Chereads / The Great Queen and the Twin Dragon Sword / Chapter 9 - Queen's Request

Chapter 9 - Queen's Request

"That is one thing I wanted to discuss with you, Shaman Iore."

"Please, just call me Iore, my queen."

"Then just call me Harrah!" the queen said.

He is a bit surprised, "how dare I am my queen to..."

"Please? You must practice it now!" Harrah convinced him. Her eyes were sparkling like a cute pet.

"Then your requests my-- I mean, lady Harrah? I am ready to hear them." At least, he could say something else aside from her true title.

Harrah makes a short moment of silence then smiles. "That would do." she agreed on him calling her 'lady instead.

She really is like the previous queens of the land, the grandmothers of the last great Kings. Iore thought.

"Now, Iore..." her gaze has become serious. "I want you to pretend you haven't found it yet and that I lost my memories, then I am just an ordinary person."

Iore is confused. How could he do that!? They've waited for so long, "But my--, er, lady Harrahina." He can't agree on it yet.

"Please, Iore!" Harrah convinces him.

Staring at this girl's innocent-like kitten face, can he refuse? No, he must not yet give in right away, but he will listen to her reason more. He let her continue.

"You know, I want to explore this place without wearing my title."

He doesn't understand it yet then one of the guardians speaks out.

"We can't believe either of the queen's requests." Byakko, who speak out first.

"Yes, I long to come out from here, but we have to stay for a little while more," Genbu added.

Seiryuu, who's most bad-tempered among the five, stayed silent. Hiryuu and Suzaku are the guardians who never question their king's decision.

Iore has so many questions about the queen's request.

"It is just, I was born into a very important family and so, going outside is not easy without bodyguards around me. Anywhere I go must have security measures! I dreamed of wandering the world without people recognizing me!" Harrah spills out happily. She even danced around while saying those.

"Please, Iore!" Harrah is staring at her sweetly, begging.

"But lady Harrahina," he filled with astonishment.

"I understand the situation of this land, and that's one thing I wanted to see with my own eyes. But I want to visit the places without revealing who I really am. Please, can you trust my good intentions?"

"Not only I wanted to walk freely on this land without everyone knowing who really I am." Harrah changed into being serious. "I want to know who is loyal and not to the king and the throne." She added.

And that's enough for him to agree on. He can't refuse this kind of request as long as the true heir of the throne is here now in this world and the five guardians have awakened; nothing should fear anymore. The peace and stability of the land have finally come soon.

"That I cannot refuse my lady," he bows in agreement. I will do my best to cover you up.

"Oh, thank you, Iore!" Harrah jumps on him and tightly embraces him. Warmth surrounded him, and it was too many compliments he received.

"My lady, I was overwhelmed."


As the night grew old, a lively group of men singing a song she heard of before...

That's right. Her dad used to sing this song to her twin brothers before they'd sleep. Now she remembers.

Harrahinah takes a slow step down the cliff... barefooted, the ground is cold under them. Grateful for the cloak she's wearing, she can't feel the night breeze.

The merry song had stopped, and all the eyes fell on her... their eyes lit a light and were mesmerized by the beauty who was standing in front of them.

General Ming realized, and he turned around... he sat up and offered his seat on the rocky ground. He remembers how this young woman acted earlier, so he chooses to sit next to Iore, which makes her seated between Zen and Iore.

Iore offers her a plate full of food, "thank you," she said.

She eats slowly... felt uncomfortable from the pair of eyes staring at her, she looks up and glance at the faces and meet the eyes who never leave her. Somewhat, she feels the need have to speak.

"The song is very nice. You still half of it, does it?" Harrah said and decided to hum the next stanza.

"Hmm..... may the night brights,

as the river flows, the light

and let's unite as the stars shimmer through your eyes...

My love, let the moon shines..." she began clapping her hands.

The Knights' glance at each other... the man who's holding a wooden string continues strumming, follows the feet stomping the cold ground. A flute was echoing next and blended into the hummed... The knights sang the next line with different types of voices, creating a like orchestra choral.

Harrahina keeps up with her angelic voice until the end. The knights are cheering and clapping their hands. They were impressed by how she knew the song; they assumed it was a common song among the Royal Knights anyway, and she might be heard it sang by one.

Harrahina just gives a soft smile. She can't be told them she heard it from their previous king, Lionel, her father.

She continued eating, the food seemed unfamiliar, but it tasted good. Zen gave her a hot tea. She nodded elegantly before thanking him. Zen suddenly mesmerized, then remembered he had a fiancee. He must not be flirting around, and Leonard is glaring at him.

No one asks her any questions, she thinks, Iore already explaining to the knights that she had amnesia. The knights sing another song. She's done eating and just happily watching the knights singing.

Iore told her a while ago that these knights have been riding for 15 years since the king vanished.

Pained pinching her heart. These knights are not only the people of the Great Land, but they are also a father, a husband, a brother, and a son... Back home, their families are waiting with an empty heart, fearing if they would come home still breathing.

So she decided to ask. "Does this route head your home?"

A long moment passed before General Ming answered.

"No... first thing in the morning, we will resume riding headed to the Hemora Kingdom."

Hearing the place, Harrah's cup slipped out from her palm. Iore, Zen, and Leonard caught that surprised expression on her face before she calmed back.

"Ah, I see... I haven't been to that place, and I heard it was a beautiful kingdom," she said, clasping her palm together.

"You will ride with us. We can't just leave you here in your state now... then, we will go back to the City of Asana after visiting Hemora City." Iore stated.

Harrah meets Iore's eyes. They exchange a few gazes before she understands what he is conveying to her. She needs to act.

Her face brightened, and she replied, "Really? I can go with you?" she put an effort for her to be sounded excited.

On the contrary, she really is happy she has the freedom now to roam places without her being recognized by everyone.