancurkan Seluruh Bumi. Dengan Menggunakan Nyawa Para Pengikutnya Di Organisasi Terlarang Rumput Eurekha. Agent Bhoma Dan Seluruh Punggawanya Akhirnya Bisa Menemukan Keberadaan Mahasenapati Wesi Aji Dan Mengeluarkannya Dari Dimensi Yang Diciptakannya.
Hendry_Octavian · 15.3K Views

Laskar Dewa Series Sitija (Sang Yadawa Terakhir)

Sinopsis I dan II Sinopsis I Laskar Dewa Sitija (Sang Yadawa Terakhir) Raden Sitija atau Prabu Bomanarakasura seorang Raja di kerajaan Trajutrisna. sebuah kerajaan yang seluruh penduduknya adalah kaum Ditya(Raksasa). Awal mula dia bergelar Bomanarakasura dia diutus oleh Para Dewa guna menakhlukan dua negara raksasa yaitu kerajaan Prajatista dan Surateleng yang dipimpin oleh dua orang raja yang juga pamannya sendiri Prabu Bomabomantara dan Prabu Narakasura. Keduanya adalah putra angkat Prabu Basudewa dan Dewi Mahendra yang akan merongrong kerajaan Dwarawati.dengan bekal ajian Pancasona pemberian Batara Guru (Dewa Siwa) dan Bunga WijayaMulya pemberian Sang Ibu dengan dibantu keempat punggawa raksasa beserta tunggangannya. Seekor burung Elang raksasa (Garuda Wilmuna), Ditya Ancakagra, Ditya Yayahgriwa, Ditya Maudara,dan Ditya Amisundha. Keempat Punggawa raksasa yang dihidupkan dari dua sesajen yang ditemukan di perbatasan kerajaan . Dua Raja itu Akhirnya berhasil dibunuh oleh Raden Sitija. Dan akhirnya menjadi Ilmu kanuragan di dalam tubuhnya ajian Bomantara ada di tangan kanan dan Narakasura berada di tangan kiri. Juga menjadi taring dikedua giginya.Raden Sitija adalah putra sulung dari Sri khrisna seorang awatara(Titisan)Wisnu dengan Dewi Satyabhama atau Dewi Pertiwi(Dewi bumi) Raden Sitija masih mempunyai satu saudari. salah satu saudarinya adalah Dewi Siti Sundari Istri pertama dari Abimanyu putra Raden Arjuna atau Raden Janaka dengan Dewi Sembadra. Berita kematiannya disebuah cerita urban yang berjudul Gojali suta (Samba Juwing)atau Bhomakawya masih menjadi kontroversi misteri yang belum bisa dipecahkan. Ada semacam konspirasi dari campur tangan Sang Ayah yaitu Sri Khrisna di kisah itu. Karena seluruh Kaumnya bangsa Yadawa musnah dan binasa karena terlibat pertempuran Saudara.Kejadian seusai perang besar Bharatayudha. Sampai sekarang keberadaan Raden Sitija masih menjadi misteri. Dan misteri tentangnya akan terungkap di cerita ini. Sinopsis Bag II A.K.P. I Wayan Wira Seorang Anggota Kepolisian negara .Ketika menjalani liburan bersama keluarganya di rumah Mendiang sang Kakek Professor I Wayan Dharma .Di wilayah Uluwatu, Jimbaran, Bali.Ketika hendak membersihkan lemari tua milik Sang Kakek. Wayan Wira menemukan buku harian usang di dalam sebuah kotak tersembunyi. Bersamaan juga dengan Ruangan rahasia di dalam kamar sang kakek.Ruangan yang ternyata adalah bekas Laboratorium tempo dulu.Pada akhirnya Wayan Wira juga mendapatkan sebuah buku tua .Sebuah hasil Tesis penelitian Sang kakek.Tesis yang menyimpulkan bahwa ada keberadaan Makhluk Abadi di sekitar manusia. Bersama rekan rekannya akhirnya A.K.P Wayan Wira dan Seorang Sahabatnya Seorang Polisi Militer yang bernama Kolonel I Made Suta akhirnya berhasil menemukan Keberadaan Mereka. di sekitar wilayah Gianyar. Karena Mereka mencurigai Seorang Pengusaha kaya bernama Arya Susena. Dikarenakan Sering memakai Identitas palsu berkali kali. Yang pada akhirnya dengan petunjuk Arya Susena, I Wayan Wira dan Rekan rekanya justru menemukan jalan membongkar kejahatan sebuah organisasi kriminal terlarang internasional.Organisasi terlarang Yang berusaha masuk ke wilayah Indonesia.Kemudian atas perintah atasan masing -masing Atasannya. Pada akhirnya A.K.P I Wayan Wira dan Kolonel I Made Suta diberikan mandat untuk membentuk instansi khusus yang masih dalam pengawasan Badan Agen Rahasia Negara .Bernama Liga Perwira Dan Ksatria Republik Dengan merekrut Anak buah dari semua institusi negara. Juga merekrut Arya Susena dan Kelima Sepupunya yang menyebut dirinya sebagai Bomanarakasura.
Hendry_Octavian · 98.3K Views

Ultimate Universe The Elemental Madness

Introduction In a sprawling universe teeming with Devs, Devis, superheroes, and villains, a cosmic tapestry unfolds, woven by the divine hand of Omkar, the god of gods. With boundless creativity, Omkar birthed countless universes, each with its own destiny. In each universe, Omkar’s magnum opus, a trio of celestial beings emerged—the illustrious Trimurti. Lord Brahma, the master of creation, Lord Vishnu, the guardian of preservation, and Lord Shiva, the harbinger of destruction, commanded awe and reverence, earning the collective title of Trimurti from their celestial peers. As the universe flourished under their watchful gaze, Trimurti bestowed unique powers upon an array of Devs and Devis, crafting a pantheon of extraordinary beings. Among them, the valiant Dev Indra was anointed as the leader, guiding the others with divine wisdom and strength. Yet, not all creations were as benign. To maintain cosmic balance, the Trimurti created formidable monsters known as rakshas and asura. However, these creatures, driven by a thirst for power and a desire to conquer the world, waged war against the Devs and Devis. The indomitable Trimurti, alongside their faithful Devs and Devis, rallied against the onslaught, cunningly sealing the ferocious beasts within the depths of Patal Lok, a realm hidden away from mortal eyes. To secure these prisons, intricate keys were forged by the skilled hands of Dev Vishvakarma, locking away the menace for eternity. With the menace contained, the Devs and Devis retreated to Swarglok, a realm of unparalleled serenity. Yet, tranquility alone couldn’t quell their ambitions. A collective decision was reached among the deities to create five elemental rings, infused with the raw power of cosmic energy—a force transcending mortal comprehension. These rings were designed to empower worthy beings to maintain cosmic balance. Dev Vishvakarma lent his divine craftsmanship to shape elemental stones, complementary to the rings, yet bereft of the ability to choose their owners. With their creation complete, the five rings were safeguarded within separate chambers, veiled in secrecy and shrouded in enigma. Their exact locations remained a mystery, whispered only among the Devs and Devis themselves. Eons passed, the echoes of legends fading into the annals of time. Until one fateful day, when a single individual, against all odds, gathered the rings and unleashed the incarcerated terrors from Patal Lok. Chaos erupted, and the universe trembled in the wake of unprecedented devastation. Yet, even in the darkest hour, the Devs and Devis rallied, vanquishing the assailant and vowing to withhold direct intervention in the affairs of the universe. Retreating once more to Swarglok, they concealed the rings within their chambers, their exact fate uncertain. Some believed the chambers fell apart through the passage of time, while others whispered of a sinister hand deliberately shattering the barriers that guarded the rings. Now, as the cosmic sands of destiny shift, the search for these celestial artifacts begins anew. Whispers of their existence flutter amidst the starry expanse, waiting to be discovered by those bold enough to embark on an extraordinary quest, where the fate of the universe hangs in the balance.
UltimateUniverse · 827 Views

Jasa Pindahan Surabaya Jakarta

Selamat datang di Pilar Transport, penyedia layanan pindahan dan sewa kendaraan angkut yang terpercaya di Bandung Antapani. Kami hadir untuk membantu Anda dengan solusi cepat, aman, dan efisien untuk berbagai kebutuhan pindahan dan pengiriman barang. Dengan tim profesional dan armada kendaraan yang lengkap, kami memastikan setiap proses berjalan lancar. Layanan Pindahan dan Angkut Terbaik: 1. Paket Pindahan Domestik - Untuk pindahan rumah dalam kota atau antar kota. 2. Pindahan Antar Kota - Kami siap membantu Anda pindahan ke luar kota dengan aman. 3. Pindahan Kantor - Solusi pindahan bisnis yang cepat dan aman. 4. Pindahan Apartemen - Pengiriman dan penataan barang ke apartemen dengan mudah. 5. Layanan Packing dan Unpacking - Kami bantu kemas barang dan menatanya kembali di lokasi tujuan. Layanan Sewa Truk dan PickUp: 1. Truk Berbagai Ukuran - Pilih ukuran kendaraan sesuai kebutuhan barang. 2. Sopir Profesional - Semua sopir kami berpengalaman dan berlisensi. 3. Layanan Antarpulau - Layanan pengiriman barang ke luar pulau. 4. Asuransi Barang - Jaminan keamanan barang selama proses pengiriman. Mengapa Memilih Pilar Transport? - Profesionalisme Terjamin - Tim ahli yang selalu siap membantu proses pindahan Anda. - Layanan Fleksibel - Kami menyesuaikan layanan dengan kebutuhan Anda. - Harga Kompetitif - Dapatkan penawaran harga terbaik dan terjangkau. - Keamanan dan Keandalan - Barang Anda dipastikan aman dengan layanan tracking dan asuransi. Hubungi Kami Sekarang! WA : 0811-2889-600 JASA PINDAHAN : Dapatkan konsultasi gratis dan penawaran terbaik untuk kebutuhan pindahan dan pengiriman barang Anda.
Vinny_Devi · 55.8K Views

The Chronicles of Svarga Nagari

The aftermath of the great war of Svarga Nagari was devastating. The once beautiful planet was now a barren wasteland, with the remnants of the once-great civilization scattered throughout the ruins. The few survivors who remained on Earth struggled to survive, with little hope for the future. But in the midst of all this despair, there was one glimmer of hope: space station 7351. Aryaan was one of the young warriors who had been settled in space station 7351. He was well-versed in both modern technology and ancient arts of cultivation techniques recorded from Svarglok. He had been a student of the famous warrior Purushottam, and his skills were unmatched. But even with all his training, he knew that the threat of alien invasion was still very real. And there was another reason he wanted to return to Earth: his parents. Aryaan's parents were last seen in the ruins of Svarga Nagari, and that was the only clue he had before they disappeared for good. Aryaan knew that if they didn't act fast, the aliens would destroy what was left of the planet, and the traces of his parents will be lost forever. So he set out on a dangerous mission to return to Earth, accompanied by his cousins. Svarga Nagari, to Aryaan will bring more than just clues to his parents but also, his eternal rival, Devi. Devi was a skilled warrior in her own right, and the two of them engaged in a fierce battle. But as the fight raged on, Aryaan realized that Devi was not his enemy - she was his path to enlightenment. They eventually put their differences aside and joined forces to save their world. Let's follow the journey of Aryaan, his borthers and his love on this path of seeking familial bond, saving planets and lot more!
musubiSahashi · 19.8K Views
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