Chereads / Zora's Legacy / Chapter 2 - WTF Is Happening?!

Chapter 2 - WTF Is Happening?!

Shiro : Eh-?

*He blinks then goes unconscious.*

^a gentle breeze moved the dry red sand on a mountain around.^

*Shiro slowly began to regain his senses and wake up*

Shiro : Agh It feels like I have been trampled by elephants ! My head hurts , my whole body aches what the fuck had happened?!! Huh?!.

*He quickly turns his head in surprise and panic , he looks in all directions like a maniac.*

Eeeh!! Where Am I !!! *He scratches his head in confusion , he is afraid but trying to stay composed.* . The last think I remember was being in my room reading that message I recieved !Wait , could it all be real ??! Am I dreaming ! Or am I dead??! ... No that cannot be true .. after all this pain feels real enough ... I'm certainly very much alive ... *He rubs his eyes to check if he is awake as well as the good old move of pinching himself*. It seems like I am awake , so this is not a dream , but what the hell am I doing here on this mountain cliff .

~Location : The Desert Mountain Cliff~

*Shiro slowly gets up and tries to clean the dust off his clothes*

Shiro : Either way , I need to find a way out of here , otherwise I am either going to strave or die of thirst , first thing to consider is carefully walking to the foot of the mountain or at least to find a space safe enough to step on , this cliff seems unstable.

*He walks slowly avoiding the weak spots on the cliff , he hears a rumbling sound and runs to a more stable space on the mountain*

Shiro : That was a close call , this is bad , at least it could not get any worse than this , right?

Author : Honestly this was so cliché and overused that we all know where it is going.

[ROAAAAAAR~] *A loud animal sound echoed so loud , it made Shiro shiver , He turns around to check out where the sound is coming from anyway , it is behind him*

Shiro : What the ... seriously I need to learn how to shut my damn trap , but most importantly now , gotta go fast !!!

*He runs away using as much force and energy as he can , that adrenaline infused survival run *

{A dinosaur-like huge reptile is chasing after him quickly and vigorously. }

*Shiro keeps on running as fast as he could , he wants to survive.*

Damn , this thing is giving me a real workout , I have never been much of sports guy , so I am pretty weak , now I regret that ! *suddenly a small stone causes him to fall* Why's this happening to me ! Is this what they call a stroke of bad luck? *He looks up in fear and worry then shuts his eyes* I guess this is the end , what a life..

{The creature stops in front of him , he tries to reach him with his solid claw , saliva dropping from his mouth .}

*He starts to open his eyes slowly*

Shiro : How am I not dead?

*He sees a strand of long golden hair going down on shiny metal armor , it was a young woman , fending off the reptile with her greatsword*

The unknown woman : Are you gonna stay on your ass all day? Get up and run , I will deal with it.

Shiro : But... Can you really -

The Girl : Run away , Now!

*She said before he could finish his sentence*

Shiro : Thank you very much!!

*He runs away for a bit and hides behind a rock where he can see the fight , he was curious about it* *as he was hiding he noticed a sign that looked sort of like 2 Zs , it shone of many colours*

Oh what now ? what is wrong with my hand? what the f is this??! It matters not , it seems harmless.

*He was more interested in the fight so he kept watching*

*The unknown girl started chanting in a sweet and mellow voice*

The Girl : I call upon the poer of the Zoriash sign and I pledge my allegiance to the symbol of strength , grant me your power! 100 flame cuts!

*She cuts the creature to pieces in the blink of an eye , after that she cleaned the blood from her blade and put her sword back in its scabbard , she then gently proceeds to speak to Shiro*

The girl : Are You Alright?

Shiro : Yes , I am , thanks to you!! I owe you my life!

The Girl : Good thing your okay , also do not worry about it , I was simply doing my job as a soldier of The capital city Luxuria , since these mountains are part of the kingdom , it is my duty to protect the people around her , many people get lost , so I often come to clear my mind here and save a person or two on the way.

Shiro : *Internal voice* : This kingdom lets young girls become soldiers , I do not know if that is messed up or really awsome!

*He then spoke to the girl*

Shiro : So , may I ask the name of the woman who saved my life just now ?

The Girl : My name is Sofia L. Rose , I am a commander of the king's Army . How about your name young man , and will you please checking me out , it is a bit uncomfortable !

Shiro : My name Is Shiro Jigoku , pardon my stares , I just like your fancy armor it is quite appealing , pleasure to meet you.

Sofia : It is quite normal for me to wear such fancy armor since I'm from a noble family , either way thank you , although now I have to ask , how did you end up here ? If you are not careful enough you could die in these part , Are you one of those merchants that get lost often around here?

Shiro : Hmm .. well no I'm Just-

*He remains quiet for a few seconds to think.*

Shiro : *Internal voice* : She wouldn't believe if I told her that I just suddenly popped out here .*

Shiro : I am just a lone traveler , also , what was that power you released earlier , it was so great and powerful.

Sofia : That was the power of my Zoriash Sign

Shiro : Zoriash Sign ? What's that??

Sofia : Heh??! Now that is weird , you do not know about the magical power that moves the world and the powers it grants? You must have lost your memories because of the shock of getting attacked , anyway I Will Explain. . .

Character Index :

¤Sofia L. Rose a blonde good looking girl , young as she is only 22 years old.¤